As a creator of a survey that has been republished a few times I have legacy feature layers of previous versions of the same survey (preproduction), As an Administrator I can see all the latest records in the survey, but as a user I can only see a few records from the testing phase of the survey. This is the view of 28 records visible by an administrator on the most current feature layer, but the users see only 6 records in one of the original preproduction versions of the feature layer when logged in against the same survey, as per: I am a bit loathed to delete the preproduction feature layer in case the rest of the survey also falls over for the users., I look forward to any assistance with this issue. What is the work around to expose only the latest feature layer to all users?
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10:47 AM
Hi @ZacharySutherby Hope this reaches you well. I would be interested if any progress has been made with this functionality as I face the same issue whereby field staff are often not in Wi-Fi or cellular coverage . Please keep me updated with any progress. Thank you, Mathieu
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01:29 PM
When I use the JS Function I get this string back as per below, but because the format is not true JavaScript I cannot seem to extract the one part of the record I want. which is the actual measurement and date as two seperate strings (2021-11-15T07:33:00 and 7.6 below )from a rain gauge, so quite dependent on date time and location and as such is quite dynamic to the point when no data is available it has no value for the rain amount. <?xml version="1.0" ?> <Hilltop> <Agency>Gisborne District Council</Agency> <Measurement SiteName="Waerenga-O-Kuri"> <DataSource Name="Rainfall" NumItems="1"> <TSType>StdSeries</TSType> <DataType>SimpleTimeSeries</DataType> <Interpolation>Histogram</Interpolation> <ItemInfo ItemNumber="1"> <ItemName>Rainfall</ItemName><ItemFormat>F</ItemFormat><Units>mm</Units><Format>#.###</Format> </ItemInfo> </DataSource> <Data DateFormat="Calendar" NumItems="1"> <E><T>2021-11-15T07:33:00</T><I1>7.6</I1></E> </Data> </Measurement> </Hilltop> <?xml version="1.0" ?> <Hilltop> <Agency>Gisborne District Council</Agency> <Measurement SiteName="Waerenga-O-Kuri"> <DataSource Name="Rainfall" NumItems="1"> <TSType>StdSeries</TSType> <DataType>SimpleTimeSeries</DataType> <Interpolation>Histogram</Interpolation> <ItemInfo ItemNumber="1"> <ItemName>Rainfall</ItemName><ItemFormat>F</ItemFormat><Units>mm</Units><Format>#.###</Format> </ItemInfo> </DataSource> <Data DateFormat="Calendar" NumItems="1"> <E><T>2021-11-15T07:33:00</T><I1>7.6</I1></E> </Data> </Measurement> </Hilltop> How would I get these two parameters from the returned result.
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11:55 AM
I am successfully using watermarks to report lat long co-ordinates of photos, the problem I have now is some users are loading some of photos/images from other devices that dont create these parameters. the data seems to save okay into the survey, but when I use the photos in a report from webhooks or online in S123 online management etc, those without the Lat Longs are causing the report to error out. I suppose the work around it to offer an image section in the survey without the watermark , as it is though you would end up creating many more tables in the survey as image function is already used 9 times in this survey. (9 extra sections (tables) , is not a nice solution) Or alternately wrap the bind::esri:paramater in an if statement. How would that look in syntax and how do you get a watermark property when it doesn't exist, or could the bind be set up that way?
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11:33 AM
I see similar odd behaviour when a survey saved on Arcgisonline (survey123) under our organisatuion in New Zealand, the date changes to a value that looks to be GMT instead of NZDT or NZST see screen scrape of the data in survey123 online and the same record exported as csv or a excel document the correct date is that within the online app, but something is doing the conversion to GMT?? on the export function. Help Please.
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09:34 PM
Hi @Ruth_JiatengXu or anyone else with the smarts to make this work Is there an alternative to using DOM Objects as apparently DOM does not work with Survey123 according to the custom JS functions Blog reference that you provided, or has things changed and I just cant get your script to work with the dynamic data string produced?
