Signature field in ArcGIS Field Maps (similar to Survey 123)

03-08-2021 12:40 PM
Status: Under Consideration
Labels (2)
Regular Contributor

Hello all,

I would find it very useful to have a signature field in ArcGIS field maps with the same functionality we see in Survey 123 - storing the drawn signature as an image attachment. Perhaps there is an efficient work around for this implementation? If not, I think it would be a useful enhancement for Field Maps.



Status changed to: Under Consideration

@Henry_PeleshBW  I agree, this would be very beneficial to field workers who deal with public or business affiliated projects where signatures are mandatory for review or documentation of the data or surveys, like Survey123, being performed or taken. I know field worker already supports pictures in the data tabs and collection aspects of the app, I would very much like to see this function as well if it is supportable on the platform.

Best regards,

Jansen Lyons


I agree, we have a use case where an inspector needs to collect a signature from a business when the inspection has been completed.  There are other requirements that make Field Maps a great choice for this application.  This signature acknowledges that the inspection was performed and any violations and related corrective actions found during the inspection were communicated.  Then the signature needs to be included on a inspection report.  We are looking for potential workarounds and will share if we find a solution.



I've got a workaround. Make sure you turn on the attachments option and turn on 'Keep track of who created and last updated features' to make sure a GlobalID is added to your featureclass. 

Create a survey123 form, based on your featureclass. In the form you will see (first tab) a 'Image' type in column A. In column F you can change the appearance to 'signature'. I also turned 'required' on in column G.

After you published your survey123 form, go to your webmap and go to the pop-up settings. Over here you create a hyperlink to your survey123 form. It should look something like this:{GlobalID}

Change the red text with your featureclass id. 

And make sure you add https:// in your url, otherwise it won't work. I learned that the hard way 🙂 


After the user creates a new point, the pop-up including the link will automatically appear.. 


This would be useful



Would your work around still work in offline use or would the user also need to have Survey123 download to their device? 

Or is there a way to just add a draw box in Field Maps for the user to "draw" in their signature and save it as an image/attachment?


Thank you! Jessica


Hi @JessicaWay1 

I haven't tried it but it might not work. When you click on the link in field maps, it will first open your browser and than redirect you to the Survey123. If you are not online, the browser probably can't not open link and therefor won't be able to redirect to Survey123.

You could give it a try and see if it works or not.

The Signature field in FieldMaps is still under consideration.


We are using field maps for backflow testing.  The signature is critical.  


The signature is critical for us too! @ShavaunCallahan 

If we can have them physically sign with the app then we have to look at workarounds linking to a sicured signature service. 




This feature is critical for us as well, workarounds linking to other apps make the workflow out in the field much more complicated - it would be ideal to have signatures built into the Field Maps app the same way they are for Survey123.