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Attribute Assistant Update Linked Record Value Method

05-24-2013 01:04 PM
New Contributor
My office maintains a point feature class of all of our force main air release valves and a separate table with all the maintenance/inspections/etc done on these ARVs. What I want to happen is when a new maintenance item (a new row) is added to my ARV_Maintenance table, the Last_Inspection_Date field of my ARV feature class is updated with the date from the Inspection_Date field of the new row. It seems that UPDATE_LINKED_RECORD should do what I want, but I can't get it to work. I'm currently trying (and some variations thereof):

Table Name: ARV_Maintenance
Field Name: Inspection_Date
Value Info: ARV|Last_Inspection_Date|Unique_ID|Unique_ID

What am I missing here?
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14 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

That is a very old version, please update to the latest and try again

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New Contributor

Ahh, works like a charm now.  I was loading my Add-Ins from a folder for an old version of ArcMap ... Thanks for helping me pinpoint that.

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Occasional Contributor

I am trying to accomplish something similar but I want to populate the Last Inspection Date in my asset feature class with the year (YYYY format). Is there a way to set up this method to return just the year part from a date field?


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Esri Frequent Contributor

This method will pull the value to the source feature, you could then set up expression to pull out only the date.

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Occasional Contributor

Thank you Mike. My problem is the Last Inspection Date field is only 4 characters long so I can't store the date in it. I was hoping I could combine an expression into this method but I guess that won't work. I think I will have to create a new field.   

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