Hi Robert Scheitlin, GISP
I'm trying to find an easy way for the general public to report street light outages, using existing AGOL products, and whatever open source reporting tools that are out there. I have the street light pole location in an AGOL web map and a WAB. I've tried using a Google form for people to use to report their complaints, which works well enough, however, the two aren't connected. The Google form can't consume any of the street light data from the AGOL map, and I can't make the AGOL popup consume the Google form in any way.
Ideally I would like the public to find the street light pole on the AGOL map, call up a fillable form (or some similar interactive application) that contains the coordinates of the light pole (per the light pole attribute table), which gets saved somewhere for managers to review. This isn't an unusual process or workflow, but I'm not finding examples on how to develop this process, and the appropriate tools to use. Any feedback from you, or the GeoNet community is appreciated. Thanks.