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Power BI create dashboard

04-12-2022 10:25 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hello everyone,

I want to create a PowerBI dashboard  to work with attribute fields for feature claases in shape file or geodatabase format.

Do I need the ArcGIS for Power Bi tool to see a feature class from ArcGIS?

Where can I download or install ArcGIS for Power Bi?





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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

@JoseSanchez - Hi there! Currently, the ArcGIS for Power BI visual supports EsriJSON and can be added to the Location field well. There are a number of other formats that can be added to the map as well. 

Reference: Add data to the map—ArcGIS for Power BI | Documentation

As for downloading and installing our visual, all you will need is the latest version of Power BI Desktop. Once that is installed, our visual will appear in the Visualizations pane. You can also access or create a report in Power BI Online ( 



Once you have added the visual, you can sign into ArcGIS Online and view reference layers from your account. 

Reference: Add a reference layer—ArcGIS for Power BI | Documentation

Let me know if this helps!

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