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Getting live data from ArcGIS Online to Power Bi

05-14-2024 01:58 AM
Occasional Contributor


I have looked at videos and read some blogs but still confused about how to get data from ArcGIS Online to Power Bi.

I can - add an excel spreadsheet with x/y coordinates (in WGS1984) and drag the x/y into the Latitude and Longitude fields and get them to display on a map in power bi.   I can also sign in to my organisation account and add in reference layers into the map if I already have something mapped (eg from excel spreadsheet). 

However I don't know how to create that 'first' layer using Get Data to use a ArcGIS Online layer (as opposed to a static excel spreadsheet).

I have tried Get Data > Web and entered the URL (copying the URL of the feature service in ArcGIS Online). 

Then I get the following:






I am not sure what to do next. Is copying the URL from ArcGIS Online enough information?





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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor

I've been trying to use this website and it's getting me places, but trying to figure out the token error.  

Occasional Contributor

Thanks heaps Eddy, 

We have a power bi query going which attached the correct feature service and appears to correctly pass though the authentication token which is great. 

We used this guide to format the query, however we had to modify the url slightly in the example from  /FeatureServer/0/query? to /FeatureServer/0?query? to get this to work.


The next step in the instructions is to drill down into the features list, however we don’t see the ‘features’ object as per the screenshot below.  We see most of the other fields, but ‘features’ is missing.




The features list object unlocks the attributes object which ultimately unlocks the fields from the dataset.  Clicking the other list objects (like ‘fields’ in the example) returns just metadata columns, not the data columns.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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by MVP Regular Contributor
MVP Regular Contributor

Basically, there are 2 options:

1. share your service with everyone.

2. use a "proxy service" with stored credentials if you want to avoid the token. please follow this solution:

Limit access to public ArcGIS Online layers - Information Lookup | ArcGIS Solutions

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