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Upgrade Enterprise Geodatabase from 10.8.1

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02-16-2024 02:20 PM
MVP Regular Contributor

Hello, I have some questions about upgrading our egdb. Background:

Currently, egdb is on 10.8.1 on a SQL Server 2019, Enterprise deployment (server/portal clients) are on 11.1. All desktop users are using Pro 3.2, with a few exceptions that have been tough to completely pull away from ArcMap. From what I understand, it isn't inherently bad to have different egdb and client versions, though it is recommended to keep them in step. I was reading about upgrading egdb and came across this article: Upgrade Enterprise Geodatabase in SQL Server In particular, this passage caught my eye:

"When you upgrade a geodatabase in SQL Server to 11.0 or a later release, the fully qualified names of tables and feature classes will no longer contain the database name. For example, a feature class named productdata.dataowner.inventory in a 10.9.x geodatabase will be named dataowner.inventory after you upgrade the geodatabase."

This seems very important, but I'm wondering what the knock-on consequences of this change are. For example, if I have web services that contain a feature class joined to a table, will the removal of the database name affect the join? Any other concerns that I should be aware of but can't see? Finally, any other issues you may have run into upgrading your egdb? This will be my first time going through the process.

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25 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

@ChristopherBowering -
You mentioned that you have recently upgraded several EGDBs from 10.8.1 directly to 11.1 and that was when you started to experience issues with the ArcGIS Server 11.1 services.

This might be relevant to your problem, please read.

What's new in ArcGIS Pro 3.0—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation


Restoring SQL Server databases with a new name (

You might want to mention this in your esri support ticket #03601725.

| Marcelo Marques | Principal Product Engineer | Esri |
| Cloud & Database Administrator | OCP - Oracle Certified Professional |
I work with Enterprise Geodatabases since 1997.
“ I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." Isaac Isimov
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Occasional Contributor III

I actually came across this information earlier today and discussed the change in naming conventions internally.  Logically, we figured that if the change in nomenclature were the root of the problem, all services would be affected equally since all feature class and table names changed the same way within the EGDBs once upgraded.  However, this is not the case as some services continue to function without issue.  Through our testing thus far, the 'common denominator' continues to be the user/database connections.  We can take the same dataset, publish it out via 3 different database connections and get 3 different results; from the service working fine to it not working at all.  The varying degrees of function seem to be dependent on the database connection used during publishing.

We are planning on rebooting our other 2 servers to see if this helps.  So far we have just rebooted the server which contains the GIS Enterprise (server, portal, data stores).  SQL itself resides on a different server.

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Occasional Contributor

Hello!  Can you do the upgrade to 11.x but leave SDE at version 10.6.1 (our current version)?  

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Esri Regular Contributor

@ahagopian_coj - The recommendation is to have all ArcGIS Software ( ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Enterprise: Portal, ArcGIS Server) and the ArcSDE Geodatabase Repository at the same version. 

Client and geoClient and geodatabase compatibility—ArcGIS Server | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise database compatibility—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation


| Marcelo Marques | Principal Product Engineer | Esri |
| Cloud & Database Administrator | OCP - Oracle Certified Professional |
I work with Enterprise Geodatabases since 1997.
“ I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." Isaac Isimov
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Occasional Contributor III

We have resolved the issue I had been discussing with you.  There were a couple database role membership settings within SQL (for a few particular database users/connections within a specific enterprise geodatabase) which were unchecked.  Prior to the 11.1 upgrade (while still at 10.8.1 for the geodatabases), we experienced no issues despite these settings not being checked on; apparently, they now must be checked on for proper publishing from the affected users/connections.

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Esri Regular Contributor

@ChristopherBowering - glad to know that you have resolved the problem.  : )

| Marcelo Marques | Principal Product Engineer | Esri |
| Cloud & Database Administrator | OCP - Oracle Certified Professional |
I work with Enterprise Geodatabases since 1997.
“ I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." Isaac Isimov
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