I have an Experience Builder application (in AGO) with a query widget. The first part of the query widget works as expected, it returns correct results. But then I am trying to setup some Activities for on the query widget, and I cannot get the activities to work as expected.
Attached is an image that shows an example of the results that I get when preforming a query. So I get 4 results they are getting selected on the map and map zooms to them - that tells me that the 'Records Created' configuration works. But next, I would like to click on the individual results in my Result List and have map zoom and/or pan to that location. That part doesn't seem to work, and I cannot figure out if there is something that I am doing wrong, or if there is a bug here. Perhaps that issue is happening because I have clustering enabled?
One other thing I would like to be able to change is the yellow highlight color of features on the map, but I cannot find a way to do it.
Appreciate any help and suggestions.