Hide time in Table widget

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02-16-2022 09:47 AM
Occasional Contributor III

I'm using the Table widget in Experience Builder (the online version, not developer edition). My date fields are displaying the time, and I'm wondering if there is a way to hide that? Time is irrelevant for this dataset - they just need to track the date.


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22 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

I think the latter, @RobertAnderson3. I changed jobs since my last post, so I can't check to be sure, but I think it was just easier in the Edit widget because it split out the time and date.

New Contributor II

Any updates on that? I'm trying to migrate from WAB to Experience Builder... 

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Occasional Contributor III

I just checked the site that I had the issue on - the table is still displaying times and I don't see a button to suppress that or honor the SmartForms settings. As far as I know, this enhancement has not been implemented.

MVP Regular Contributor

Amy, did you make an official enhancement request or another post as @TonghuiMing suggested? I am running into the same issue; my end user wasn't able to save changes in a date field without entering a time as well, even though all other places the referenced dataset appears has the time toggled off. Not a big deal as they can just enter a time, but I'd prefer to just not see it at all, same as you.

Occasional Contributor III

I did make an enhancement request, but I made the mistake of putting two requests in one Idea: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-experience-builder-ideas/tablet-widget-add-quot-update-quot-but.... I really ought to split them into two different ideas, per Esri's instructions.

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New Contributor II

It appears this issue has not been resolved.

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Occasional Contributor III

Hi @ShengdiZhang I see the same behavior with the Timeline widget. 


Time setting not honored via Map Viewer. Is there another way to disable the Times and show dates only?



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Esri Regular Contributor

@BrittanyBurson - The timeline does not have anything to do with popup settings, it is specifically related to temporal settings inside your Map Viewer - two different things.

However, the behavior you mentioned is somehow valid and we will take a look to evaluate if there is any room for enhancement. In the meantime, I suggest you go with Esri Support or create another separate post for the sake of tracking. Thanks.

New Contributor III

OK...  Here we are almost two years after this discussion started and ESRI has not resolved what seems to be a simple issue.  The simple solutions are to either honor the map layers settings or have a checkbox/slider disabling the time from showing.  Not only is it affecting the tables, but also the edit function.  So frustrating sometimes.


Occasional Contributor III

Hi @JulioGarrido, I agree. I have many layers with date fields that only need the date in the table and the time cannot be removed. Esri released new ArcGIS Online date types for Date, Time only, etc. but it is so new (AND requires you to create totally new fields) that I would rather have a solution in Experience Builder and Instant Apps to honor map layer settings.

Sidenote, you may be able to bypass the editor issue by configuring the Smart Forms in Map Viewer for date only. However, that only works for editing and does not resolve the Table issue.