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Survey123 Tricks of the Trade: Editing records in a web form

05-23-2019 05:34 PM
Esri Notable Contributor
18 155 82.8K

[Updated November 30, 2021]



Today we will explore how you can edit existing records using the Survey123 web app. The idea is quite simple, we will populate the contents of a Survey123 form using an existing record from a feature layer and let users update (edit) that information. When working this way, the submit button in the survey will update an existing record, as opposed to creating a new one.

This technique for editing data in a web form be quite handy. You can use it for example to let people review and modify existing submitted data, or to simply let them finish an uncompleted form. You can also incorporate web forms into QA/QC and data validation workflows.


The Basics


Editing of existing data in a web form is possible through the use of Survey123 web app URL parameters. If you are not familiar with that, I strongly suggest you read the first.


Here is an example:

Note the two URL parameters:


  • globalId=fb364524-e523-4f5d-9174-3def4bd21086, this parameter loads the record in your feature layer with the record  with globalId fb364524-e523-4f5d-9174-3def4bd21086 into your form. Of course, you can replace the globalId with the specific value of the feature you want to load.
  • mode=edit, puts the web form in edit mode. This essentially ensures that when the user hits the submit button, the current record is updated. If the mode is not set to edit, the form will create a new record when submitted, even if the form was initialized with data from a particular record.


URL parameters are case sensitive. For example: globalId is not the same as GlobalID or globalID. If you see that your form is not loading the record you want, double check the spelling of the parameter, and also ensure the globalId you are trying to load exists.


From a practical perspective, the technique described above is useless unless you somehow present a ready-to-use link (URL) to the end user; A link that already includes the appropriate globalId to edit. Do not expect end users to modify that globalId manually in the web browser URL address!  I will next describe three scenarios to illustrate how you could apply this technique.


Launching an edit web form from a feature popup


Our first scenario allows users to navigate a map, and launch an edit web form from the popup of an existing record. The key is to customize the feature layer popup so it dynamically generates the correct URL to launch the survey. Once the popup is configured, you can use the web map within the ArcGIS Map Viewer, custom Web AppBuilder apps, Explorer for ArcGIS and any app that supports web maps.


Here is a brief step by step guide to configure your popups:


  1. Using the ArcGIS map viewer, add your survey feature layer (or hosted feature layer view) into a web map.
  2. Open the configure popup dialog for your survey feature layer.
  3. In the popup contents section, select a custom attribute display.
  4. Add the URL of your web form into the attribute display. Then add the mode and globalId parameters.
  5. Dynamically populate the globalId parameter using the globalId field from your feature layer.
  6. Use the full web form URL with its parameters to create a link.
  7. Save the popup and test it out.


Embedding an edit web form within Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS


The idea with this one is to add an embedded content element within the dashboard, and configure it to display your web form.  The URL of the web form will include the mode parameter set to edit and the globalId will be dynamically populated.  Using a filter action triggered by other element within the dashboard, such as a list, the embedded content element will refresh your web form with the relevant record to be edited.


At a high level, the steps are as follows:


  1. Set a refresh rate on a web map displaying your survey feature layer.
  2. Add your web map to a new dashboard and configure a list element to display survey records.
  3. Add an embedded content element. In the Data options, set the Type to Features and add the URL of your web form with the mode=edit  and globalId parameters. Make sure the globalId parameter is set to pull a value from the globalId column in the fields collection.
  4. Next configure a filter action on the list element and target your embedded content element.
  5. Click on a record in the list, and your web form in the embedded content element will display your record in edit mode.


For more details about this, check 


Including an edit web form link in an e-mail.


In this scenario, we will use a web hook to automatically send an e-mail to the user submitting the survey. This email will contain a link for the user to complete or make modifications at any time.  To do this you must be familiar with web hooks in general or with either Microsoft Flow or Integromat.   Like in the examples above, the trick is to be able to dynamically populate the globalId of the record you want to edit. Luckily enough, the payload of a Survey123 web hook includes information about the user submitting the data (if logged-in) as well as responses to questions in the survey. So as long as the user is logged-in or a specific question in the survey captures the contact e-mail, you can make this work.


