Add reporting and ability to export to CSV

12-28-2017 11:10 AM
Status: Implemented
Frequent Contributor

I recently created my first operations dashboard for use with Survey123 and was a bit disappointed to find i couldn't create reports or export any data.  It would be super helpful for if you could create custom reports and export your filter selections in dashboard to a csv file.


Operations Dashboards could be a huge benefit for our operations. However, the reporting tool is really a MUST because not everyone has access to the dashboard and it is of high importance to share this information with remote colleagues to discuss results. Therefore there is a big chance that Operations Dashboard will not be used because it lacks the detailed reporting capability, which is a big shame and waste of investment. I read this before so I don't understand as well why Esri doesn't  enable this option, after years of requests to do so. Is there any recent update on this?  @DerekLaw 


Hi Maxine,

the reporting tool is really a MUST because not everyone has access to the dashboard and it is of high importance to share this information with remote colleagues to discuss results.

"Reporting capability" in ArcGIS Dashboards is a pretty broad and vague requirement. If you could please share your specific workflows on what exactly you would like to do, that would be helpful.

On the original idea submitted,

Add reporting and ability to export to CSV

This is planned and on the short term Dev roadmap. It will be added to a future update of ArcGIS Dashboards Beta.

Hope this helps and happy holidays,



Hi Derek,

Thank you for your reply.
With reporting capability I mainly mean the capability to share the complete dashboard or seperate elements, as you see it, so with filters applied for example, in a decent layout. On the dashboard we drafted, there are a lot of hidden charts (several tabs) and a big list to scroll through, so it would be important that they are all visualized in a pdf (or Excel) on different pages (or tabs) for example. The more custimizing (also titles in the report, etc.) the better of course. This to provide information to colleagues that do not necessarily have access to the dashboard but still need the same information/conclusions.

Any idea on when the new Beta version would be released?

Thanks a lot and enjoy the holidays.



Hi Maxine,

Apologies for the late reply. It's been hectic at work the last week.

Thanks for the feedback. Some comments,

With reporting capability I mainly mean the capability to share the complete dashboard or seperate elements, as you see it, so with filters applied

Can you not take a screenshot of the dashboard with the filters applied as a workaround?

On the dashboard we drafted, there are a lot of hidden charts (several tabs) and a big list to scroll through, so it would be important that they are all visualized in a pdf 

This would be very difficult to implement, there would be too much variability to consider when trying to format into a report. Might be easier to simply give them access to the dashboard itself.

Any idea on when the new Beta version would be released?

The next ArcGIS Dashboards beta update should be coming out early next year.

Hope this helps and happy holidays,


Status changed to: Implemented

The ability to download a CSV file from data-driven dashboard elements was added in the September 2021 release of ArcGIS Online. This functionality is targeted for ArcGIS Enterprise in 2022. If you have enhancement requests for the implemented functionality, please submit a separate/new idea for tracking purposes. 


@Maxine_Jonckheere  @DerekLaw I think esri staff missed the point here and were patronizing and dismissive to Maxine. ESRI doesn't think printing and exporting PDF reports or maps is important. The fact is, it's a key requirement for many businesses to have export options to share with external or non GIS users. ESRI needs a proper reporting and exporting framework that can be used across all of the web apps. 


@QuantitativeFuturist nailed it. @DerekLaw may have been overthinking what @Maxine_Jonckheere was asking, this doesn't need to be an overcomplicated reporting tool that requires template set up and hours of troubleshooting. The ability to print your current map view with whatever is being filtered would be fantastic, obviously small customizations would be appreciated, as Maxine said. Yes, screenshotting is a workaround, but it's just that, a workaround. Derek suggested just sharing the Dashboard with the people that Maxine said do not have easy access to the Dashboard, not exactly a helpful suggestion. I would imagine some organizations would want to provide a direct sharing link to a Dashboard for outside users, without having to share all content publicly.

As of 12/5/22, Derek is not a member of the Dashboard team, and is not working on this product anymore. @patrickb marked this as implemented so I suppose this post is dead. Perhaps they do not wish to enable users to generate exhibits, reports, deliverables, etc. without spending ESRI credits?


@Jones_AJ  This idea was closed when we implemented the ability to download a (filtered) csv file. We felt this addressed the the original ask (i.e. the thread's first post). There many ongoing discussions/ideas that remain open/active for things like reporting, exporting, printing, etc. Here are are some of the more popular ones:

Please feel free to share your thoughts in these (or other) threads, create new ones for any unique requirements you may have. Also, another way to send requirements directly to the Dashboards team is