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International Human Solidarity Day Release (1.10)

12-19-2016 05:38 PM
Esri Notable Contributor
5 41 8,950

We are pleased to share with you our 11th update in 2016, and the last one for this year. In this occasion we dedicate the release to the International Human Solidarity Day, which is celebrated on December 20th.

As usual, to take advantage of all features and fixes coming with an update:

Share survey results

The Data and Analyze tabs in the Survey123 web site are a great way to visualize the results of your surveys: reports, maps and charts are built on the fly as data is submitted to your surveys.  Up until now, however, only the owner  of the survey could access these reports, making it difficult for stakeholders to keep track of progress.  Starting at version 1.10, the Collaborate tab has been expanded, so you can define which groups within your ArcGIS Organization will have access to your survey results through the Data and Analyze tabs. As you can see in the animation below, you can now choose which groups will be able to submit data to your surveys, and also which groups will have access to the results.


If you do not see the analyze option within the Collaborate tab as shown in the image above, refresh your browser cache.

Any user you grant access to your survey results will be able to log into the Survey123 web site and have read-only access to the survey results. The Survey123 web site also includes now a handy option to define which surveys will be shown in the gallery: the ones you own or those for which you were granted access to the results.

The new sharing model for surveys is supported by hosted feature layer views, which were recently introduced in ArcGIS Online version 4.4. Starting with 1.10, Hosted feature layer views are created automatically when you publish and share surveys. One view is created for field users, and a separate one for people with access to the Data and Analyze tabs.   Each of these views is configured with different permission levels: field users are granted read-write access to the survey’s feature service, and stakeholders are simply given read-only access to it. You do not need to worry about managing manually the hosted feature layer views that Survey123 creates, but we thought we would tell you about this technical detail just in case you dig into the survey’s folder in

Sharing survey results with one or more  ArcGIS groups is only available to ArcGIS Online users at  this moment. If you are working on top of Portal for ArcGIS, you will need to wait until 10.6 is released.

Social logins


Particularly when working with volunteers in crowdsourcing and citizen science projects, it is challenging for field users to remember specific ArcGIS usernames and passwords. With this release we are introducing support for social logins, so field users can use their Gmail (Google+) and Facebook accounts to log into the Survey123 app.

To take advantage of this the administrator of your ArcGIS Online organization must first enable social logins. At that point, you can invite users to join your ArcGIS Online organization using their Facebook and Gmail credentials and use Survey123 for ArcGIS to capture data. 

With social login support, the field-user experience for working with private surveys is simplified greatly, while keeping your survey data secure,  and  all editor tracking capabilities working.   Alternatively, if your survey does not need to be kept private and understanding who is submitting what and when is not relevant, you can choose to make your survey public so no login is necessary to submit data. We introduced Public Surveys in version 1.9.

Create survey from feature service

Many of you want to create surveys that work on top of existing feature services. This is  handy for example, when you want to combine Survey123 and Collector for ArcGIS, or when you want to create multiple surveys on top of a single feature service.

With the 1.10 release, you can now easily generate a survey from an existing hosted feature service. This new feature in Survey123 Connect replaces previous workflows where you had to  manually create your XLSForms to  match your feature services and set the submission_url parameter.

By selecting the ‘Feature Service’ option when creating a new survey, and selecting one you already have, Survey123 Connect will create an entirely compatible XLSForm for you:

  • Every field in your feature service will be matched with a question in the XLSForm.
  • Geodatabase domains will be automatically added to the choices worksheet.
  • Related tables and layers in your feature service will be modeled as XLSForm repeats.
  • The submission_url and form_id values in the XLSform Settings worksheet will be set to point to the selected feature service.


The XLSForm created by Survey123 Connect for ArcGIS is a great starting point, but you will often want to adjust it by applying appearances and relevant statements, creating groups to logically organize questions, adding calculations, configuring offline basemaps and may be even deleting unnecessary questions.

 When you publish surveys from an existing feature service you have  be aware of the following limitations:

  1. You will not be able to work with geodatabase related tables:
    • If the name of the related table has spaces in its name. This is a known limitation that we will also address in the  future.
    • If the name of a field in a related table is repeated in the parent layer
  2. Geodatabase domains containing spaces in their name will create invalid choice lists in the XLSForm.  You will get warnings when validating your survey.
  3. It is technically possible to work with non-federated ArcGIS Server  services if you follow the step by step instructions as described in this Knowledge Base Article. The most common use-case for non-federated services is when you want to use your own ArcGIS Server in combination with surveys published in ArcGIS Online.

