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Larrys Custom WAB Widgets and More

04-06-2015 02:06 PM
Occasional Contributor III


Here is a list on my currently available Web AppBuilder widgets for Web AppBuilder 1.x.

Anvil Page

Anvil Map Tips Page

Anvil Bookmarks Page

Print Plus Widget Page

Swipe Plus Widget Page

Zoom Prev Next Page

Here is a list of my mixin classes for the Web AppBuilder 1.x widgets.

_WidgetOpacityMixin Page

_WidgetMetadataMixin Page

Here is my entire application, which includes my Acme Widget.  The Acme Widget is invisible, but adds key functionality to the basic Web AppBuilder viewer and modifies the appearance and/or behavior of several Esri Widgets (without editing the Widgets themselves).

Changes and Bug Fixes, May 5, 2015

  1. Print Plus Widget fixes
  2. Changed all instances of _widgetOpacityMixin* to _WidgetOpacityMixin*.
  3. Changed all instances of _widgetMetadataMixin* to _WidgetMetadataMixin*.

Changes and Bug Fixes, May 3, 2015

  1. Changed config property from "public" to "isPublic" ("public" is a reserved word).
  2. Changed the Scale to display above the Scalebar Widget.
  3. Added configurable link to the HeaderController Widget icon and title.
  4. Fixed a bug that caused a console error when a Feature Layer Custom Popup doesn't have tabs.
  5. Fixed a bug that caused an error on startup on occasion.
  6. Fixed a bug in the Draw Widget modifications that caused the Bold, Italic, and Underline buttons to not be honored when dragging text to place it.

Web AppBuilder Application

All documentation is now included in the Doc folder in the zip file.

This is a live preview site for all of the above (except Anvil):

Live Preview

My To Do List:

  1. Get documentation and examples together for the Acme Widget and post it along with several widgets that depend on it:
    1. Reset Layers Widget
    2. Share Widget
    3. User Preferences Widget
    4. WelWhatDisHelpAbout Widget (Welcome, What's New, What's Missing, Disclaimer Help, About, Notice tabs)
  2. Several other widgets need to be enhanced (in my opinion):
  3. Write some new widgets:
    1. Pictometry Widget
    2. ???
29 Replies
Occasional Contributor


Thank you for the awesome work in WAB!

Do you have any documentation on how to host your full WAB application?

0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor II


Your repository for WAB fixes and widgets is awesome!  I'd like to second Larry Phelp's question regarding how to host your full WAB app that you've made downloadable. I've tried modifying the main config.json file to point to our portal and changed the app ID's, but was curious what other steps are necessary to get your app working locally.

Regarding your Hamilton Co app - we are especially interested in your WelWhatDisHelpAbout widget. I've been able to incorporate all of the dependencies and config files correctly ( i think), acme included, to get it to function about 90% correctly.  Just need to figure out how you destroyed the "Help" panel that tries to open in your Hamilton app but gets blocked.  It persists in my implementation (screenshot attached).   It only disappears when clicking the acknowledgement button, but shows again if the user selects the "?" help icon.  Any advice for getting past this would be greatly appreciated - hoping its not simply a WAB version issue ( I'm using WAB 1.3). Thanks for all your work with these widgets, and any help/guidance you might be able to provide. WABcustomwidget_HELP.PNG


0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

Hi Ryan I'm trying to make the same with my test application.

What I have to modify to run this widget at startup? I just installed Anvil and I copied the folder WelWhatDisHelpAbout inside my application.....



0 Kudos
Deactivated User

Hi Ryan,

Please where you able to figure out a solution to your question above?, regarding the "Help Panel" still showing. If you did find a solution, can you kindly assist a me in solving mine too.

Thank you


0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor II

Hi Baba/Natasha, 

Sorry, I am not of any help here. I was unable to disable the Help Panel from opening and have since moved on to other development. thanks


0 Kudos
New Contributor III

Hi Ryan,

I also tried removing that help panel but I wasn't able to fully do so.  I am assuming it has to do with the different versions. Has anyone else been successful in removing the panel?  Other than that I have this widget working beautifully in version 2.4.



0 Kudos
Deactivated User

Thanks for the brilliant App Larry,

The custom widgets are very useful and adds great functionality to the Web App.

I am trying to explore the full app by deploying it on local  server. But I have some difficulties in the deploying of the full app on to my server (similar to Ryan N. and Larry P.)

I  have ArcGIS Online organisational account with OAuth2. I followed the instructions for deploying the app on local server from the readme.html  As per the documentation about the deploying the app, default proxy settings must be overwritten in config.json followed by adding and registering the app on AGOL account.

At present,  my organisational network setup did not use proxy (use multilevel firewalls though), hence cannot follow the steps given in the documentation.

How this can be achieved?


0 Kudos
New Contributor

Hi Larry,

I'm new to web appbuilder and I'm trying to use your user preferences widget. I downloaded the zip and loaded it into my app but I'm having issues. I'm getting a settings error. When I downloaded the user preferences widget , the setting folder is empty. Is there supposed to be a setting.js and setting.html in the settings folder?



0 Kudos
New Contributor

Hi Larry, we are interested in testing your Print Plus Widget in our applications, but the FTP link seems to be broken.  Do you have an alternate location where we could find the widgets?


0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus

Hi all,

I know that Larry Stout‌ , who did great working on these custom widgets, changed jobs a while back (~ Spring '16) and doesn't get on GeoNet as often, so many of the links to the original location have been broken.  Some of these were uploaded #WebAppBuilder for #ArcGIS - Custom widgets directory    and those download links still work.

NOTE: Because these were uploaded by Larry, they should still be ok to download (although maybe an older version).  I'm including the link to that github widget index here (and will also put it on /blogs/myAlaskaGIS/2016/03/09/web-appbuilder-developer-edition-customization-resource-list?sr=search... ) but with out Larry's  permission, I don't feel that I (or anyone) should upload them for distribution/download --- unless value added info or updates are included, etc.  I sent an email to Larry but haven't heard back yet.  Please respect that until we hear otherwise.  (my opinion)

EDIT 2/18/2017 - See my first comment at the top (or in the resource list) for new download links.

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