my customer require an installation guide to setup enterprise geodatabase from scrach.
The platform is Oracle 19c (64 bit) on Linux + ArcGIS Enterprise v11.1 on Windows and the aims is build a utility network.
I found the following links:
a) https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/3.1/help/data/geodatabases/manage-oracle/setup-geodatabase-orac...
There are more detailed documents like (posted by @MarceloMarques )
b) https://community.esri.com/t5/mapping-and-charting-enterprise-databases/mapping-and-charting-solutio...
but there isn't a specific document for utility network workspace.
are there other specific document? Which is the step-by-step official procedure?
Regarding b) procedure we are in the following path
In this path the DBA must do the following:
instead of of first path where the initial step are:
- Creates a database user named sde
- Creates a 400 MB tablespace in the Oracle default location and sets it as the sde user's tablespace
The DBA have to create:
- one CDB
- two PDB (one for production, one for test) where (the geodatabase administrator will put the geodatabase with UN model)
so is there template or script to setup sde like other product?
Another question is about the lastest ufficial certificated Oracle patch version for Oracle on ESRI Enterprise v11.1. Which is the lastest Esri raccomanded patch for oracle 19c (64 bit) to use with ESRI Enterprise v11.1 and UN?
Thank you