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use a arcgis server service than a webmap id

09-28-2014 05:06 AM
Deactivated User

Hello All

I downloaded a ESRI ajavascript template from github... and I want to add a arcgis server web service instead of the webmap id

when I see the index.html file i see the code as : I need to skip the webmap and use my REST web service instead..

var  defaults = {

        //The ID for the map from

       webmap: "f5b13dbed07c46cdb783cf361833aa6b",  I WANT TO ADD my Service

        //Modify this to point to your sharing service URL if you are using the portal

        sharingurl: "",//for example: "",

        //The id for the web mapping application item that contains configuration info - in most

        ////When editing you need to specify a proxyurl (see below) if the service is on a different domain

        //Specify a proxy url if you will be editing, using the elevation profile or have secure services or web maps that are not shared with everyone.

        proxyurl: "",

        //cases this will be null.

        appid: "",

        //set to true to display the title

        displaytitle: true,

        //Enter a title, if

Can some one help me out in this


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5 Replies
Deactivated User

Hi Gopi,

Try the following:

var myLayer = new esri.layers.ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("", { id: "myTestService", outFields: ["*"], visible: true });


require(["esri/urlUtils"], function (urlUtils) {

     var myRule1 = urlUtils.addProxyRule({

          proxyUrl: "", // location of the proxy

          urlPrefix: "" // everything in your map that starts with this will be proxied



Hope this helps,


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Deactivated User

Alexei many Thanks..


The program is using dojo and

var defaults = {.... } is all built and finally used in the code below..

    var app = new utilities.App(defaults, supportsLocalization);

so the code you typed in above - where will that fit in that defaults variable?

entire index.html that builds using the dojo is below... Can you point out where to add that snippet




      var i18n;


        i18n = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("esriTemplate","template");

        var  defaults = {

        //The ID for the map from

       webmap: "f5b13dbed07c46cdb783cf361833aa6b",

        //Modify this to point to your sharing service URL if you are using the portal

        sharingurl: "",//for example: "",

        //The id for the web mapping application item that contains configuration info - in most

        ////When editing you need to specify a proxyurl (see below) if the service is on a different domain

        //Specify a proxy url if you will be editing, using the elevation profile or have secure services or web maps that are not shared with everyone.

        proxyurl: "",

        //cases this will be null.

        appid: "",

        //set to true to display the title

        displaytitle: true,

        //Enter a title, if no title is specified, the webmap's title is used.

        title: "",

        //Enter a description for the application. This description will appear in the left pane

        //if no description is entered the webmap description will be used.

        description: "",

        //specify an owner for the app - used by the print option. The default value will be the web map's owner

        owner: '',

        //Specify a color theme for the app. Valid options are gray,blue,purple,green and orange

        theme: 'blue',

        //Optional tools - set to false to hide the tool

        //set to false to hide the zoom slider on the map

        displayslider: true,

        displaymeasure: true,

        displaybasemaps: true,

        displayoverviewmap: true,

        displayeditor: true,

        displaylegend: true,

        displaysearch: true,

        displaylayerlist: true,

        displaybookmarks: true,

        displaydetails: true,

        displaytimeslider: true,

        displayprint: true,

        displayprintlegend: false,

        displayeditortoolbar: false,

        displaymapwidgets:false, //deprecated. After the June 2014 release set displayHome and displayLocate instead

        home: true,

        locate: true,


        //The elevation tool uses the  measurement tool to draw the lines. So if this is set

        //to true then displaymeasure needs to be true too. NOTE: THis tool is deprecated and should no

        //longer be used in the Basic Viewer. Use the new version of the template instead


        displayelevation: false,

        //This option is used when the elevation chart is displayed to control what is displayed when users mouse over or touch the chart. When true, elevation gain/loss will be shown from the first location to the location under the cursor/finger.

        showelevationdifference: false,

        displayscalebar: true,

        displayshare: true,

        //Set to true to display the left panel on startup. The left panel can contain the legend, details and editor. Set to true to

        //hide left panel on initial startup. 2

        leftPanelVisibility: true,

        //If the webmap uses Bing Maps data, you will need to provide your Bing Maps Key

        bingmapskey: commonConfig.bingMapsKey,

        //Get the default map units

        units: commonConfig.units,

        //specify a group in that contains the basemaps to display in the basemap gallery

        //example: title:'ArcGIS Online Basemaps' , owner:esri

        basemapgroup: {

          title: null,

          owner: null


        //Enter the URL's to the geometry service, print task and geocode service.

        helperServices: commonConfig.helperServices,

        //Set the label in the nls file for your browsers language

        printlayouts: [{

          layout: 'Letter ANSI A Landscape',


          format: 'PDF'

        }, {

          layout: 'Letter ANSI A Portrait',


          format: 'PDF'

        }, {

          layout: 'Letter ANSI A Landscape',


          format: 'PNG32'

        }, {

          layout: 'Letter ANSI A Portrait',


          format: 'PNG32'


        printlayout: false,

        printformat: "PNG32",

        //Specify the geocoder options. By default uses the geocoder widget with the default locators. If you specify a url value then that locator will be used.

        placefinder: {

          "url": "",



          "placeholder": "",



        //when true locations searches use the current map extent.

        searchextent: false,

        //Set link text and url parameters if you want to display clickable links in the upper right-corner

        //of the application.

        // Enter link values for the link1 and link2 and text to add links. For example


        link1: {

          url: '',

          text: ''


        link2: {

          url: '',

          text: ''


        //specify the width of the panel that holds the editor, legend, details

        leftpanewidth: 228,

        //Restrict the map's extent to the initial extent of the web map. When true users

        //will not be able to pan/zoom outside the initial extent.

        constrainmapextent: false,

        //Provide an image and url for a logo that will be displayed as a clickable image

        //in the lower right corner of the map. If nothing is specified then the esri logo will appear.

        customlogo: {

          image: '',

          link: ''


        //embed = true means the margins will be collapsed to just include the map no title or links

        embed: false


        var supportsLocalization = true;

     var app = new utilities.App(defaults, supportsLocalization);

        dojo.on(app, "ready", function(config){




0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

You can use below code to replace webmap id with your custom map service

function add() {
          var webmap = {};
        webmap.item = {
          "snippet": "custom",        
          "extent":[[-70992265.886348, -32560951.057024], [70992265.886348, 32560951.057024]]         
     webmap.itemData = {
          "operationalLayers": [{
            "url": " ",
            "visibility": true,
            "opacity": 0.75,
            "title": "custom",
            "itemId": "204d94c9b1374de9a21574c9efa31164"
            "baseMapLayers": [{
              "opacity": 1,
              "visibility": true,
              "url": ""
              "isReference": true,
              "opacity": 1,
              "visibility": true,
              "url": ""
            "title": "World_Terrain_Base"
          "version": "1.1"
       return webmap;


//Replace your webmapid with the function created above

//The ID for the map from

        webmap: add(),//"f5b13dbed07c46cdb783cf361833aa6b",

0 Kudos
Deactivated User

Hello Gopi,

You can also receive a webmap from cartoview in case you want a simple way to return your map. here is how Cartoview

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Deactivated User

the steps to create a webmapid with cartoview is listed here

Cartoview webmpID

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