I am trying to import some title blocks that my company uses for autocad. Is there anyway possible to import these title blocks into arcmap?
any help would be greatly appreciated!
If the title blocks are in AutoCAD model space then they are part of an AutoCAD drawing and they can be added the same as any other CAD drawing in ArcMap. If however this information is in an AutoCAD drawing as Paper space entities (Layout), then you will not see them. Work around for paper space would be to move the title block to model space. Granted, there is good reason to have title blocks in paper space when working in AutoCAD.
Thank you for you quick reply. They are in model space, but when I export them into a shape file and bring them into arc-map. They are then part of the data, and go somewhere into space because they have no reference. I just want them to be part of the map layout.
Blocks in Model Space are unique in that they have a single insertion point. I have seen ArcMap having issues with those before. As you stated, it automatically puts the blocks in the incorrect spatial position. Check 0,0,0, sometimes they hang out over there.
Try using the "Explode" command on the Title Block. Once exploded, depending on how the attributes were defined, it should come through as text in ArcMap.
In that case I would suggest using the .DWG not shapefiles. Just wondering, why are you using shapefiles instead of the native .DWG support in ArcMap?