Roberts Custom WAB Widgets

12-31-2014 11:28 AM
MVP Emeritus
475 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   If I did not release a 2.4 version of the widget then the 2.3 widget works fine with 2.4

Frequent Contributor

Hi Robert,

Possible new widget... GeoReferencing Widget for Tiff images....

just a thought.

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Deactivated User

^ ^ Very interesting idea.  Would be a very useful tool indeed!

Deactivated User

I am looking to add the Layer Toggle widget to my existing AGOL web appbuilder app. I do not have the web appbuilder for developers though. Will I need this in order to add a custom widget to my app? If I do need to download webapp builder for developers, are custom widgets easy to implement? 

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MVP Emeritus


   Yes Custom widget require WAB Dev unless you are using Portal 10.5.1 which now supports custom widgets.

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Deactivated User

I downloaded ArcGIS online for developers and was able to configure it to connect to my computer. I was able to successfully add in custom widgets to my online web app. Everything ran smoothly the first day but after restarting my computer the next day, nothing would work. Upon opening the links it says:

This site can’t be reached

(my computer name) refused to connect


I just don't understand why it worked one day and not the other. Is there any extra steps I have to take to open it each day? I did not move any files before or after restarting my computer either.

Do you have any idea what the issue may be. I appreciate all of your assistance with this.

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MVP Emeritus
Emerging Contributor

Hi Robert, 

I have downloaded and added your esearch widget v2.4 for Web AppBuilder v2.4 and have added it to a map and configured the widget, but I do not see the search icon added to the header of the map and when I save and go back into the map it disappears all together.  Any ideas on what is going on?



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MVP Emeritus


   So you are saying that you have added the eSearch widget to a app by adding it to the header controller for that app. Do you see any errors in the Browsers web console?

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Frequent Contributor

Hi Robert, quick question:

On your Identify widget, I've been going through the code getting a few ideas for a new widget I'm working on.  I ran into these two functions in the widget.js:

disableWebMapPopup: function() 

enableWebMapPopup: function() 

I understand what the code inside each function does - but I don't see them actually called anywhere in your code.  Could you clarify what you are using them for?

Thank you for being such an amazing help to this community!

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