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Upcoming changes to Survey123 web form's query parameters

02-19-2020 09:53 AM
Esri Notable Contributor
14 20 11.7K

[Updated March 28, 2020]

[Updated April 3, 2020]

What is changing?


Survey123 version 3.4 introduced the ability in the Survey123 web app (aka web form) to update and view existing GIS features using the mode URL query parameter. Essentially, this query parameter allows you to pass the objectId of an existing GIS feature to preload data into a web form to view or update its contents. More details about use cases and syntax can be found at:

We will be introducing changes to the mode query parameter in version 3.9, replacing the use of objectId with globalId as the means to set the GIS feature record to be updated or viewed. For example:

* [Update March 28,2020] To facilitate migration to the globalId parameter, we will be extending support for the objectId parameter until 3.10.

3.8 and earlier versionsSupportedNot supported
3.9SupportedSupportedUse this version to migrate!
3.10 and beyondNot supportedSupported

Why are we making this change?


The use of globalId to set the GIS feature to be updated is less susceptible to manipulation by end users.


How will this change affect me?


This change can potentially break existing workflows where static or dynamic links are used to update/view existing features using a web form. For example:

  • If you have embedded a web form within a dashboard to edit the selected record from a list element, this change in Survey123 query parameters can break your existing Survey123-Dashboard integration.
  • If you have a custom web map pop-up with a link to a survey web form in edit mode, this change may break your workflow.
  • If you have shared static HTML links in websites, e-mails or by other means, the links may stop loading the data to be updated.

Any survey published prior to 3.9 will continue to work normally and without modification to the query parameter, unless version locking is disabled or the survey is republished with 3.9 or a newer version.  


What should I do about this?


Now that 3.9 is released, it is time to act:

  1. Start now documenting web applications or workflows where you make use of the mode=edit or mode=view URL parameter.
  2. Re-publish your surveys affected and switch your URL calls from using the objectId parameter, to using the globalId parameter.

3.8 and earlier versionsSupportedNot supported
3.9SupportedSupportedUse this version to migrate!
3.10 and beyondNot supportedSupported
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