Functionality Matrix for Web AppBuilder and Experience Builder

11-03-2021 12:54 PM

Functionality Matrix for Web AppBuilder and Experience Builder

Get a glance of widget migration status in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. For detailed information about which widgets are being migrated and when they will be made available in ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise, and the developer edition, check out this newly added Web AppBuilder and Experience Builder functionality matrix topic on Web AppBuilder documentation site. Hopefully information provided helps you make decisions about your migration strategy. This article will be updated at each release. Please come back and check it out periodically.

A glance of widget migration status in ArcGIS Online (The last update is on March 1, 2024):


A glance of widgets migration status in versions of ArcGIS Enterprise (The last update is on June 5, 2024):



Frequent Contributor

@Jianxia I have been exploring ExB like the rest, and it appears like we have a long way to go. Keeps me up. Other thing that is very concerning with ExB app is there is no way to open attribute table of a layer by going to the layers' ellipsis - the three dots next to a layer like in WAB. In WAB you can go to the layers' ellipsis and 'View in Attribute Table'. The attribute table offers Options, Filter  to do all sorts of querying. This is especially critical/important as it gives an opportunity for an array of query options on all the layers present on the map app to the clients (end users). They are not limited to pre-configured queries only like in ExB.
With ExB the developer of the applications make assumptions on what different queries the clients need and accordingly have a pre-configured, limited query options available on the map app for the clients to perform. There has to be much more than that, Please. The query needs to be open like in WAB where the clients can perform ( have the option) whatever query they want to on any layer they want to that is available on the map app.
Please make a way for the clients to be able to pick and choose what they want to query from any layers attribute tables like in WAB. Please make the query option open on the map apps so the clients can look up query, export table or filter any layers to print a map.

Thank you,

MVP Regular Contributor

@Jianxia please could you advise if the Basemap Gallery widget will be available in Enterprise 11.2?

Frequent Contributor

@Jianxia In addition to many of the other tools mentioned in the comments, we need the draw tool to have the ability for the user to add and style custom text. User-defined queries are also a necessity.

Regular Contributor

@HeatherWidlund @Jianxia Yes, having user defined queries and the ability to add text via the drawing widget would be fantastic additions!

New Contributor

@Jianxia  Thanks for the update,

since the deprecation of WAB has been announced I am looking to use more the WEB. However, even if the widget are not all yet transferred, I have another concern that does not appear in the matrix: The Custom Widget

In WAB, on ArcGIS Online, we are able to upload custom widget. It means that for some client we can propose the flexibility of custom development. However for Experience Builder on ArcGIS Online this is not possible yet. Is this planned at some point?

Thanks in advance

Occasional Explorer

Current edit tool in ExB is very limited compared to AWAB. Example we are using the AWAB editor to draw freehand polygon, merge and reshape features. Are these features in the ExB roadmap? 


Occasional Contributor

Hi @Jianxia  and the Community users,

We are initiating the migration process from WAB to ExB. we found the limitation on the "Search"widget in ExB version from ArcGIS enterpise 11.0. (we are also using ExB developer version -1.12)

we can geographically restrict the search results pertaining to a specific Country with the use of  ArcGIS Geocoding service. This option is not available in the "Search" widget in ExB.

If it's planned for future releases ? or any alternative solution is available?

Kindly post the updates. Thanks in advance.


Occasional Contributor

@PGebhardt_Stone_Env - Hi,
Have you found the "overview" widget in the ExB? or any other alternative? If you find any kindly reply . Thanks in advance.

@SveinungBertnesRåheim - Hi,
Have you found the editing tools like reshape, merge, cut and clip in ExB or any alternative? If you find any kindly reply . Thanks in advance.

Frequent Contributor

Like to see the enhancement for query widget. 1. Like to see it could draw buffer around the query result base on the buffer distance set up in the spatial filter.2. like to do the spatial filter base on the query result with a different  layer

Esri Regular Contributor

@GISFunctionalGroup, the Country code option in the Search widget in WAB is not yet available in Experience Builder. The workaround is to create a locator view with a specified country or region in ArcGIS Online, then use the locator view in the Search widget.

For the Overview map, you may use another Map widget to sync up the map extent with the main map. However, it does not have the extent shadow like the Overview map widget in WAB. This is a backlog issue.

As for the geomety operations like reshape, cut, union, etc, it is a backlog issue as well.

Esri Regular Contributor

@David_Brooks , yes, the Basemap Gallery widget will be available in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2.

