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Dashboards That Pop: Inspiration

02-16-2023 11:01 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
8 0 1,571

One of the tips I give to new team members is to start collecting dashboards. See a cool example dashboard in the ArcGIS Blog? Grab it! Come up with a really cool list element when creating a dashboard? Make a reference copy for yourself!  

I have a whole folder in my ArcGIS Online account dedicated to example dashboards. It is a great resource for design inspiration and because I own the copy, I can open it in edit mode and see how it is put together and reference any Arcade or HTML snippets used.  

I have collected quite a few dashboards since I’ve been at Esri and it’s hard to keep them straight. Which is why I always grab a screenshot of the dashboard or specific elements I’m interested in and use that as the item details thumbnail. I use the grid display, so I can quickly find the dashboard I’m looking for based on the thumbnail.  


Inspiration GaloreInspiration Galore


Those dashboards came straight from the ArcGIS Product Team’s blog posts. So, if you’re not regularly checking out the blog, you are missing out.  



Tons of Dashboard Tips and SamplesTons of Dashboard Tips and Samples


Here’s a great walkthrough on how to copy a dashboard or if you prefer, how to stop others from copying your dashboard.  


Bonus Tip 

I also have dedicated folders for reference map effects and Arcade examples. 


The mappiest of all map effectsThe mappiest of all map effects


I honestly have no idea how any of the different effects work. So if I stumble my way into a cool look, I make a copy so I can use it again.


What a snazzy pop-up!What a snazzy pop-up!


Is this a webmap solely dedicated to Arcade pop-ups? Why yes, yes it is 


To recap: 

  1. Check out the ArcGIS Blog 
  1. Shamelessly steal elements/snippets (it’s what they are there for 😋) 


Dashboards That Pop: Survey123 

Dashboards That Pop: Users 

Dashboards That Pop: Arcade 

Dashboards That Pop: HTML 

Dashboards That Pop: Maps 

Dashboards That Pop: Icons 

Dashboards That Pop: Color 


About the Author
I'm a Technical Consultant that focuses on app configuration with a little Geospatial Strategy and Governance thrown in.