Here are the high level steps:


  1. Create a new survey. If you plan to share your survey publicly, include an e-mail question and make it required. If  you plan to keep your survey secured, you will be able to get the e-mail from the logged in user's profile.
  2. Use Microsoft Flow or Integromat to automate e-mail notifications when your survey is submitted.  The globalId of the record submitted is included in the payload of the web hook. Simply add the globalId to the URL of your edit web form when you add the link in the body of your e-mail.


Here is some visual aid in case you are using Integromat.


Survey123 Integromat


If you are using Integromat or Zapier, the pattern is pretty much the same: use the webhook payload to retrieve the globalId of the submitted record and use if for your edit web form url.

Tags (2)
Frequent Contributor

Getting the survey to open in edit mode is not the problem I'm having. The problem is that the field value is not recognized in edit mode:

Frequent Contributor

I am sorry if I did not understand your question.  Are you saying that you passed the globalid field data and could not get the appropriate record due to the field being hidden?  I think you are saying that it does not get the correct record at all.   I think it does get something specific, but if you see the query to the first question i responded, and it has the global id field value within the query and it is able to bring up a record to be edited.  If that is not the right one then there is a bug in the program to not be able to locate the appropriate record.    Regardless whether in edit mode or not it should either bring up the correct record or nothing at all.  Otherwise this will cause harm to all.

Thank you for the followup.  

Frequent Contributor

The correct record pulls up, as does the survey. What is NOT working is that the field (status) value (Submitted) is not populating in edit mode, as shown in my screenshot above, whether field: is included or not.

I see now that because you were not using a specific global id, the survey displays as empty, which therefore is not in edit mode, and why the field value is successfully passed! Edit mode is the problem. You can see this for yourself with the following URL which includes a globalid. This is just test data, so I'm not worried about sharing!

Regular Contributor

I wanted to do this as well and was not able to get it to work. We have a check request form where I want to hide a group of controls by default on the initial request. When editing the request, I wanted to change the hidden field value to show the controls, but the hidden field is not set when passed in the URL when the form is in edit mode.

In my case, there is an enhancement coming in 3.10 that adds more URL parameter capabilities. One of them is an action parameter with the options collect, edit, view and copy. I haven't tested it yet, but my hope is that I can use the action parameter to hide the controls in 'collect' mode and then show them in 'edit' mode. Right now I'm relying on parameters on the initial collection to hide the controls, which any savvy user could figure out can be removed to display them. Luckily this form is internal to our organization only and the hidden controls are more workflow controls than sensitive information. 

Maybe you'll be able to use the action parameter in the 3.10 release to calculate your status field? You might want to join the Early Adopter program and try it out. Hope this helps.


Frequent Contributor

Hello Maaza,

thanks for your answer.

i just tried this :

but the "courriel" field stay with the value "micka" instead of "roger".

Frequent Contributor

Hi, Mickael:

You are right that the data returned ahs a different email instead of what you requested.  But I am putting the database hat and think through the query, I see inconsistency in the parameters.  If the globalid is a unique identification, there should not be a second parameter needed to pull the correct record from the list or table.  So the email variable is superficial.  What I am wondering now is that your table has duplicate globalid's?  This is a violation of the unique constraint on the field itslef, so the behavior of the query result is not going to be predictable.

Would you please check to see whether the globalid field is set as unique identifier and that it does not contain duplicates.  Y9ou should only need the unique id to query the right record to be edited.

I am sure some of the ESRI developers could shed more light on this issue than I could. 

Emerging Contributor

Hello - i am having the same issue as one  described above, "If the layer to be edited has related records, the related records will be deleted after editing it." I tried the suggestion "If publishing from an XLSForm there is a requirement that "allowUpdates=true allowAdds=True query" be placed on the bind::esri:parameters column of the begin_repeat row"

But it is still deleting all the related records and just keeping the last record in the last table. This is what I currently have in my esri:parameters column for repeat rows: query allowAdds=True allowUpdates=true

I have three repeats for three different surveys, a initial, a follow up and a final. The survey works fine using web browser or mobile, but issue is when it is being called using mode=edit and globalid from a webapp. It deletes the previous entries from the table and I am only left with one record in final table.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Sergio,

Could I ask that you turn off version locking for the form and retry?  There have been some improvements to the handling of repeats in editing on the web form and it may be that this has been addressed.

