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Symbology Not Changing as Feature Service Data Update with Survey

08-31-2021 09:39 AM
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Frequent Contributor


I believe I am trying to accomplish something pretty simple. I created a survey from a hosted feature service. I would like the symbology to change/update depending on the data submitted in the survey. Specifically, the field Survey_Dept (Alias: Select Surveyor Department), which has set options via a domain. In AGOL I have symbolized the field. 

Testing the data entry and symbology, the colors are not changing when the department is selected: see screenshot. Address 5213 Habersham has the field filled out without a change in symbology - even though there is a 1 count next to Housing. 

I renamed the last Other - being Null values as "NOT SURVEYED". Even when I designate a department in the field, the symbology doesn't change. 





Do I really need to create a view, or should this work? 

I appreciate all of y'all's time and advice.



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4 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

@JessicaJThompson Just as a quick troubleshoot. Have you tried setting this up in Map Viewer Classic to see if the behaviour is the same?

..Maps with no limits..
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Frequent Contributor

Have you tried making a List (domain) of the varies types? 

It's been a while, I think I previously created a feature layer (to be edited by survey123) and a view layer with the colors set on it.

When I first set up the view layer, I had at least one of each type to get the symbology collect.  Then I went back and set the base feature layer to null

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Yes, the list of departments in the field is via a domain, which is how I got the symbology (see first photo). However, this is just the symbology for the feature layer, and not a view. 

I will also try the classic view, as suggested by @David_Brooks and see where that gets me. 

Thank you!

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MVP Regular Contributor

@JessicaJThompson , I deploy field maps web maps all the time with domain based symbology that updates on the fly, so I'm not sure why you're experiencing this behaviour. 

You could also troubleshoot bringing the feature service back into ArcGIS pro and seeing if the symbology updates upon editing in there. 

Could you also make a public copy of it, so that we can have a look ourselves?

..Maps with no limits..
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