You can find more information in the help in the Create survey from feature service topic in our documentation.

Geosearch in the Survey123 web app

Surveys authored from the Survey123 web site can currently be opened from the Survey123 field app (iOS, Android, Windows...)  as well as from a web browser. If  submitting data from a web browser, geopoint questions will now provide the end-user with an option to center the map at a particular placename or address. You can as usual center  the map at your current location, but including  geosearch brings more  flexibility, particularly as we see more  and more  people leveraging smart forms from Survey123 for ArcGIS from web browsers  in desktop computers.

The geosearch functionality is tied to the default locator set in your ArcGIS Online organization.

Geosearch functionality is not yet included in the Survey123 field app.


Other enhancements to the Survey123 web site

Aside from all the enhancements made to sharing survey results described above, most of the work in the Survey123 web site went into preparing its localization to all the different  languages supported by ArcGIS.  You will see benefits from that work soon, but in this release we also want to highlight a few other things:

  • A new question type to model website (url) questions has been added to the survey editor in
  • While authoring your survey you will also notice that you can flag some questions so responses added by users are cached in your browser. This will speed-up survey submissions in cases where information needs to be repeated again and again.
  • Overall font and color changes have been applied to better conform to 508 accessibility guidelines.
  • The survey gallery now provides an option to show surveys you own versus surveys for which you have been granted analyze access.

Other enhancements in Survey123 Connect for ArcGIS

Publishing Options: If you have used Survey123 for ArcGIS for quite some time you may remember that we used to show some Publishing Options in Connect. That was around early 2015.... We have brought some of these publishing options  back. Generally you will not need to worry about them, but  they are available again.

The first option lets you disable the creation of geodatabase

domains for your select_one questions. This one can be handy when you have very long choice lists with hundreds or thousands of elements. These long choice lists are known to have caused problems  when publishing surveys to Portal for ArcGIS. 

The second publishing option lets  you control how relationships are modeled in the geodatabase.  To ensure compatibility with Collector for ArcGIS, relationships are built by default using a GlobalID field in the parent layer. If you are using Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1 and versions of the Survey123 field app prior to 1.10 you will want to disable this option to adjust things to the way they used to work in the past.

New version reminder: Starting with 1.10, Survey123 Connect for ArcGIS will check for newer versions of the software automatically.  You will get a friendly reminder next time it is time to update Survey123 Connect.

XLSForm Settings: The settings worksheet in XLSForms has a handful of very useful properties. Some of them such as submission_url and Form_ID relate to working with existing feature services. Others like instance_name, form_title, version and default_language are just as useful as often unknown. The Settings—Survey123 for ArcGIS | ArcGIS help topic has been enhanced to describe all of them crisply.

Next Generation Web Forms (Technology Preview)

As you may already know, surveys authored in Survey123 Connect can only be opened from the Survey123 field app. In the other hand, surveys authored from the Survey123 web site can be opened both in the Survey123 field app as well as from a web browser. Our long term goal is to enable the use of all surveys, regardless of where they were authored, from both the web as well as the Survey123 field app.

In its 1.10 release, you can launch surveys authored in Connect in a web browser. This is just a sneak peak of our next generation web form technology, which will bring support for many more question types, layouts, calculations and smart form features. To access this functionality, you will need to first publish your survey from Connect, and then launch the survey in a web browser using the menu on the side as shown in next image.

We did not want to keep this cool feature  hidden from you for longer, so you can start playing with it, but keep in mind that  as of now it is simply a preview of  technology to  come.

Other fixes and enhancements

  • BUG-000099726: The Survey123 for ArcGIS mobile app displays unreadable text on iPhone devices running iOS 10.0.2. Thanks to all of you that helped with this one! Daniel Rodman, John Plunkett, Austin Orr, Phillip Waldron etc
  • BUG-000097419: Existing Server Feature Service do not populate with survey responses when added as the submission URL in Survey123 for ArcGIS app.
  • BUG-000099135:    In Survey123 for ArcGIS, selecting 'Continue this survey' before selecting 'Close this survey and lose changes' or 'Save this survey in Drafts' saves a version of the survey in the Outbox.
  • GeoNet reported issues regarding required questions:

For more information on what has been added in this update, see What’s New in Survey123.

We will slow down activity during the end of year holiday season so we do not anticipate an update in January 2017 unless something really, really critical comes  up. Our next refresh will most likely come in late February 2017.


