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"Unsupported relationship type..." when trying to publish to existing table

05-04-2022 02:18 PM
Frequent Contributor

Hello All.

I am trying to publish a survey to a table and one existing feature layer.

I was having issues with trying to link to both a table and a feature layer but thanks to @DougBrowning I was able to address this issue by creating a repeat that points to the hosted feature layer.

Now, I am having an issue where I am unable to publish due to this error:

Screen Shot 2022-05-04 at 2.11.08 PM.png

I have read this thread:

However, when I look at the table that the survey is pointing to the parentglobalid field is there:

Screen Shot 2022-05-04 at 2.09.45 PM.png

Thanks for any help.

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9 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Looks like your relationship class is still not correct is my guess.  Can you post some screen shots of it.  Either in Pro or from the rest service.  Not sure why the message says globalid several times (table globalis?).  

Weird post us some shots and maybe the form.

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Frequent Contributor

Hi @DougBrowning 

I am not working on the relationship classes et al. that is our background programmer who is working in Pro but has not responded to me when I asked him for some screen shots.

I have access to our organization's AGOL account where he has been posting the feature layers and tables (all related I believe) to our account. Is there something out of ArcGIS Online that I can share with you while I wait for him to respond?


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MVP Esteemed Contributor

You want to check the rest service page.  Find the service then in the bottom right corner you will see a URL to the service.  That will tell you all about the service.  You may be able to also look at the service in ArcPro Catalog and get it there.  

This recent post may help also 

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Frequent Contributor

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction:

Here is the rest for the feature layer:

Screen Shot 2022-05-04 at 5.07.26 PM.png

And here is the rest of the table that I am trying to link to:

Screen Shot 2022-05-04 at 5.07.04 PM.png

Again, I have not been working on setting all of this up and am definitely not too familiar with all that is happening here, but any help as always is greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Do you see this section at all?  You left it out of your shots.



I think what will help you is make a new survey from file.  Publish that and then look at its service and compare.

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Frequent Contributor


Here is a screen shot of what you referenced above:

Screen Shot 2022-05-05 at 10.14.03 AM.png

Also, I have attached my form.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

In your form you have the main layer or form as Campsite_Condition in the settings page.


And then the repeat is just Campsite



But up above post your RC says Campsite_Campsite_Condition.  These have to match names.

Whats weird is your other post


No double campsite.  But this looks flipped.  Form_ID is the main layer so it should match Campsite (2) then the repeat is Campsite_Condition (6).  You got them backwards.  These all have to match.

Again I would do a new form from file and publish then look at this schema.  


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Frequent Contributor


Thanks for pointing all of this out. This is my first time dealing with all of this background editing.

I thought that the main survey should point to the table Campsite_Condition and the point file (repeat) should point to the actual point hosted feature layer Campsite. Am I getting this wrong?

When I create a new survey from an existing feature service it defaults to the AgencyAction layer to create the form. Is there a way to use the Campsite_Condition table instead?

Thanks again for all of your help.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Layer goes to main table goes to repeat.  See the post above I made a drawing.  Sorry gotta run.  In the end they all have to match names.

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