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Offline Story Maps

02-27-2017 12:40 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

The ability to create an offline story map, in a similar fashion to creating a Map package or Arc reader project would be a useful functionality for sharing Story Maps as an output product between Portals hosted on different servers. This would mean products could be shared where direct connectivity between Portals is not possible for various reasons. 


like in similar online presentation tools (for example prezi) , i would suggest to add the function to download the story map as an .exe file so it can used offline without a software!


Beyond this idea, a briefing book template would be very welcome within the emergency management community. During Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria this year, there were many responders who could have used the ability to cache the latest incident information when they were out attempting to save lives and prevent suffering.


This could build on the existing free ArcReader technology?

We are reaching roadblocks on many projects when it comes to sharing private ESRI content externally, with clients and partners who do not have ESRI technology. Anything that alleviates this issue would be welcome


We have requirements to use story maps in Airplanes during the VIP visits. 


I am getting several questions from researchers who would like to take their StoryMaps offline so that they can share their work with communities around the world where internet connection is not reliable or not as accessible. As mentioned above, could someone have the option to export the StoryMap into some type of file that would enable offline exploration. Perhaps the file is stored on a laptop, or accessible through a phone or tablet. 

I would think there would be limitations in the zoom functionality of any maps (defined by StoryMap creator)

As for embedded websites or videos, perhaps there are workflow considerations to enable either a screen shot of a website or videos would need to be included in ArcGIS Online.

Is this a consideration for StoryMaps or still not even on the radar for development?


Amy Work Mansur Russayev Christoph König Ed Harrell Mike Hayward and others,

The StoryMaps team is looking into taking stories offline as a research topic, but as mentioned above there are many constraints and limitations with packing a dynamic, connected information product like a story created with ArcGIS StoryMaps.

One way to create a disconnected version of a story today is to export the story to a PDF using the existing Print feature found in the story header menu.

For those of you who are requesting an interactive version of a story in an offline state, we'd like to hear more about your needs and expectations for offline stories so we can direct our research efforts.

  • What other web content systems that you use provide an offline experience? Prezi was mentioned above. How does Prezi package external interactive embedded content?
  • Is a screenshot of dynamic media (like a video or embedded mapping app) sufficient for the offline version? If so, that is already available in a print/PDF version. What other needs are there that are not met by the print/PDF version of a story?

My work with GIS technology often demands work in austere environments whether for emergency management or military operations. A PDF does some of the job but not like a dynamic map. Some of my work is with Collector/Survey123 that are available offline in a quasi-dynamic manner. That same capability to cache parts of a map would allow an incident staff to take a device in the field and work. Having that dynamic map would allow them to concentrate on the items of concern in their map and the features it shows. 

by Anonymous User

I work with a Land Conservation Trust and want to take story map content into the field as part of an Field Interpretive Guide. We have would have some video, audio and image content as well as narrative content explaining the area (based mobile device's tracked gps location). Explorer solves part of the problem, but not the guiding experience. Look forward to learning more about your roadmap and plans for StoryMaps. 


When I have exported StoryMaps to PDF in the past, the dynamic elements usually appear as a blank white box which makes it difficult to use a PDF even for demonstration purposes.

Similar to how Googlemaps downloads for offline (and Collector), could the mapping element be greatly simplified? Exporters could choose an area and zoom-level and a map with set zoom-levels built in (to reduce the data) is embedded into the Offline StoryMap?

I am assuming that most datasets would package down to a small size that could be embedded within a PDF or similar exported format, as for ArcReader, Collector and Map Packages.

Really, what we would like to be able to do, is share our content with those who do not have ESRI technology, without having to go fully public. This would showcase the StoryMap technology to people beyond ESRI's customers, and might be beneficial for ESRI. Perhaps an option for those with free ESRI accounts to view StoryMaps privately shared with them, but not to create etc. Autodesk have a similar functionality inside BIM 360 where content can be shared with groups of people who have the link, or specific email addresses.


Our County operates an historic living history site that would like to offer visitors with mobility issues a StoryMap that will include a history of each of the buildings onsite, including image galleries, video tours of the various buildings, and a map that shows visitors the original location of each of the buildings that have been moved on-site. 

The museum team have already built 2 StoryMaps and they look terrific.  Unfortunately, the internet access at the museum site is spotty and unable to run the StoryMap throughout. 

They would like the ability to download a StoryMap onto tablets that they could lend to visitors.  Alternately, allowing visitors to download the StoryMap onto their own devices using the public WiFi at the entrance before entering the site would also be an option.