Adding the Fantasy and fiction Instant App to a StoryMap

05-07-2024 01:11 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
4 0 518

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 3.05.55 PM.png

I recently created a Fantasy and Fiction Atlas for sharing maps of literature.

An Atlas is a type of an ArcGIS Instant App – and really easy to create if you already have an ArcGIS Group that contains the maps or data you want to appear in the Atlas [tutorial].

An Atlas URL might look like this:

Look at the URL and find the question mark (?).  After the question mark you will see “appid=”. The letters and numbers that follow the appid are specific to my Atlas, The Fantasy and Fiction atlas.  Each Atlas has its own appid.


Default Atlas embedded

An easy way to add my Atlas to a storymap is to add an “Embed” widget on the main stage of a storymap. To add my Atlas with no specific map pre-selected, I would just copy and paste the URL (with appid) into the Embed widget.

A sample embedded atlas.


Embed a specific Atlas map in a storymap

To get the URL, open your Atlas. Press "Open Map". Search for the map you want.  You will find a share button next to the map name. Press that button to copy the direct URL to the map displayed in the Atlas."

A sample embedded atlas map.


Embed just the map

A much more elegant approach is to put the map in the map widget. Find the map in any Atlas you want and save a copy of the map.  Share the map publicly.  Add a "Map" widget to your storymap and look in "My Content".

A sample embedded map.