Occasional Contributor

Great update to finish the year off, thanks for all the hard work, the app surely has come a long way this year, well done to the entire team!

Regular Contributor


I just tried publishing a new survey based off an existing feature service published to ArcGIS Online. The feature service is a simple one, consisting of a point feature class and a related table. The point feature class has a field for NAME and a globalID field added.

The related table is meant for inspections. It has a field for OUTFALLNAME, and a couple of other fields, as well as a GUID Field.

The goal is to use Survey123 along with collector to collect inspection reports in the related table. I want the user to select a point in collector, click a custom URL to launch the survey123 app, and collect the inspection report data with the survey. I want the OUTFALLNAME to populate in the related table based on the NAME field in the feature class, and I want the inspection to relate to the original point that was clicked in collector.

I believe this workflow is possible, but I cannot even get this sample survey to publish. I receive this error: The custom feature service submission url is not compatible with this survey. (Parent relationship Outfall not found for table OutfallInspection)

Not sure what the issue is. The relationship is based on the GlobalID in the parent feature class (with a GUID field in the related table) and I followed the exceptions noted in this post: 

"As of 1.10, when you publish surveys from an existing feature service you have  be aware of the following limitations:

  1. We only support working on top of hosted feature services (ArcGIS Online or  Portal for ArcGIS).  We did our best to add support for Federated Services in this release but we fell short of time. We plan on adding Federated Service  support in early 2017.
  2. You will not be able to work with geodatabase related tables:
    • If the name of the related table has spaces in its name. This is a known limitation that we will also address in the  future.
    • If the name of a field in a related table is repeated in the parent layer
  3. Geodatabase domains containing spaces in their name will create invalid choice lists in the XLSForm.  For  now, you will need to manually rename the choice lists in your XLSForm choices and survey worksheets to eliminate the spaces. Again, we will handle this in upcoming releases.
  4. Survey123 Connect will only let you choose private feature services. Creating surveys on top of existing public feature services is not supported at the moment.
  5. It is technically possible to work with non-federated ArcGIS Server  services if you follow the step by step instructions as described in this Knowledge Base Article. The most common use-case for non-federated services is when you want to use your own ArcGIS Server in combination with surveys published in ArcGIS Online."

Any ideas what my problem is and how I might achieve the desired workflow?



by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I just want to clarify:  Those with access to forms created with Connect can submit data via the URL generated by the "Open in Survey 123 Web App" button, but we cannot yet share surveys created via Connect publicly, such that anybody can submit data on the web via this URL.  Is this correct?

Esri Notable Contributor

Hi bradle934745_grd‌: You can actually share them publicly. Do as follows:

1) Publish your survey from Connect

2) Go into the survey123 web site and look for the survey you just published.

3) Open the Collaborate tab for it and share with Everyone

4) Back in Connect, use the side toolbar  to open the survey on the web (it will no longer prompt you for credentials)

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I have tried this, but it keeps reverting back to private with the public box unticked. I even tried to see if I could change it from the feature service sharing settings in arcgis online/my content, but the public option is only available there if I unhide the div.  Even if I do that and attempt to save, it reverts to private

Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Phil. I was able to get this working.  I sent a private email to you so we can go through the process.

Occasional Contributor

Hi Bradley Wells‌,

I can manage to submit a record as an anonymous user in the new web app by following Ismael Chivite‌'s instructions.

If you're still having the problem on even a simple survey created by Survey123 Connect, please ensure the following settings in your org are enabled:

If any of the above is not satisfied, you'll not be able to share any item to public/see the "Everyone (Public)" option in the sharing dialog of ArcGIS Online.

Deactivated User

Hi, excelent !! great work!!! i ve a issue with Survey123 Connect it doesnt allow me to dowload forms or any other data type.

I think is a security problem in my company

Can you provide me with the IP wich survey Survey123 Connect transfer this information. ??

Just for proxies evaluations,.

Best Regards 

Andres Dao.

Frequent Contributor

I upgraded to S123 1.10 and I can no longer submit surveys on Windows or iOS version.  I reverted back to 1.8 on windows and am able to submit.  

I am able to log into portal, download surveys and fill them out.  When I try to submit on 1.10 it stalls at "Getting service information"

Anyone else experiencing this??  My survey123 logs do not tell me much.

Emerging Contributor

I have the same issue with Survey123 for Android (Portal & Server & DataStore version 10.4.1, Survey123 latest version 1.10.43).

