Launching QuickCapture from Survey123

04-15-2020 04:05 PM
Esri Notable Contributor
5 7 3,282

In this post I will describe, step by step, how to launch ArcGIS QuickCapture from the Survey123 field application.  The animation below illustrates the basic concept where a user launches the Survey123 field app, and then through a link launches QuickCapture.   The link sets the target project to be opened in the QuickCapture app and optionally a value to be passed to the project user input.



There are two basic aspects to all of this: 1) Understanding the syntax for launching QuickCapture from a link and 2) Understanding how to dynamically create a link within a Survey123 survey. The good news, is that both of these things are very easy to do!


How to launch QuickCapture from a link


ArcGIS QuickCapture, like many other apps in your mobile device, can be launched from a link. The syntax for your link is straight-forward. The following shows the basics for opening a new project and passing a value to the project user input:


arcgis-quickcapture://?itemId=<your project item id>&userInput:<your user input>=<the value you want to pass>


To construct the URL as shown above, you can follow these steps:


  • Login into QuickCapture designer and open your project in edit mode.
  • Now, get the itemId of your QuickCapture project from the browser address. In the screenshot below the itemId is highlighted in red.  Make sure you do not include the / slashes at the end and beginning.





With that, you will have your complete link to get things going. Take the link and test it from your mobile device. In fact, if simply want to do a quick test from your computer, you can trigger your link from your Windows web browser as long as you have the QuickCapture app for windows installed. Sorry if you are running a Mac.


To learn more about all the things you can do with QuickCapture links, have a look at: Integrate with other apps—QuickCapture | Documentation 



How to include a link within a survey


Now we are going to include your link within a Survey123 form, and also describe how you can manipulate the link dynamically, to include information from your responses in your survey. This section, by the way, assumes you already know how to work with Survey123 Connect and XLSForm.


  • Go into Survey123 Connect and open your survey. In the XLSForm, start by adding a calculate type of question and construct your HTML lin. Then, display that link in a note label. For example:


calculatelink concat("<a href='arcgis-quickcapture://?itemId=","1cf9606a97d0451e83a600ccb5691ef3","&userInput:001=Santa Ana River Trail'>QuickCapture link</a>"
note  ${link} 


  • Give it a go to try things out.  You can even try from your computer if ArcGIS QuickCapture is installed locally.
  • Next, we are going to dynamically change the value passed in the user input by using an XLSForm variable replacement.


type name label

textprojectProject # 
calculatelink concat("<a href='arcgis-quickcapture://?itemId=","1cf9606a97d0451e83a600ccb5691ef3","&userInput:001=",${project},"'>QuickCapture link</a>"
note ${link} 


There is not much to this. You are now good to go!

New Contributor II

The other way around, launching Survey123 from Quick Capture,  is really easy to implement, made me happy. Great post.

Occasional Contributor

@IsmaelChivite Thank you for the post, it's really helpful. 

If we can embed the QuickCapture into the Survey123 form like the map, then will be perfect! Because now we have a project, that users need to:

1. Click link from web mapping application to open Survey123 form with data passed in;

2. Click link from Survey123 form to open QuickCapture that has only one button with data passed in and start tracking;

3. Switch back to Survey123 form and fill data;

4. Switch to QuickCapture and stop tracking;

5. Switch back to Survey123 form and submit.

So the end users complain a lot especially when they use their own mobile phone and need to keep some other apps like email/Google/ open, sometime it is easy to get lost.

But if we can embed the QuickCapture which has only one button into the Survey123 form and don't need to switch back and forth, then will be great!

New Contributor III

Hi @IsmaelChivite and @JohnathanHasthorpe, the above workflow doesn't seem to work in an offline environment. And I was wondering whether this is a bug or by design?

In offline mode - it only opens the QuickCapture app (I can't get it to open the relevant project nor pass project users inputs). It works fine - when I'm connected to the internet.

I've tested this workflow on an iPad and an Android device - using the latest Survey123 and QuickCapture versions.

Any help is greatly appreciated 🙂

Esri Regular Contributor

@GFernando - I can repro this issue and am looking into it. This is not expected behaviour.

New Contributor III

Thanks @JohnathanHasthorpe for looking into it.

If it's okay, would be awesome to see a fix soon 🙂

Esri Regular Contributor

@GFernando - The issue is fixed in 1.12 - available in the stores.

New Contributor III


How is this data stored? Is it possible to collect the results of the Quick Capture inside the exportable features from the survey?

Ideally I would want to integrate all the results into survey123 in order to link with our businesses online excel using Power Automate...