Frequent Contributor

@Jianxia to be able to filter layers from the map interface is critical in making a map layout. Without this capability it will be difficult to transition to Experience Builder.
Example: If you have two adjacent polygons on the map in WAB, but you only want to print one of the two polygons you can use the layer's filter capability by going to the three ellipses (...) next to the layer on the map page. The query does not need to be pre-configured by the developer. It is open to the clients where they can perform a variety of different queries that meet their print layout needs (show hide features across all layers).
From the layer list in WAB you can filter across all the attributes and all the layers for your final print. Additionally, you can also filter a variety of different information from the layer list for all sorts of map making, querying and exporting.
Please, please ensure that you enable query from the map interface for the clients (end users) to perform their own query in order to hide show features before printing a map. Basic GIS functionality.

Thank you,

Frequent Explorer

@Jianxia Hello, we really need to be able to point the filter widget to multiple data sources.  This is an easy configure in dashboards but currently in ExB we can only point to one data source. This is really limiting the functionality and interactivity for us. Based on the functionality matrix it looks like the filter widget conversion is complete but are there plans to add in this capability? 

Frequent Contributor

Is the status of grid overlay being looked at? This functionality is critical and seen as core for national security customers of ArcGIS Enterprise.

Grid Overlay widget—ArcGIS Web AppBuilder | Documentation

Emerging Contributor

Have you ever wanted to generate a list of all of the Web App Builder Applications and the Widgets within them for your organization? If so, I would like to share this Jupyter Notebook that prompts the user for an ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise Organization, lists all of the Web App Builder Applications, and the widgets within them in a csv file. You can then cross reference the list with the Functionality Matrix for Web AppBuilder and Experience Builder and prioritize your Web App Builder Migration to Experience Builder. Feel free to use the code. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

ArcGIS Online WAB Widget Audit 

Frequent Contributor

@JoeGuziThis seems like it is something we can use. Thank you for the tool.

I tried to use it, but I didn't see any place to put ArcGIS Enterprise information for it to do its magic. If you could put a detailed information on how to run the tool that would really help. Where to put in our ArcGIS Enterprise URL and credentials, etc.

Thank you,

Emerging Contributor


So when running each block of code in the Jupyter Notebook, place your cursor in the code block and hit SHIFT + Enter... When you run the Connect to ArcGIS Online Block it will prompt you for the URL of the Org and a username and password. It will also work for AGE ( i just tested it).2023_10_25_08_46_00_ArcGIS_Online_WAB_Widget_Audit_Jupyter_Notebook.jpg

Hopefully that points you in the right direction. If not feel free to email me at, we can set up a screenshare and I can walk you through it. I can also send you a how to use jupyter notebook document that I put together for my students. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you for everything and have a delightful day.


Joe Guzi

Frequent Contributor

@JoeGuzi  great stuff, Joe! Thank you for coming on a screen share session to help me out. I appreciate you.


Emerging Contributor

@AbiDhakal No worries at all. I'm here to help. I appreciate you too.


Joe Guzi

Frequent Contributor

Posting this in case it helps anyone with @JoeGuzi 's python notebook. If you use single sign on in Enterprise you just need to specify the Organization. 

# Connection
gis = GIS(Organization)
print("Logged in as " + + " to " +
print("Connected to AGO")

Emerging Contributor

@BrianLeroux  That's Awesome! Thank you so much. I didn't know how to do that. Thank you for everything and have a delightful day.

Regular Contributor

Are stream services supported by EB? I noticed the Stream widget is not planned...

Occasional Contributor

@Jianxia - are there differences in how a Web App Builder app is embedded into a webpage compared to Instant Apps or Experience Builder? Also, why doesn't the new Map Viewer in ArcGIS Online have the ability to embed the map like Map Viewer Classic? My agency embeds many maps throughout our website but we're having issues with layers created in Pro (and certain basemaps) that are embedded into iframe code that was set up in the Classic Viewer. Should we be embedding Instant Apps or Experience Builder apps instead of Web Maps to move forward with the technology?

Occasional Contributor

EB simply doesn't do much of the core functionality that WAB offered. Removing the ability to add text via the Draw (now Sketch) widget hasn't been implemented and based on the esri responses on the site, it doesn't seem like a priority. 

More concerning is the total lack of user-defined query/filter functionality. Everything must be force-fed to the user. Are there plans to allow either the Filter or Query widget to support user-defined queries against both the field and the value? Because if not, then EB may not be worth the investment. 

New Contributor

The 'Layer List' widget in WAB allows you to select which map layers you want to display in the list (among other configurations).  Is this possible in EXB with the 'Map Layers' widget?  This is the closest thing I can find which is similar but there looks to be much less possible with the configuration. (I am currently using version 10.9.1 of EXB).

Would greatly appreciate any help.


