Learn what's coming in ArcGIS QuickCapture September 2022 (version 1.15)

06-14-2022 04:31 PM
Esri Notable Contributor
1 0 693


We regularly conduct virtual sessions for ArcGIS QuickCapture early adopters to learn what's coming in upcoming releases.  These sessions are hosted by the Esri Holistic Testing Lab and are open to Esri Staff, Esri International Distributors, Esri Partners and, of course, ArcGIS users.

Our next session will be July 5th from 9:00AM - 12:00PM (US Pacific Time Zone).  We will give a few demos of the new features coming up and give you a chance to test the Beta software yourself. Our biggest aim with these sessions is to collect your feedback, so we are in the best shape possible for release. You can register for this virtual event through this form.

The highlights for this session include resolution to the following ArcGIS Ideas:

We will also present progress with the following:

  • Support for on-screen digitizing: Collect GIS features by simply drawing on the map. You can combine this mode with location-based data capture.
  • Enhanced support for online content referenced in mobile map packages: Say you configure your project with an offline basemap but you still want to show some overlay data on top referencing a live feature layer. Is that possible? Yes it is and you will learn how to do that.
  • ArcGIS Indoors support (we will at the very least present our plans to support Indoors before end of 2022)

If you are interested in joining us complete this registration form.