Emerging Contributor

Hi James,

Thanks for the reply.

I am using SurveyConnect 3.9. I know you can disable version locking using the web form, but is there a way using Connect? I was not sure if  we could utilize and create repeats using the webform? My work flow required having three separate surveys to be taken at different times, hence I used connect, so I am trying to find an easy for the survey takers to look up addresses and go to  the next stage, so I created a web app with a configurable URL so they can just click on the point, it prefills and opens the survey and ready to go, but using this workflow, it deletes all the previous records in the related tables. Some users will not be able to use download and use the field app. That makes this easy using the inbox.

Frequent Contributor

Hi All 

I have an integromat scenario set up to update a feature layer ,via a webform based on a privately shared view layer created from a publically shared feature layer  . I am trying to use the token parameter to enable the user access the survey without having to log in. The link works when i am logged but when i am logged out it will not allow access to the webform and i get the error message saying "this form does not exist or is inaccessible". the form is set to Add and update attributes and  it is shared with relevant groups. is this expected? am i not allow to provide users access with a token in the  URL , do they have to login?

Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Paul. Tokens expire after some time. This is by design. If a survey is secured, the end user needs to login. You can't get the token from the URL and expect it to work when you reuse it in your own link.

Frequent Contributor

Hi Ismeal thanks for  that, I was under the impression from reading the documentation that i could access a survey using the token parameter (see below) perhaps i have not understood this correctly. I had set an expiry time on the token request as well but what you're saying is that an end user must login to access a secure survey. Can you give me an example as to where the token parameter could be use then. 

Integrate with other apps—ArcGIS Survey123 | Documentation 

Frequent Contributor


I'm curious about this option also (auto-closing a tab or window when a survey is completed.)  I had a project where I was also using an embedded survey within a dashboard that worked fine for several months but just recently I am getting feedback that it's not working correctly in Chrome (says inaccessible survey.)  To clarify the setup is using Survey123 to edit existing features within a dashboard.  I noticed that the URL used in the embedded content widget worked fine in a new tab within Chrome, so I did a little research and found a way to open the survey in a popup window rather than within the embedded content widget.  I actually like this method more as the embedded content pane does not take up room on the dashboard unless it's actively being used.  However I would like for the popup window to close once the user hits "Submit" but haven't found this to be an option.  Not the end of the world as the user just needs to close to window manually but it would be nice if this were an option.

Occasional Contributor

Hi Michael,

There is a known bug with using Chrome and Edge. BUG-000133414

Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Paul.  The token parameter is useful when you dynamically create the URL, embedding a non-expired token, and you expect your link to be used before the token expires.  For example:

  • I publish a public survey for people to submit data. Data in this survey is sensitive, including personal information, so I configure it to allow only 'adds'. Queries and updates are disabled on the survey's feature layer.
  • A webhook automatically sends an email when someone submits data. This email includes a summary of the information received, and a temporary link for the recipient to fix any mistakes in the data. The URL link embeds a token, which has been dynamically generated by the webhook logic. The link opens a private survey with editing capabilities on the record submitted by the user.

The thing to remember here is that a token can expire. You can pass the token o the user, but if it expires before the user clicks on the link, it will not work. That is what I meant by "you can't get the token from the URL and expect it to work when you reuse it in your own link".

Frequent Contributor

Hi Ismael Chivite thanks for getting back to me. This is exactly what I had understood and my workflow was quite similar to what you described above , but my issue was the referer I was using. In my case i needed to specify the webform url. The response is Detailed here Using the token parameter in survey123

Its extremely useful to be able to use this in our workflow now. Thanks 

Frequent Contributor

I have two surveys built on a single hosted feature layer in AGO with webhooks setup using the Survey123 connector in Microsoft Power Automate. The workflow is for the first survey to add new records to the feature layer, which triggers a webhook and sends an email with a link to open the second survey form and the previously submitted record in edit mode. This works! The next step is to make edits to the record and resubmit as part of an internal review process. Once submitted the edit event should trigger another webhook and send an email letting the original submitter know if their original submission was approved or not approved. This fails! It seems that the edit event never triggers the second webhook (i.e., I don't show any history in Power Automate of the run). The data is successfully edited, but the original submitter never receives the follow-up email. Is there a way to have two surveys that work off the same data and trigger webhooks based on add events in one survey and update events in the other? This would be highly useful so that the entire workflow could be automated, which is what is desired.

Frequent Contributor

Hi Dave,

For your second webhook, did you go into the Survey123 website and the view the Settings > Webhooks for your survey? You need to modify the webhook's settings here so that trigger events = existing record edited. Until you do this, this webhook will not trigger properly when data is edited. 

Frequent Contributor

This architecture works with a single survey that has triggers for both submitted records and edit existing records.

Frequent Contributor

Yes, that is how it is set up! Survey1 triggers on new records only and Survey2 triggers on edit existing records.

Frequent Contributor

Perhaps since it is a second survey Survey123 doesn't view it as an "edit". I wonder if you could revert the Survey123 Setting>Webhook to trigger event=new survey and add a conditional to your Power Automate webhook to control when it is triggered. 

I have only done this workflow using a single survey for submitted and edited records.

Frequent Contributor

This part is a bit frustrating because we have no idea how the software interprets these things since it all happens on the backend and somewhat out of reach. That said, having two surveys is key to a submit and review process since we wouldn't want the original submitters to have the ability to self-approve their submission requests.

That was my thoughts as well, but from a logic standpoint it seems like opening the form in edit mode using an existing globalID should be all that is needed for the webform to realize that it is an edit, since that is the way it works using the single survey method.

That was my thoughts as well, but from a logic standpoint it seems like opening the form in edit mode using an existing globalID should be all that is needed for the webform to realize that it is an edit, since that is the way it works using the single survey method.

That was my thoughts as well, but from a logic standpoint it seems like opening the form in edit mode using an existing globalID should be all that is needed for the webform to realize that it is an edit, since that is the way it works using the single survey method.

That was my thoughts as well, but from a logic standpoint it seems like opening the form in edit mode using an existing globalID should be all that is needed for the webform to realize that it is an edit, since that is the way it works using the single survey method.

Frequent Contributor

Hi Erica,

I have just gotten word back on this issue from the amazing people at Esri technical support and they have confirmed that this is a software defect. I will post the BUG# once it has been logged, but it appears that it does correctly identify the submission as an update, but for whatever reason it does not trigger the webhook. Currently testing this to see if it occurs in other automation platforms, or if it is just isolated to Power Automate. The funny thing is that this exact workflow was suggested to me by Ismael Chivite. So, Ismael if you are listening I hope you can influence the development team to fix this as soon as possible, and definitely no hard feelings that it doesn't work : )  Thanks for your help with this Erica!

Frequent Contributor

That is interesting to know. Even though I don't have a workflow like this now, it is good to be aware of. Thanks for sharing that!

Frequent Contributor

Thank you, Dave, for following up with this issue.  I gave up using Microsoft Flow with webhooks using survey123 triggers primarily because of its lack of predictability (it works now and then it doesn't, loses the connection etc.) and now I learn that it did not work at all for the updates or edits that are made in survey123. It seems to me it was a product presented primarily by ESRI (I think Ismael shared it first) before it was ready and working correctly.  

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Jennifer, did you ever got this resolved? I am having the same issue and is unclear if there is a solution. Thanks

Frequent Contributor

I was just alerted that the bug has now been logged as #BUG-000134259 regarding this issue. Also, it seems this bug only affects Microsoft Power Automate and not Integromat. Unfortunately, my employer requires that we use a government account only offered by Microsoft, so that doesn't exactly give me a workaround. Still, hopefully, this helps others looking to implement something similar. I hope this gets fixed soon!

Esri Notable Contributor

Hi dave ostrander‌  Erica Tefft‌  I am a bit puzzled with this. The Automate module should handle addData and editData events without problem. This is not an Integromat-only feature.

I just did a quite test to validate the everything works as expected and it worked OK for me.

I am just guessing that the confusion here comes from the fact that you cannot activate or deactivate the triggers from the module within Automate (as you would in Integromat). I recorded a video of my test so you can see step by step how to make this work.  We have some work, by the way, in progress to bring some advanced settings into Automate to help you control the triggers (similarly to how it is done in Integromat).  If everything goes according to plan these changes should be ready with version 3.11 later this month.  In any event, functionally, you should now be able to trigger the webhook in Automate when the record is edited. Hopefully this video helps:

Another aspect to keep in mind is the version of your survey. Please make sure you have published your survey with Survey123 3.10, as older versions of survey did not have support for editing. Ah! And also use the globalId (and not the objectId) when doing the edit. 

Will check with Esri Technical Support on BUG-000134259  in case I am missing something obvious here.

Frequent Contributor

Thanks Ismael! It seems to work with a single survey, but in my experience, it fails when adding records to one survey and then editing records in a second survey.

Frequent Contributor

To verify, I am at version 3.10 and use the globalID in the web parameter to edit specific records.

Frequent Contributor

Wonderful post Ismael!

I'm trying to use a field that host unique values and bring in the Survey with the following URL: i.e. 

Unfortunately I get the error below, so just checking if it is not supported or whether I need to do something different:

Editing is not possible because the globalId parameter was not provided

FYI, we are trying use and external application to retrieve records previously created and identified with a FireDepartmentId (the application does not have access to the globalId) to fill in the remaining information though the web form.



Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Javier. Without the globalid, it is not possible to load a record in edit mode. The reason why you get that error is because you are not passing the globalid parameter. There is no workaround for this. You can't specify the record to edit by simply passing the FireDepartmentId. You need to pass the gloabalId.

Frequent Contributor

Thanks Ismael.

We’ll see if we can come out with a workaround then.

Much appreciated.


Emerging Contributor

Hi Ismael

I want to create a new feature based on the geometry and attributes definition of an existing polygon feature.  In the blog I was interpreting the statement below to mean if I did not set any mode (Edit or view) then I would see the attributes and geometry of the feature in S123 to create a new feature, but I don't

  • mode=edit, puts the web form in edit mode. This essentially ensures that when the user hits the submit button, the current record is updated. If the mode is not set to edit, the form will create a new record when submitted, even if the form was initialized with data from a particular record.

Do you mean I need to pass through all the geometry and attributes as part of S123 custom  url scheme or is there a simpler way - i was hoping for a mode=create but no luck!



Regular Contributor

Hi, Great and helpful post... I am trying to create a new survey record from an existing survey (copy over all the field values but allow users to edit and update the values into the new record). This seems like it should be possible based on this: 
"mode=edit, puts the web form in edit mode. This essentially ensures that when the user hits the submit button, the current record is updated. If the mode is not set to edit, the form will create a new record when submitted, even if the form was initialized with data from a particular record." @IsmaelChivite 

However when I try to open a survey with the global id but no mode parameter supplied (like so):

I get an error: 
Error: Initializing form... 

Cannot read property '0' of null

Am I misunderstanding this or is there some other way to accomplish this? 


Thanks in advance!

Emerging Contributor



 I am in some kind of trouble. I made a survey with cnnect, but whn i add answers to it it does not populate.


My survey has 2 pages. First one is the location. It fully uopdte this page with all the data. The second page, where i collect a few things about political situation it shows empty.


I read this post, and what i found out is the survey shows up ith id rather than globalId. I did reinstall the connector with this version:


What i am doing wrongly?





Frequent Contributor

Hi all.

I have some trouble when the users are editing images question. When they click over the images, the interface gets a freeze, and the window can't scroll down or up...