Occasional Contributor

I will add a 'vote' (more of a desperate plea) to PLEASE enhance the functionality of the edit widget in EB to at least the same standard as that currently available in WAB. We have an organisation of over 100 dispersed users who currently do all of their data editing in WAB, and our operations will be rendered unusable if WAB is retired before EB has these capabilities. Functions in WAB which are absolutely essential for our workflows are copy-paste (currently in smart editor in WAB), cut, union/merge, reshape, select and add/subtract from selection, undo/redo, the ability to edit related tables, and an editor that respects the requirements of smart forms. Other widgets which also do not meet even the same functionality (or exist at all) in EB which are critical include batch attribute and group filter. We will not be able to migrate to EB until these capabilities are available in EB.

And to show that my organisation is not alone with these requirements, here's a few links to some relevant community posts all pleading for the same things:


Frequent Contributor

@JessicaGough Absolutely agree with you assessment of the current state of ExB. The planning around the migration between JS3x / WAB and JS4x / ExB leaves a lot to be desired. We had to build our own custom widgets to support related records which esri doesn't consider to be core functionality. Additionally esri seems to not have learned from the issues presented in WAB and have doubled down on building an unmanageable product stack (i.e. Item IDs and data source IDs). Frustrating to say the least.

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I replaced (and deleted) a dated WAB app with an instant app. The users asked for the draw tool like another one of our WAB apps has. Of course the only app builder with the draw tool (incomplete) at this point is ExB, which I'm staying away from. So I created a new, basic WAB app and the users love it. Didn't even consider ExB. Long Live WAB.

Frequent Contributor

In Web App Builder's infographics widget, I can create a bar chart to illustrate land use around a transit station, which may include 7+ unique land use categories or fields. Thanks to Web App Builders default display range option, this is possible. I attempted to recreate the same bar chart widget in Experience Builder, however, I am unable to and received the following message:

"Too many features. Bar charts with with three or more series are limited to 1,000 bars, or 100 bars per series. Choose a category field with fewer unique values or apply a filter to your data."

Experience Builder should implement the default display range feature available in Web App Builder, which includes options such as "automatic" or "all." Choosing "automatic" will display a horizontal scroll bar just above the bar chart, so that a user can select the number of stations to view in the chart. 

Web App Builders default display range options allow you to view a large number of data series by manipulating a horizontal scroll bar.Web App Builders default display range options allow you to view a large number of data series by manipulating a horizontal scroll bar.

A bar chart in Web App Builder's infographic widget, provides a horizontal scroll bar feature to allow user to view areas of interest.A bar chart in Web App Builder's infographic widget, provides a horizontal scroll bar feature to allow user to view areas of interest.

The "automatic" option under the default display range setting displays data according to the data sort. For this example, I choose an alphabetical sort, so Aberdeen is fist, followed by Addison Road-Seat Pleasant. If you choose 'all," the complete data series, or in my case, stations, would appear, but they would display as very thin/small lines in order to fit all of the stations data into the view. It is important to have a default display option, when filtering at the out-set is not appropriate.

Frequent Contributor

Hi @Jianxia,

First of all thank you for the continous updates and the work you guys are doing, on getting the Experience Builder up to speed with the Web App Builder.

Our users are very much dependent on being able to use custom tools, that we are adding through the Geoprocessing option. I can see that it is planned for EB in ArcGIS Enterprise, but can you provide any update on when it shoulf be available? Usually ArcGIS Enterprise is one/two versions behind ArcGIS Online, and Geoprocessing is already available there 🙂


Occasional Contributor

In testing the Select tool in EXB in Enterprise 11.1 I noticed that there is no control over which layers can be included in the selection process.

So while the matrix says that Select widget is available, it's not really the case as it does not have the configuration options like WAB.

It would be great if the matrix actually matched like for like.

Frequent Contributor

@Jianxia  I agree with @DustinEdge_Boroondara.  Even simple widgets like "My Location" and "Share" pale in comparison to their WAB counterparts.

The Share widget in ExB doesn't even maintain the bounding box of your current map view - It's completely useless as a "Share" widget.  It's no better than copying the URL from the address bar.


Frequent Contributor

The functionality matrix, as currently illustrated, does not provide detailed information to understand actual Experience Builder to Web App Builder feature implementation. I understand that it takes time to improve the product, however, I expect ESRI will provide subsequent functionality documentation if they want users to migrate from WAB to EXB. 

Occasional Explorer

Hi all,

The Screening widget should be available in Experience builder in ArcGIS Online according to the Matrix, but I can't seem to find it anywhere?! 

Am I missing something or am I just blind? 🙂

Occasional Contributor

Good morning,
Here is my request.
When viewing or after refreshing the ArcGIS Web AppBuilder application, the pop-up message "Click to restore map extent and layer visibility to where you left off" appears by default in the lower right corner.Image1.png

Will this feature be available on ArcGIS Experience Builder?

