I need some help with a custom print template I created. I successfully created and shared a print template for use in WAB, including dynamic text (date printed, sources). However, there is one piece of dynamic text that didn't work: I would like to summarize the acres attribute of a layer visible in the map extent. I've followed the nice tutorial here, but the text where the sum value is blank.
I don't know where the issue might be, but I'm wondering about what's in the plain text view of the text element. When I have the layer in the Map frame, the "mapMemberUri" value is populated with a .json string, but as per the instructions, before the layout is exported, the layer needs to be removed. Once that is done, the plain text reads like this:
Conserved Acres:
<dyn type="table" property="sum" mapFrame="WEBMAP_MAP_FRAME" mapMemberUri="" isDynamic="true" field="activity_acres" decimalPlaces="2" separator="true"/> ac.
I don't know where to go from here--any ideas?
*Update: I modified the link above to reference the correct page I was referring to. Sorry for any confusion.