New Contributor

Social login problems:

I have enabled social logins as an Administrator of my ArcGIS Online account.

I have tried to login to Survey123 using both options for social logins (Facebook and Gmail). Both accounts have not previously connected to ArcGIS public or organizational accounts.

I run through the Survey123 mobile app screens of agreeing with permissions, then when it seems I should be logged in, I am taken to a screen that says: "Denied:  Public Account user cannot access this application."

Thanks for any assistance.

Survey123 Social logins denied.

Regular Contributor

I am also experiencing the same issue on iPad and Android devices. Any chance of getting a fix out soon or a rollback to a previous version in the App Stores? We have surveys deployed for field inspections and we are currently unable to upload any completed forms. 

Emerging Contributor


Great work! Congratulation!

is it possible to define a dynamic title for the survey? I tried but it just doesn't work.

In the case of household surveys, information is collected for the household and for each person living in the household.

 It will be great if we can define a static title for example "Household Survey" and a dynamic part, for example the name and the age of the interviewed person i.e.


                                                  concat('Household Survey:', ' ', ${name}, ' ', ${age})

Thank you and happy new year.

Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Nejib E.‌   I think the closest you can get is to use the Instance Name Setting as described in this blog post:  

Esri Notable Contributor

Hi GeoporterCR‌    Now that your ArcGIS organizations has social logins enabled, you will need to invite users through their social logins into your Organization. Once the social login is associated with a named user account in your ArcGIS Organization, you will be able to log into the Survey123 field app.

New Contributor

Thanks Ismael for clarifying that I had to invite the users through ArcGIS online first before they could sign in with their Social Logins. I added them first, and then saw success in having the Social Logins work.

Emerging Contributor

Hi Ismael. The idea is, while collecting data, the user will be able to check from the title which individual member he is surveying.


This is helpful for surveys containing long repeat fields where the person collection data can get lost easily. The title, being always displayed on the screen, is a great choice to indicate which individual is currently surveyed.


If I am not mistaken, the Instance Name doesn’t resolve this problem.

Frequent Contributor

Also experiencing this issue when submitting on iOS but only when submitting from my enterprise account. I have a person account and if i submit a survey through that account i am not stalling at "getting service information"

Has any esri rep commented on this anywhere?

Regular Contributor

Hi we are experiencing the same issue as well. With the new version of survey 123 on Android and IOS it hangs on "Getting Service Information". With the older version it works fine. This is a major issue for us as we have many users who can no longer submit surveys. Needs to be fixed ASAP

If anyone has a solution or workaround for this then please post it!

Esri Notable Contributor

Tucker Longinotti‌  Ivan MehedovBrittney GibbonsBenjamin MittlerCallum Smith

Thanks for reporting this issue. The Survey123 1.10 update of the field app cannot submit data to Portal for ArcGIS if the survey has no repeats. This problem does not affect surveys published to ArcGIS Online. This issue has been logged as BUG-000101764 in Esri Tech Support. We are working to identify the problem and fix as soon and possible.

If absolutely necessary, and only for Android, Windows and Mac platforms you can obtain the 1.9 release of the Survey123 by opening a ticket (Request a Case) through Esri Technical Support. A fix will be made available in the next few days.

Esri Notable Contributor

Quick update on status. Version 1.10.25 of Survey123 is now available for download from the app stores. It incluldes a fix to BUG-00010174. More details at    Thanks to all for your patience and apologies for the inconvenience.

TLongSUGF‌  imehedovesri-cis-ru-esridist‌  brittneygibbons‌  bem08c‌  cbseagle-co-nz-esridist

Frequent Contributor

I would suggest that it is because you don't have permission to share to "Everyone (Public)" as this is a mistake I have made today myself (I also have access to the Admin account so I was able to sort it out very quickly)

Deactivated User

Hello, I just updated the Survey123 app to the latest version (1.10.25) and when submitting the survey it is stuck on "Getting Service Information." This is on an iOs device with Os version 9.3.1 (13E328). 

The survey worked fine before upgrading to this latest survey123 version. Do I need to upgrade the iOs version?

Thanks heaps for any help,


Deactivated User

Hi Ismael,

I am having the same issues as Phil (getting the submission url error stating the parent relationship cannot be found).  I have set up a very simple test data set using global id and FKID (guid) as the relate.  Would you be able to assist?



