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Symbology Type for Categorical Data

12-29-2022 11:35 AM
by MVP Regular Contributor
MVP Regular Contributor

First time using ESRI in PBI so still pretty new to this. I was trying to change the symbology of my data by following this blog. As you can see the symbology type options are much more than what I have available. 

What can I do have the the "type and size" symbology type available?

Purpose: To show categorical values using a color palette.

From the blog:


From PBI RS:



I was able find a way to select a color ramp by placing the data field in color. However, data is classified by count which I don't want as my data is categorical from 1-10. I want to give all the points with value 1 a very light color and so on ending 7-10 with reddish colors.


Desired output (screenshot from ArcPro):




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1 Reply
Emerging Contributor

You could create a new column already containing the categories you wish to use on your map

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