Thank you very much for your feedback

Regular Contributor

@Jianxia Why is District Look Up not currently planned?  We understand that WAB is going away, and we are willing to switch to Experience Builder. I'm actually looking forward to it. However, we really need parity with existing WAB widgets. The EXB team seems to be prioritizing new functionality over the creation or replacement of basic WAB widgets and functionality that most of us need in order to migrate. The Instant app district look up is not a sufficient replacement for the WAB widget. Like other users have noted, It is confusing to our users to need multiple apps to replace a single WAB. I have many WABS that make use of that widget (School Zones, Voter Precincts, Commission Districts, Sewer Eligibility, Solid Waste Zones, Debris Management  Zones, Open Neighborhoods to name a few). Districts are a critical feature in the local government space. Please consider elevating District Look Up within EXB functionality matrix.

Occasional Contributor

Any information on when we'll be able to input a polygon to use for a GP service?  The functionality is there in AGOL ExB but not in Dev Edition, and without it, the GP service loses most of its usefulness/versatility.

MVP Regular Contributor

Hi @Jianxia , it's almost been a year since you mentioned that "Parcel Drafter is considered in a new web editor app from Esri". Do you know if that's still in the works? Thank you!

New Explorer

@Jianxia Can we please get District Lookup in Experience Builder?

If there is a newer version with a different name, that's fine. But we do need that functionality.



Emerging Contributor

@NedCake1 @FadyToma_RRCC you should have a look to "Near Me" widget in XB. It offer much of the WAB District Lookup functionnalities

Occasional Contributor

At Web AppBuilder and Experience Builder functionality matrix—ArcGIS Web AppBuilder | Documentation is documented that Overview Map Widget is supported in Experience Builder.

But I don't see it neither in Insert widget pane nor in map configuration.





Esri Regular Contributor

@Bahram-Jomehzadeh , when using the Map widget as an overview map, it syncs up the main map without a shaded rectangle. In the upcoming June release of ArcGIS Online, the Overview Map tool will be available in the Map widget with a shaded rectangle.

Occasional Contributor

Thank you @Jianxia  for clarifying it!

Occasional Contributor

Hi @Jianxia,

is there a reason why some widgets in ExpB require to specify layers in configuration and do not automatically use them from the map ?

The attribute table widget in ExpB needs to specify which layer to include while in WAB showed all visibile layers, without any configuration needed;

The Swipe widget is the same: if I modify a map adding a layer then I also need to modify the ExpB to add that layer to the swipe widget.

Why is this ? This adds a lot of work to configuration and the result is poor.

I was confident in versione 11.3 but I see no real improvement.

The functionality matrix should also keep track of these important differences as many contributors are pointing out: if a widget does not offer the same funciontalities IT CANNOT BE CONSIDERED AS A SUBSTITUTE (eg. Edit, Smart Editor, etc.).



Regular Contributor

Let's be realistic, the Draw widget hasn't been migrated over. The ExB Draw widget is a hollow shell of its former self, ported only in name. And all this is just from me trying to port over some apps in June of 2024, and only investigating ONE widget... 


  • The Draw widget erases all your drawings if you resize the window. (Like if you're dragging the browser window from one screen to another, multitasking, etc.) Literally showstopper. 
  • You can't label drawings or place any form of text. What's the use case for a bunch of points on a map without labels? Just to clutter my map screenshot and make it look busy? 
  • Doesn't allow exports and sharing. 
  • Doesn't save drawings persistently through sessions (more a loss functionality of App State that was available in WAB).


  • Had all of the above, and it didn't randomly erase all your hard work drawing. 

The person who wrote "Yes" on the matrix sheet for Draw widget... I can only imagine what's required to meet the "Yes" standard for the other functions... 😂🤣😂

Looks really bad for anyone trying to sell Esri products to their corporate managers and convince them to move their apps over to ExB. 

Regular Contributor

I came up with a more accurate functionality parity matrix for the Draw widget in ExB. I might work on the rest later but here it is:

Text in Draw Widget4.PNG

Frequent Contributor

@DanCopKac  LOL. The majority of the widgets in ExB do not have parity with the widgets from WAB. I have been waiting patiently to see basic functionality implemented to be able to make the switch.

Frequent Contributor

@DanCopKac  My brother in arms. I like the cut of your jib. That perfectly summarizes my feelings for experience builder. 2 steps forward 1 step back and to the left. The platform needs to have 1 to 1 features between ExB and WAB.

Regular Contributor

Good news! I found a way (actually 2 ways) to label my drawings created using the Draw widget! It's a workaround, to be sure, but it accomplishes the job. They also support bold fonts, colours, sizes, etc! Italics are a little tough tho. 😊

I currently have these 2 options outlined in my app's user guides being circulated to other departments and executives being introduced to Esri's GIS tools. 

Text in Draw Widget2.PNGText in Draw Widget.PNG

Regular Contributor

@DanCopKac, this is fantastic! I agree completely and all the Experience Builder widgets are like this.

Version history
Last update:
‎06-05-2024 10:13 AM
Updated by: