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Where is the ArcGIS Power BI icon/button

04-12-2022 10:37 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hello everyone,


I am running Power BI Desktop 2020, and I am looking for the button "ArcGIS For PowerBI" under Visualizations.


Where can I find it?




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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

@JoseSanchez - Hey there Jose! 

I would recommend updating your Power BI Desktop version to the latest: Version: 2.103.881.0 64-bit (March 2022).  This can be done through the Microsoft Store or work with your IT group if they are the ones who push out updates. It is recommended to have the latest Power BI Desktop version installed as there are software changes that occur in each version. 

Once that has been updated, you should see our visual in the pane: 


Let me know if that works! 

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