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Problem displaying filter in Map Viewer

08-11-2021 06:22 AM
New Contributor

When opening a map in the new map viewer that was created in map viewer classic, I get the following error when attempting to access the filter. The layer is an AGOL feature service.

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5 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Can you share the map and I can take a look at the expression? This is expected in some cases but I can double check what is causing the message to be shown.

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New Contributor

Sure, see attached.

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Esri Notable Contributor

thanks! if you can share the map and layer to a group I can take a closer look. Just need to invite russell_jsapi into it.

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New Contributor

Hi David,

Do you have any other settings such as view distance active on the layer?

This sometimes happens to me for two reasons. The Filter fields for the feature class are not visible, or the view distance has been changed in such a way that the layer never shows up. 

This is just a shot in the dark, but I hope it helps.


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New Contributor III

I am running into the same issue with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1.  Did this ever get resolved?

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