Esri Notable Contributor


  please open an Esri Tech Support incident so we can look at your specific scenario more closely. Thanks,


Deactivated User

Hello! i have troubles sharing the information of the survey

No data show on the shared analyze and when you download the data, no information is showed either when you are downloading the layer of state holder.


Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Andres,

Can you describe in more detail - on the survey overview page, how many records are reported in the survey?  Do you see ay survey points in the data page's map?

Deactivated User

Yes , they see the overview data with no problems at all but in the part of

analyze or data they don't see anything. (They equals to people who I

shared the survey)

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Do you, as the survey author, see the information?  It sounds as if something isn't quite right in the sharing process.

Deactivated User

Yes I do . And they don't, this starts with the appearance of the layer

fliedworker and stareholder.

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Andres, can you take a look at the views either in the map viewer or at their REST endpoints?  Are the fields with the questions present?  If not, you may need to make them visible by updating the definition of these layers - see Manage hosted feature layers—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS  for more information

Deactivated User

Now i have 2 surveys with data errors and i as administrator cannot see the

information in the survey, just see the geopoint of each data input.

Do you are ruining upgrades to the platform ?

Is my data compromised ?

It is any news channel ? when your are doing maintenance ?

All my surveys are done online this might inflicts in something??


2017-03-31 17:44 GMT-04:00 James Tedrick <>:

GeoNet <>

International Human Solidarity Day Release (1.10)

new comment by James Tedrick


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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Andres,

When were these surveys created?  There was a period of about a week and a half after the update of ArcGIS Online that a change in the default behavior led to the symptoms you described- essentially, the fields (other than the point) were turned 'off' when initially published.

Deactivated User

The survey was created in 1 feb. 2017

This is data that is showed.

2017-04-03 14:30 GMT-04:00 James Tedrick <>:

GeoNet <>

International Human Solidarity Day Release (1.10)

new comment by James Tedrick


- View all comments on this blog post


Deactivated User

You should have a monthly news channel,

Btw i think this is one if the best customer support i had to work with.

I know with this platform is hard to supervise all the mistake or bugs but

a monthly news with possible mistakes or beware of would be an advantage.

In my humble opinion.

2017-04-03 14:35 GMT-04:00 Andrés Dao <>:

The survey was created in 1 feb. 2017

This is data that is showed.

2017-04-03 14:30 GMT-04:00 James Tedrick <>:

>> GeoNet <>

>> International Human Solidarity Day Release (1.10)


>> new comment by James Tedrick

>> <>

>> - View all comments on this blog post

>> <>


Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Andres,

I am looking at my surveys published in the same time period as yours- I had thought they were not affected by the ArcGIS Online change, but apparently they were.  My apologies, I would swear I reviewed this specifically when we were fixing the issue.

As I mentioned, the issue was a change that turned 'off' fields in the collection endpoint.  These need to be turned on in order for all the data to be received.  Enable anonymous submittal - 03/2017 workaround - YouTube  shows how to do this (the layer is the one with '_fieldworker' in it's name).  The the data needs to resubmitted.

Deactivated User

No worries, we are here to work for a better tool always ! but please tell

me that the info charged in the survey is safe keeping and i can download

it in a nearly future.

And the youtube video help me to show the surveys for the collaborating


But in the fieldworker and in the stake holders the questions are showed

but there is no info to show only geopoint.

2017-04-03 15:34 GMT-04:00 James Tedrick <>:

GeoNet <>

International Human Solidarity Day Release (1.10)

new comment by James Tedrick


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Regular Contributor

Can't share my survey with anyone. Collaborate tab gives me an error. I created two surveys from the same hosted feature service using submition url. The surveys work and I'm able to use them as the owner of both the Survey forms and hosted feature layer. I'm not able to share the surveys with anyone in my organization. The Surevey123 website does not load the Collaborate tab.

Error loading collaborate tab on survey with submition url

Occasional Contributor

The original post stated that a detailed post on the use of the submission url would be forthcoming shortly.  I have not been able to find it on Geonet.  Was it ever published?  Also, the link to the help documents about the submission url are not working.  Could you point me to the right location?



Deactivated User

Hi Keith,

The documentation page on submission URLs was replaced with a page covering the same workflow in more general means, as submission URLs are no longer the only (or necessarily the most appropriate, depending on your needs) way to make a survey linking to a preexisting feature service. Use Survey123 with existing feature services—Survey123 for ArcGIS | ArcGIS 

Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the info Mitchell. I’ve read through this page and was hoping there was a bit more detail available somewhere else.