Deleting the source data of a service doesn’t affect its visibility,
Despite the fact that the source data of a service is deleted, nevertheless, the service continues to appear properly (screenshots below)
What might be the explanation for this?
Do you allow data to be copied to the ArcGIS Server server(s)? If so, then you would need to delete the data from that location as that is where the service is getting it's data from not from the location in the mxd that you are publishing from.
At all. The source folder is registered (data is not copied to ArcGIS Server folder)
One possibility, if it's cached, it would look at the cache files.
I tend to change my mxd's to almost an empty mxd once I have created a cache and I don't plan to update it again. (some of our services have older/archive data)
Thanks Rebecca,
It appears that this is a matter of Cache. But how consuming the service is still possible by ArcMap? Who to clear the cache in this case?
There's map service cache and then local display cache in ArcMap, which is only relevant for cached map services. I would check the service properties it it's cached, as Rebecca Strauch, GISP mentioned and clear the ArcMap local display cache if need be following instructions at the end of the documentation page.
Dear Jonathan,
I tried your suggestion with no effects, and It appears that this is not related to local Cache. And I couldn’t figure out how consuming the service is still possible by ArcMap despite that I removed all the local cache, and the services is not cached? !!!!
Have you tried this at your local machine, Jonathan Quinn?
Thank you in advance
So is the service drawing dynamically or cached at this point?
It is not cached! I noticed that deleting data won't remove or disable an associated map service, but it will result in errors (check ArcGIS Server logs). Is this the normal behavior? how many days it will display the data?
Thanks JQuinn-esristaff
If your time permits, please, try it (deleting dynamic service) at your local machine and share with us your findings