Hi, I'm trying to use the print widget but it fails with the error message failed to create layer from service at http....../..../.../....etc. doesn;'t matter the page size or format, it always fails.
I'm using webAppBuilder 2.11 on our dev server and using locallayer to bring in layers from ArcGIS Server 10.6 via a published mxd.
I had the same problem when I was trying to develop a mapping service using the javascript api. printing would not work there either (It fails silently)
Assuming the print service is an out of the box solution, what else can I look at? I've looked at the setting on ArcGIS server, I've also tried logging onto our server loading up the map and printing directly from there with no luck. I've really hit a brick wall here and everything I've tried does not work.
Does anyone have any ideas on where I could try looking next? Thanks.
Plus all the layouts work
Thanks David Coley for letting us know and glad that it working for you now. (yay)
Thanks Tanu for the update.
It seems we can upgrade now to 10.8.1.
I tested my Enterprise 10.8.1 installations which did not print before. They work correctly with ArcGIS Server 10.8.1 Print Service Patch.
Great! Tanu, thanks a lot!
We will advise customers to upgrade to 10.8.1 now.
Thanks one more time for the quick release this patch!
Thanks Andres Echeverri, Igor Streltsov for confirming that it works for you. Thanks for your patience and reporting the bug to us.
Was there every any resolution for this issue. It appears the thread has veered into a different issue and version entirely at this point. Not sure if they are related or not. Changing arcgisservice to local admin, as suggested below, did not help in my case at 10.7.1.
Hi Charles Fritz,
you are right - there are multiple issues are all tangled up together.
which issue you are asking about?
The issue referenced by Carl, where a later in the web map json cannot be
read by the print service. My issue is specifically when the services are
Hi Charles,
You have to use additional print service:
Print maps that contain secured services—Documentation (10.7) | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise
Thanks Igor Streltsov for the link.
the security thing might get complicated and I might not be able to help you much due to inherent nature of security and setup etc.
I'd strongly recommend you to reach out to Esri Support and someone would be able to help you.
Thanks a lot.