Hi Amita, It's not required to remove the Operations Dashboard item from the Control Panel (it might just be a personal preference if you want to keep the Add/Remove Program page clean), Operations Dashboard should continue to work after the upgrade. Thanks and please let us know if you have further question, Tif
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09:57 AM
Hi Annina, Hope everything goes well with you. With the latest release of our app, you will now be able to configure the display format/pattern of numbers in the legend and hover texts of your pie chart. In your case, if you want to round the decimal number, you can input "#" into the Pattern box. If you want, you can control the number of decimal places by adding more "#" e.g. "#.#" for one decimal place, "#.##" for two decimal places, and so on. If you need any further help, please let us know. Thanks Tif --------------------- (As shown below, you can find the setting at the bottom of the Chart tab.)
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10:44 AM
Hi Ryan, You don't need to uninstall Operations Dashboard from your 10.6 ArcGIS Portal machine before running the upgrade. The upgrade script will take care of the Dashboard upgrade for you automatically, and the dashboards you created with the previous version of Operations Dashboard should continue to work. Please let us know if you need any further help/clarification. Thanks, Tif
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10:28 AM
HI Annina, Unfortunately this is a limitation in the current pie chart implementation. I have submitted an enhancement request into the system to request for the change. As a workaround, you might want to enable labels (the setting is on the Chart tab under the pie chart config page) and turn off the Legend. You can also consider using a serial chart instead. Serial chart provides more capability in terms of formatting numeric values on the chart labels (e.g. enabling prefix, setting the number of decimal places). Thanks Tif
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01:36 PM
Hi all, Using the second-generation Operations Dashboard, we can now configure the visual elements in a dashboard to show and interact with related records. To illustrate how it works, we prepared this dashboard which contains a hydrant layer and its inspection records. When a hydrant on the list at the top is selected, the list at the bottom will be updated to show the last 10 inspections of that hydrant. You can also click on an inspection record to see its detail. The relationship/wiring between these visual elements was setup in the Actions menu of the “source” element (the hydrant list in this case). The screenshot below shows how the hydrant list was configured to update the inspection list: First, a “Filter” action was setup on the hydrant list, so that when a list item is selected, the list will use the “common field” (Facility ID) to wire up itself with the “target” element (Inspections List). If you want to see how the configuration was made, you can make a copy of the dashboard by clicking on the following URL:, it will save a copy of the dashboard into your org under your account. You can then open the Actions menu of the Hydrant List to see the configuration. If you have specific requirements that our current action framework cannot satisfy, or if you have ideas on how we can make the action framework better, please let us know your thoughts. Thanks! Tif
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10:53 AM
It seems that your service was running into some problem when it tries to process this "get statistic" query. Is it possible for you to check the ArcGIS Server log (please turn on the Verbose log level) when you make this query, to see if you can get more detail out of why the server complains about the request? Thanks Tif
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03:00 PM
Hi Allen, What you’re seeing is similar to an issue we reported to the Enterprise Team, where users are not able to open their dashboards using a direct URL without first signing in to the Portal. The Enterprise Team is aware of the issue, but for now the workaround will be to sign in to the Portal first, then open a dashboard. A slightly faster way for users to get to their shared dashboards can be, send these users the group URL, then after they sign in to see the group content, they can open the shared dashboards. Thanks, Tif
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04:52 PM
Hi Sebastián, There's no way to Debug Dashboard, but for network problem like the one you're seeing here, you might want to use web debugging tools like Fiddler to find out the web request that gives you this error and details about the it (e.g. request URL, error code, message). Thanks Tif
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10:04 AM
Hi Adam, The deployment utility is a tool only for updating only the Windows Operations Dashboard, it doesn't update the browser Operations Dashboard. Instead, the browser Dashboard is rolled out with ArcGIS Portal i.e. when you install or update you Portal, you automatically receive the latest version of the browser Dashboard and you don't need any additional deployment like you do for the Windows app. For your second question "or is there no new version?": At this point we don't have any planned release for the browser Dashboard. Our team is in full speed building the next generation Operations Dashboard, it is also a web application and will eventually replace the existing Windows and browser Dashboard. We encourage you to sign up for our Beta program ( to give it a try and let us know your feedback and what features you want to have in the next gen. Dashboard. If you have more questions please let us know, Tif
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09:56 AM
Hi Adrian, To add to Chris's point, our extensibility framework is currently only available in the 3.x codebase and we're working on the 4.x version, so for now if we develop a Dashboard extension, we'll have to use the 3.x API. Thanks for the great question! Tif
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01:55 PM
Hi April, I have uploaded the sample to this location with steps about how to use it with your operation view. Please note that there's a bug in the 3.16 JSAPI that causes selection not to work properly (all features will be selected). We have a fix for the issue already and it will be rolled out with the 3.17 JSAPI when it is released. Feel free to leave us a comment here or post your question in the forum if you run into problem writing extensions or using the app, or if you have suggestions on what features you want to have in the future. Cheers! Tif
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03:20 PM
Hi again Noppadon, This bug has been fixed and has passed our testing. The fix will be available in the next release of browser Dashboard. Please let us know if you have more questions, Tif
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04:38 PM
Hi April, Andrian made a good point that if your Poles layer has a County attribute, you can create a filter data source using this County attribute. And depending on what context you're trying to do the filtering and/or selection, you can use the Layer Filters map tool or the Query widget as well. If you want to do spatial selection with the out-of-the-box tools, at this point you can only use the map's current extent and not features from a data source (please see to this documentation for details). However, you can easily write an extension to do more complicated spatial operation like the one you're trying to do. I have a small sample extension that I can share with you if you're interested Cheers, Tif
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06:45 PM
Hi James, When you click on an operation view listed under the Featured Maps & Apps Group, Portal tries to open the view with an URL that looks like the following (you can hover on the op. view's thumbnail to see its actual URL): https://<>/<webAdapter>/apps/dashboard-win/OperationsDashboard.application?open=<operationViewId> (if the version of your Portal is lower than 10.3, the URL will be slightly different) At this point, Portal assumes that the Operations Dashboard desktop app has been deployed into the Portal machine's apps/dashboard-win folder (the physical location is typically c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal\apps\dashboard-win if your Portal is 10.3 or above), and so Portal is trying to download the app from this deployed location into your machine so that you can install it and then use it to open the view. But from your description, it seems that Dashboard has not been deployed and so the URL results in a "not found" error. Please also note that if you don't have Dashboard deployed and you try to open an operation view by clicking on the "Open in Operations Dashboard (Windows)" button on My Content page, Item Details page or the Sharing page, you will see the same "Page not found error" as they are all pointing to the same URL I mentioned above. To deploy Dashboard into your Portal, you can follow this doc which has step-by-step instructions to show you how to do that. If you have more questions, please post them back here or email the us at Thanks, Tif
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09:27 AM
Hi Sune, Yes this feature is in the app already. You can find the setting by first opening your map widget's config window --> then click the data source which you want to add a spatial filter --> then click the Add button --> The Query Definition window will then open and it will give you the option to set a spatial filter. Cheers, Tif
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02:01 PM
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