Are you saying to create the Geometric Network w/in the original Water Distribution Feature Dataset that is in the SDE? And then when I create the replica from that dataset - I would have everyone use the replica vs the original feature dataset?
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01:23 PM
On the original feature dataset within the SDE? I had checked after I initially had the lock out issues after adding the Geometric Network and it wasn't showing that any of the permissions/privileges had been changed. I ended up having to delete the Geometric Network I had created w/in the Water Distribution Feature Dataset (in the SDE) in order for my crews to be able to once again view and utilize all the feature classes w/in that dataset. Once I deleted the Geometric Network - access was back to normal for all users.
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01:19 PM
So - if I create a replica of just the water feature datasets - then do I create the geometric network within that replica? If that is allowed - how does that work when synchronizing the data back and forth between the original SDE and the replica (I'd use two-way/connected replication). I've only created a disconnected replication once before when we had a third party working on data. Thanks!
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06:48 AM
Hello. I am working in 10.2.2 - ArcMap Advanced. We have a sql database that is versioned. I unregistered the dataset as versioned and the I created a Geometric Network on our Water Distribution dataset. All seemed to be okay, so I registered the feature dataset. However, I found out that those water feature classes that participated within the geometric network, no longer were showing up within people's desktop maps. I was able to re-add those layers into a map on most occasions and all appeared to work fine while in the map. However, when you got out and then went back into the map - they once again showed red exclamations next to those water layers. On a few computers I'd get the error message "Error opening feature class. The feature class participates in a geometric network that could not be opened. DBMS table not found." and I was unable to even add the feature classes back into these maps. I'd appreciate any insight into this issue! Thank you much! Cynthia
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12:32 PM
Hello. We just upgraded the server to 10.1 and now when we zoom into the image map services it greys out at the closer levels. We've tried to get help via customer service - but they just keep transferring us to another person... I'm sure there is some easy fix for this. We've given permissions to the local arcgis 0S account, both NTFS & share permissions - so it doesn't appear thats the issue. The imagery is in a mosaic dataset that is viewed just fine in arcmap as a layer. The issue only comes when publishing to a service. The dataset is in and SDE and the rasters are on a separate server which is shared over the network. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Cynthia.
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06:15 AM
That is what I was afraid of - I actually went ahead and recreated the mosaic dataset. However, I am not sure how to delete the AMD items as I cannot see them w/in the sde.
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07:32 AM
Robert - I am using your attach/relate widget - I've got version 2.3. I am having an issue with duplicate title fields. Here is the issue: I have a map service that contains point features of items such as parks, schools, churches, gov buildings, etc. When you click on a park, bus route, school, building - the pop-up comes up fine and displays the title, site address, a link and pictures - like it should. However, if I then click on a church, cemetery or our animal shelter - whatever the title field for the last point click comes up instead of the title field for these points - however, the rest of the information is correct (address, link, picture). Now if I click on a church, cemetery or animal shelter point first - it doesn't have a title field at all (until I click on something else and then back and it once again has the second title field displayed). I went into the points layer within my mxd to verify that every point has the name field populated - they do. I'm not sure what is going on. Any ideas? Thanks!
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09:40 AM
I apparently have done something you are not supposed to do. I renamed a mosaic dataset w/in my sde - now the sde doesn't show either the renamed mosaic (Aerials2010_old) nor the old mosaic (Aerials2010). So, I thought I'd recreate the mosaic and call it the original name - but when I go to create the mosaic dataset it tells me that the table already exisits [Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0: There is already an object named 'AMD_AERIALS2010_CAT' in the database]. Any ideas? Thanks!
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11:00 AM
How do I find out what scale the source rasters take over? I can zoom in *forever* in the mxd and still have imagery showing (not clear zoomed in completely - but not grey either).
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10:36 AM
Hello. I have a mosaic dataset that I have added created a msd with. I've taken this msd and published it to the server. Then I have created a cache out of this service. Everything looks great - works fairly fast and everything until I get to the 1:1000 scale - then it's all grayed out. I have 8 scales and all but the last one works great. Any ideas? Thanks!
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05:37 AM
You are a genius! Thanks! It had been a while since I had been working on the BAO API and I couldn't for the life of me figure out what I had done to it to make it no longer work as it had worked initially! So then the question comes down to - what do I need to do in order to get a custom logo? I am obviously not doing something right. Any ideas? Thanks!
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04:52 AM
Hello. I am trying to get muliple reports to come up when a user clicks a point on the map. I used to have this working - however, I hadn't done anything with this for a few months and when I went back to run the drivetime.mxml it now comes up with an error when trying to get the reports. If I take out the code that adds the second report - then the one report with come up w/o errors. This is the code I have currently: // report options - 1st Report (Add "1" to option & header) var option1:ReportOptions = new ReportOptions(); option1.templateName = "dandi"; option1.format = "PDF"; // customize report headers var header1:ReportHeader = new ReportHeader("5-10-15 Min Drive Time Study Areas"); header1.address1 = "City of Liberty, Missouri"; header1.address2 = ""; // custom logo in report header1.customLogo = "" option1.header = header1; //report options - 2nd report (Add "2" to option & header) var option2:ReportOptions = new ReportOptions(); option2.templateName = "dispinc"; option2.format = "PDF"; var header2:ReportHeader = new ReportHeader("5-10-15 Min Drive Time Study Areas"); header2.address1 = "City of Liberty, Missouri"; header2.address2 = ""; // custom logo in report header2.customLogo = "" option2.header = header2; params.reportOptions = [option1, option2]; var driveTimeTask : DriveTimeTask = new DriveTimeTask(baClient); driveTimeTask.execute(params, new mx.rpc.Responder(resultHandler, faultHandler)); Like I said - it worked using this code initially - but for whatever reason it won't do so now. Any ideas? Thanks! Cynthia
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08:14 AM
Ah - that is what I wasn't doing...I wasn't putting the whole map service in the operational layers...I was putting individual features from the map service w/in the operational layers. Now that I put the whole map service in it shows the layers w/sublayers. Thank you. Although I have a question (imagine that) - so when I used the individual features of the map service in the operational layers I was able to have a particular infowindow hooked to it (ie: elementary school - could click on map and the name and info of that particular elementary school would come up). So, if all the features are all grouped in the one map service (layers include 4 different school layers, parks, ems layers, ward layers, etc) - am I able to hook an individual infowindow to each of those features to get information for each or do I have to do something different? Does that make sense?
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07:44 AM
Yes, the REST cache has been cleared - so that should not be the issue. Do I need to have my operational layer(s) in the config.xml a certain way? For Example: Do I put the layer and each sublayer as separate operational layers or do I just need to list the layer? Thanks.
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12:46 PM
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