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Creating a Project Template

09-13-2018 10:41 AM
New Contributor III

Often, when I start a new project, I use the same base data, which includes vector layers and rasters and commonly used tools. To save me time, I thought I'd try to create a project template. I don't know if this process takes a very long time, or if the system gets stuck in a loop, but I'm trying now for the third time, and after an hour of waiting for it to process, I'm about to kill it and abandon the procedure.

Can anyone help me solve this problem? 

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17 Replies
MVP Emeritus

I never experienced that problem … but my templates are my use only and I use local data

Create a project template—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop 

In any event, where is it getting hung up ?  on the Analyze step?

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New Contributor III

Hi Dan, Thanks for your response. No, the analyze step goes through fine. The first time I did it, the "finish creating" button was active and it said something like "processing" but I killed it after about 10 minutes thinking that it had stopped working, then when I tried again, it said "queuing" and I honestly waited for over an hour and it never changed.

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MVP Emeritus

hmmmm, you could try saving the project with a different name, then repeat the process.  It could have flotsam kicking around if you stopped it.  Good test to run when you leave work

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New Contributor III

Good idea, I'll try putting it in a completely different location. I’m looking at the folder that was created while trying to create the template, and I think that, because I closed it prematurely, there is a file left open and that is why the “queueing” message comes up. I’ve tried to delete the folder, but it won’t let me because it thinks it’s in use … do you where I go to delete the file that is blocking me?

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MVP Emeritus

No clue, but you sure can't do it with arcmap or pro open in any event.  Check your profile for esri folders in apps or whatever it is called and sort by date modified... the culprits usually appear on a date modified search

New Contributor III

I'll do a search by date and time, and try again .... moving it to another place, with a different name doesn't' seem to work:

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MVP Emeritus

I will flag Kory Kramer

He might know who to contact about template issues... not quite sure it is a bug as yet, if Analyze went ok.

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MVP Regular Contributor

why not bypass a template if your datasets are consistent, and save a copy of a stripped down map, and use that mxd as your template instead?



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New Contributor III

Hi Jim, Yes, that's exactly what I would like to do, and what I always did in ArcMap, can I do that in PRO. 

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