So they must update and lose the changes they made.

@JamesTedrick @IsmaelChivite  did you know about this error?

Occasional Contributor

I have used URL parameters to update survey forms before for an Arc Online Survey, but I am having issues doing the same thing with a survey published and updating on an Enterprise Portal. Here is what I am doing for the URL parameter:{GlobalID} 

I am being told that the survey does not exist or is not accessible. Thanks for any help!

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @KyleMcElroy it looks like the second question mark in your URL (prior to the mode parameter) could be causing the issue. Try replacing this with an ampersand:{GlobalID} 

The question mark is used once at the end of the survey link to signify the start of the URL query string; all subsequent parameters should be separated by an ampersand.

Hope this helps. Best, Jim

Occasional Contributor

@Jim-Moore  Thank you so much for this comment. That did help fix the issue of getting the survey to pop up and removed that message. Now I think I am having issues because I have a related table in my survey updating to Enterprise and I don't think this feature works with related tables. The survey pops up using the globalId but most of the form fields are not prefilled. 

Thanks again though! I was really beating my head against the wall last night.

Esri Regular Contributor

@KyleMcElroy which version of Enterprise are you using? There are some limitations with editing in the web app when using versions earlier than 10.8.1, namely around attachments and nested repeats. Please see Edit existing survey data for more info. Best, Jim

Honored Contributor

The instructions for adding the edit link to a pop-up seem to reflect Map Viewer Classic, and also seem a little unclear/redundant. Perhaps they can be updated for clarity? All you need to do now is Configure Popups > Add Content > Text and paste the link to your survey (as a hyperlink) following the format given in the operations dashboard section.

Occasional Contributor


I've tried implementing the URL scheme to edit existing surveys with repeats and worked just fine. However, one of my fields within the repeat can only pull one value (last repeat). This field uses the search() appearance and is pulling values from another feature service. All my repeats display the same value for Project ID in the form edit mode, but from the data view, it contains correct values - I checked this by pulling each values from the repeat and displaying them in another field. 




When a new record was added, the same behavior happens. The field gets populated with the value from the last repeat.



Emerging Contributor

@IsmaelChivite @JamesTedrick 

Hello, I was wondering if updating a S123 record in Web App Builder is also a good workflow ? Or it might create unknown error of some kind ?

Re-submitting from the S123 website or a link is making some of the calculation (photo coordinates lat/long) disappear whereas updating  the 2 relevant field in Web App Builder seems to be working just fine.

I basically just need the checker and approver to add their name later on.


Thank you!

MVP Regular Contributor

This is an awesome functionality! Is there any possibility of this being implemented so that we can open existing records via a custom URL in a pop-up for the field app? And if so, could it work while offline?

Occasional Explorer

This would be a great functionality for field workers to update information while in the field and offline. Is this going to be supported in FieldMaps and Survey123 integrated field app? I know you can use the inbox to edit existing surveys, but my workflow starts in Field Maps where the field crew selects a maintenance point on the map, and I want them to update the survey that is related to that point once maintenance work has been completed. Is it possible to open an existing survey in Survey123 from Field Maps with a similar URL scheme and offline? I can get to the inbox, but then they have to select the survey to edit. There are hundreds of surveys to select from, so this is not ideal. I saw here you can apply a filter to filter the surveys, but the {} seem to be an issue: Open existing feature from FieldMaps to Survey123 . Any suggestions? Thank you.

Frequent Contributor

@IsmaelChivite @JamesTedrick is it possible to recalculate a single field for all submitted surveys at the same time? Rather than having to paste each global id one at a time?

Occasional Contributor

You could do that using the calculate fields operation, @AJ_devaccount

Frequent Contributor

@RViruet @IsmaelChivite @JamesTedrick Unfortunately my calculations uses the object id, and that can only be calculated post submission. Calculate field won't enable bulk post submission calculations it seems. 

Occasional Contributor

@AJ_devaccountMy apoligies, I wasn't specific.

I meant using the calculate fields operation on the FeatureLayer. Since you want to calculate for all current records, you could do something like:
