Roberts Custom WAB Widgets

12-31-2014 11:28 AM
MVP Emeritus
475 Replies
by Anonymous User
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For example with us at the planning commission, the first thing they thought of when I first trained them on our viewer with eDraw, was to pass drawings back and forth, just for quick collaboration on random things.  But, you are right, that's a very secondary use.  90% of the time it's just to view.

The two-way thing, of modifying a feature collection, is not nearly as important as if only we could load your exported Feature Collection back in to eSearch with symbology and attributes. And even at that, the geometry is probably the biggest thing.    For example::::   1) An assessor selects a parcel with your eSearch   2)  She exports this one parcel as a Feature Collection  3) She then sends to a second user.  This is already possible, exporting from your eSearch then loading in eDraw, to load it back in to eDraw. But it loses symbology and attributes hence why eSearch could use a Load button.

If the two-way thing is major work than it's not nearly as important as of just first implementing such a "load" button to re-load the exported Feature Collection from your eSearch. What do you think? And, maybe even for a future update, keeping symbology and attributes?     (Kind of like how eDraw keeps its text and sybmology in its json file) But at first perhaps just supporting geometry? If it would help to break up this task in to multiple updates.  Your new features always give us new ideas on what is even possible, like new workflows like this concept here!!!    I realize I may have opened a Pandora's Box here because this vastly increases the scope of this one widget.  And if any other widget re-loaded your eSearch's output that'd be fine but the current ones that I have seen don't, eDraw is the one that comes closest it seems.

example of eDraw upload/download functionality:

(note, I reversed the upload/download icons on Jeremie's eDraw)

Ah, and I guess I should have put this in eDraw.  I can move my posts there if you'd prefer.

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New Contributor II

Robert can these widgets be used directly in a standard JS page without using the WAB application?  If not I can't seem to find your standards JS versions of these widgets.  Thanks so much!

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New Contributor

Hello Robert,

Do you know if there may be any means of creating a widget that would display a panel of thumbnails (based off a url in the table) related to points shown on the map in the current extent? Much like what Esri's Crowdsource Story Application already does. 

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MVP Emeritus


   It is very possible I have not attempted it though and I am unaware of any widget like it.

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New Contributor

Thanks for the reply, Robert. Do you have any tips or ideas on how this could be done? I haven't found any means of doing it and have talked with several others that haven't had luck either. 

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MVP Emeritus


   I have not had a need for such a widget, so any advice would be very general.

  1. The first step would be using the [install dir]\client\stemapp\widgets\samplewidgets\CustomWidgetTemplate as a starting point for generating your widget.
  2. The widget would need to attach to the maps extent change event and perform the same queries outlined below.
  3. The widget once opened would need to perform a Query using the maps extent as the queries geometry to get just the points that are visible in the maps view.
  4. With the results of the Query you will have the features and the image attribute, so all you would need to do is using dojo domconstruct to build the html representation of the images and any other data you want to display.
New Contributor

I've looked at the NearMe Widget, and it seems to have the functionality that I'm looking for. However, I was wondering if there's a way to have the images (based off url) of the results pop-up, like CrowdSource Application, instead of just a list of names? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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New Contributor III

Hi Robert,

We use WAB Dev version heavily and are stumped as to how to create a custom KML import tool.  ie. Have an end user be able to add a KML from their local computer via upload and have AGS process and display it on the map as a temp layer with some default symbology.  I see how WAB already can ingest saved JSON files from the Markup Widget.  So there is an "upload xml" type mechanism already in place.  Would that be a place to start?  Convert it to upload KML and somehow invoke a KML to Layer Geoprocessing Tool?  Or start from scratch, or build it off an existing widget's code?  We are at a loss - and surprisingly, nobody seems to have developed one yet for WAB, unless I've missed it somewhere?  Any ideas or direction?

Thanks in advance!

MVP Emeritus


   I have not seem a KML widget either. My best suggestion is start working a GP Service that uses Desktops ability to work with KML and have that GP return a featureset and then use that GP in the GP widget,

MVP Frequent Contributor


We started working down this path using Robert's suggestion, publish a GP service that accepts the .kml input and convert it to something else that can be displayed.  I dropped the development because our ArcGIS Server is setup so that it doesn't allow uploads, which pretty much is a deal-breaker for this approach and I haven't returned to see alternative approaches.

Just something to keep in mind if you do go down GP Service path!

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