My name is Diego Llamas,and I have a question.
Is it possible to work with rest end point in power bi?
I am clic get data in fields, then select data from web and I add this url https://mapas.policia.pr.gov/server/rest/services/Hosted/CuartelesEstatales/FeatureServer but if i use it like this, I got an error saying “access to the resource is forbidden”
So I add to the service a token: https://mapas.policia.pr.gov/server/rest/services/Hosted/CuartelesEstatales/FeatureServer?f=json&tok...Token
And I am able to access the service adding the token and this table is open
And when I apply that table I got his table, these are functions and not the field from the attribute table.
i cannot do anything with this information. Is it possible to get data from a rest service? if yes, do i need to add always a token? can i bypass this token because recreate the map because the token expired is going to be a pain. am i doing something wrong?
Diego Llamas
Hi @DiegoLlamasOlivares -
I have been successful following this method for unsecure services: https://resource.esriuk.com/blog/how-to-use-arcgis-with-power-bi/
And this method for secured services:
The second option so far has been limited to Power BI desktop instead of a data flow - so I am really interested if you find out a better way to do this.