Nearme in ExperienceBuilder

06-10-2022 11:14 AM
New Contributor III

I am trying to convert my web app builder application to experience builder app. But I cannot find the near me tool which is available in web app builder in experience builder? Is there any method to add near me functionality into Experreince Builder?

8 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

According to Q&A Sharing Public Information with ArcGIS Experience Builder (

Q: Is there a plan to add the Near Me widget to Experience Builder? It’s one of the most frequent widgets I use in Web AppBuilder.

A: It is not planned as the capability exists in the Nearby template from ArcGIS Instant Apps.

Think Location
0 Kudos
New Contributor III

Thank you, Sir, I tried the instant app. It's adding another extra map with the widget. I have a map already and is there a way I can add the widget to the existing map, and not have another map in the application.

Thank you for your time. 

0 Kudos
New Contributor III

I have requested that the "Near Me" widget be added to Experience Builder as well but it has not been added to the migration roadmap as far as I know. This is kind of a big one to be missing in the migration from Web App Builder to Experience Builder.  

Occasional Contributor III
New Contributor II

same requirement here, has this been pushed as idea?

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MVP Honored Contributor
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Esri Contributor

As of now, the Near Me widget has been added to Experience Builder in ArcGIS Online but not Enterprise.

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New Contributor II

Is there a plan to add it to Enterprise, and if so, when?

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