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01:23 PM
In a json pulldata response I get a result that looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <Hilltop> <Agency>Gisborne District Council</Agency> <Measurement SiteName="Arowhana Repeater"> <DataSource Name="Rainfall" NumItems="1"> <TSType>StdSeries</TSType> <DataType>SimpleTimeSeries</DataType> <Interpolation>Histogram</Interpolation> <ItemInfo ItemNumber="1"> <ItemName>Rainfall</ItemName><ItemFormat>F</ItemFormat><Units>mm</Units><Format>#.###</Format> </ItemInfo> </DataSource> <Data DateFormat="Calendar" NumItems="1"> <E><T>2021-09-06T16:40:00</T><I1>23.2</I1></E> </Data> </Measurement> </Hilltop> All I want from the data is the rainfall value in this case 23.2 The pulldata works fine but I try to use regex to extract out the rainfall value (also where ' ') can be a valid response from the server I have tried substr but that has limited success when the response length is inconsistent I tried to use regex(${hilltop_json},'^[+-]?[0-9]{1,2}(\.[05]{1})?$') against the pulldata json response above but I just get a 'false' as the response the response is always between the <I1> and </I1> html placeholders (the api is not that clean to present the data that java script stringify and parse seems to recognise unless it is in this html format as per above.) What would be a more effective way to extract this value as depending on the returned value (amount of rain) ? I wish the survey user to do a specific task differently when the rainfall increases.
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10:33 PM
I was just wondering if you could help me on a slightly different issue . I have a pulldata request in javascript for survey123 that pulls from a XML service that is found on with a bunch of parameters for site (e.g. Wakaroa Trig) ,measurement (Rainfall) from date (4/8/2021) , to date (9/8/2021) , interval (5 days) , summary interpolation (total) the result creates an un-formatted xml output i have been able to see the output using weather_json = (xmlhttp.response.GetResponseStream()); which I believe is not quite the correct syntax or function to call the object especially when the data is xml as opposed to native json (by the looks) I couldn’t get Json.PARSE or JSON.stringify to retrieve anything I have tried a few similar w3 json functions . As I am not a json guru it’s pretty much new to me. however with the ….GetResponseStream (Did work last night not so much today ) to display the results in the survey123 but only after saving the script, (I assume that it needs an on click type function to invoke the call )form via the form p”but how? realistically All I want from the data is the second object value <E><></><I1> value </I1></E> returned. and maybe a validation that it is Rainfall from the site chosen I just don’t know if json is rendering the string into objects that it can find or how to get that in the last step. The ultimate may be one step further in that I find a way to find the closest rainfall sample point with current data in relation to my current location and use that data instead of having to define the site. from a select_one site request I believe that I am close but I just need a bit more guidance to get it right. I will add the code shortly 😁 thanks in advance for putting up with this newbie!!!
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05:56 PM
Thanks clarifies it immensely , Should have known about the w3 resource years ago, just never had the time but at least sick leave now is good for learning. now onto error trapping objects that don't consistently exist.. (poor Survey123 calculation formula strings) :?
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09:49 PM
Thanks Zach Such a quick reply. So if there are multiple objects, as in the Onecall API returned response that appears to be in multiple arrays (1 per day) to report items such as "description" do they need some form of index id for each one, i.e. [0] [1] [2] etc. to each reported array. pulldata("@json", ${weather_json},"weather[0}.daily[0].description" and then ${weather_json},"weather[0}.daily[1].description" or if it is an array within an array do they need to be nested in some for of script structure above, of course as separate responses in Survey123. I will take a look at your resource as provided, so I am preempting that already.. Thanks Mat
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04:26 PM
I have a similar issue and maybe it is outside the capabilities of javascript and @json calls from within Survey123, with the attached I have tried various API's ( I'd prefer onecall api) under but I cannot get the results I expect for individual values, or maybe I just need to be shown how to extract from the output that actually does work.. The ultimate for me is to read the last 5 days rain as well as the next 7 day forecast and present the results into a ranking of severity to use as a activity planning matrix eg if Main equals Rain then weather rate = 10 on a scale of 1 -10. I have attached the script for the big part will work it is just getting at the individual outputs. probably javascript against the weather_json (WITHIN THE ATTACHED) code which I possibly need to export to a intermediate table or something. But with no exprience in Java scripting I can only take it so far within getting a better understanding of script functions etc. A full listing of java functions and use would be great. Any guidance or help would be awesome... Mat
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04:00 AM
I have found in order for this to work for me I have had to include quotation marks around the conditioned format data if it has spaces in the response, or introduce a hidden character as in an unscrore colored white if you dont want the quotes marks to appear in the response on the report as per: showing both methods ${if invest_priority==”A”}Priority_A${/}${if invest_priority==”B”}"Priority B"${/}
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05:21 PM
Has this been removed or incorporated in another module file type in the current version 3.10 , as I note I can attach a video via desktop browser by selecting all file types whilst editing a survey but not off a Apple I Phone. as the phone defaults to photo only attachment type.
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08:13 PM
The field is a date format , so unique values it is. Maybe I will create 3 fields day month and year as integer values, then calculate out each using text strings left and right functions etc and at least I can group them easily by month and year and query the day as a numeric value. I am surprised I have not seen this issue earlier as I have been using Arc products since 1991....Goes to show you are always learning when it comes to GIS....
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12:33 PM
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