Background - Feature layer is related to the table (table was created in Survey123 Connect in order to get the bind type of GUID) based on GlobalID and GUID. Feature layer will be an existing set of features that now need maintenance records (hence the related records table). Ideally, it would be used in Field Maps and/or Collector. Which currently do not push the related record back though it shows the table is there as a related record table. Which then I would assume would also so in any web maps. Web map has the see related records box checked. Not sure what else I can share with you. If you need something else please let me know because if this can be figured out this a game changer for lots of people. Here is the JSON for the service: { "adminServiceInfo" : { "name" : "rrtestv5", "type" : "FeatureServer", "cacheMaxAge" : 0, "status" : "Started", "database" : { "datasource" : { "name" : "db" } } }, "currentVersion" : 10.81, "serviceItemId" : "fabfe8d3af784fb7a16cc3942bd1bedf", "serviceDescription" : "", "hasVersionedData" : false, "supportsDisconnectedEditing" : false, "hasStaticData" : false, "hasSharedDomains" : false, "maxRecordCount" : 2000, "supportedQueryFormats" : "JSON", "supportsVCSProjection" : false, "supportedExportFormats" : "csv,shapefile,sqlite,gpkg,filegdb,featureCollection,geojson,excel", "capabilities" : "Create,Delete,Query,Update,Editing,Sync", "description" : "", "copyrightText" : "", "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 102100, "latestWkid" : 3857 }, "initialExtent" : { "xmin" : -10064729.121092074, "ymin" : 5558924.3042244306, "xmax" : -10005952.429953229, "ymax" : 5578801.8141854359, "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 102100, "latestWkid" : 3857 } }, "fullExtent" : { "xmin" : -10064729.121092074, "ymin" : 5558924.3042244306, "xmax" : -10005952.429953229, "ymax" : 5578801.8141854359, "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 102100, "latestWkid" : 3857 } }, "allowGeometryUpdates" : true, "units" : "esriMeters", "supportsAppend" : true, "supportsSharedDomains" : true, "supportsWebHooks" : true, "supportsTemporalLayers" : true, "layerOverridesEnabled" : true, "size" : 16384, "syncEnabled" : true, "syncCapabilities" : { "supportsAsync" : true, "supportsRegisteringExistingData" : true, "supportsSyncDirectionControl" : true, "supportsPerLayerSync" : true, "supportsPerReplicaSync" : true, "supportsSyncModelNone" : true, "supportsRollbackOnFailure" : true, "supportsAttachmentsSyncDirection" : true, "supportsBiDirectionalSyncForServer" : true }, "supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds" : true, "supportsReturnDeleteResults" : true, "supportsLayerOverrides" : true, "supportsTilesAndBasicQueriesMode" : true, "supportsQueryContingentValues" : true, "supportedContingentValuesFormats" : "JSON, PBF", "supportsContingentValuesJson" : 2, "editorTrackingInfo" : { "enableEditorTracking" : true, "enableOwnershipAccessControl" : false, "allowOthersToQuery" : true, "allowOthersToUpdate" : true, "allowOthersToDelete" : false, "allowAnonymousToQuery" : true, "allowAnonymousToUpdate" : true, "allowAnonymousToDelete" : true }, "xssPreventionInfo" : { "xssPreventionEnabled" : true, "xssPreventionRule" : "InputOnly", "xssInputRule" : "rejectInvalid" }, "layers" : [ { "adminLayerInfo" : { "tableName" : "db_42239.user_42239.rrtestv5_POINT_LAYER", "geometryField" : {"name" : "Shape"}, "xssTrustedFields" : "" }, "id" : 0, "enableUseOfScaleOutReplicasWhenEditable" : true, "name" : "Point layer", "type" : "Feature Layer", "displayField" : "", "description" : "", "copyrightText" : "", "defaultVisibility" : true, "editFieldsInfo" : { "creationDateField" : "CreationDate", "creatorField" : "Creator", "editDateField" : "EditDate", "editorField" : "Editor" }, "editingInfo" : { "lastEditDate" : 1629315116344 }, "relationships" : [ { "id" : 1, "name" : "myRel", "relatedTableId" : 1, "cardinality" : "esriRelCardinalityOneToMany", "role" : "esriRelRoleOrigin", "keyField" : "globalid", "composite" : true } ], "isDataVersioned" : false, "hasContingentValuesDefinition" : false, "supportsAppend" : true, "supportsCalculate" : true, "supportsASyncCalculate" : true, "supportsTruncate" : false, "supportsAttachmentsByUploadId" : true, "supportsAttachmentsResizing" : true, "supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter" : true, "supportsStatistics" : true, "supportsExceedsLimitStatistics" : true, "supportsAdvancedQueries" : true, "supportsValidateSql" : true, "supportsCoordinatesQuantization" : true, "supportsLayerOverrides " : true, "supportsTilesAndBasicQueriesMode" : true, "supportsFieldDescriptionProperty" : true, "supportsQuantizationEditMode" : true, "supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds" : true, "supportsReturningQueryGeometry" : true, "advancedQueryCapabilities" : { "supportsPagination" : true, "supportsPaginationOnAggregatedQueries" : true, "supportsQueryRelatedPagination" : true, "supportsQueryWithDistance" : true, "supportsReturningQueryExtent" : true, "supportsStatistics" : true, "supportsOrderBy" : true, "supportsDistinct" : true, "supportsQueryWithResultType" : true, "supportsSqlExpression" : true, "supportsAdvancedQueryRelated" : true, "supportsCountDistinct" : true, "supportsPercentileStatistics" : true, "supportsQueryAttachments" : true, "supportsReturningGeometryCentroid" : false, "supportsQueryWithDatumTransformation" : true, "supportsHavingClause" : true, "supportsOutFieldSQLExpression" : true, "supportsMaxRecordCountFactor" : true, "supportsTopFeaturesQuery" : true, "supportsDisjointSpatialRel" : true, "supportsQueryWithCacheHint" : true, "supportsQueryAttachmentsWithReturnUrl" : true, "supportsQueryAnalytic" : true }, "useStandardizedQueries" : true, "geometryType" : "esriGeometryPoint", "minScale" : 0, "maxScale" : 0, "extent" : { "xmin" : -10064729.121092074, "ymin" : 5558924.3042244306, "xmax" : -10005952.429953229, "ymax" : 5578801.8141854359, "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 102100, "latestWkid" : 3857 } }, 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"esriFieldTypeGlobalID", "alias" : "", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "length" : 38, "nullable" : false, "editable" : false, "visible" : true, "domain" : null, "defaultValue" : null }, { "name" : "CreationDate", "type" : "esriFieldTypeDate", "alias" : "CreationDate", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "length" : 8, "nullable" : true, "editable" : false, "visible" : true, "domain" : null, "defaultValue" : null }, { "name" : "Creator", "type" : "esriFieldTypeString", "alias" : "Creator", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "length" : 128, "nullable" : true, "editable" : false, "visible" : true, "domain" : null, "defaultValue" : null }, { "name" : "EditDate", "type" : "esriFieldTypeDate", "alias" : "EditDate", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "length" : 8, "nullable" : true, "editable" : false, "visible" : true, "domain" : null, "defaultValue" : null }, { "name" : "Editor", "type" : "esriFieldTypeString", "alias" : "Editor", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "length" : 128, "nullable" : true, "editable" : false, 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"CreationDate", "isAscending" : true, "isUnique" : false, "description" : "CreationDate Field index" }, { "name" : "CreatorIndex", "fields" : "Creator", "isAscending" : false, "isUnique" : false, "description" : "Creator Field index" }, { "name" : "EditDateIndex", "fields" : "EditDate", "isAscending" : true, "isUnique" : false, "description" : "EditDate Field index" }, { "name" : "EditorIndex", "fields" : "Editor", "isAscending" : false, "isUnique" : false, "description" : "Editor Field index" } ], "dateFieldsTimeReference" : { "timeZone" : "UTC", "respectsDaylightSaving" : false }, "preferredTimeReference" : null, "types" : [], "templates" : [ { "name" : "New Feature", "description" : "", "drawingTool" : "esriFeatureEditToolPoint", "prototype" : { "attributes" : { "facid" : null, "Comments" : null } } } ], "supportedQueryFormats" : "JSON, geoJSON, PBF", "supportedAppendFormats" : "sqlite,gpkg,shapefile,filegdb,featureCollection,geojson,csv,excel,imageCollection", "supportedExportFormats" : "csv,shapefile,sqlite,gpkg,filegdb,featureCollection,geojson,excel", "supportedContingentValuesFormats" : "JSON, PBF", "hasStaticData" : false, "maxRecordCount" : 2000, "standardMaxRecordCount" : 32000, "standardMaxRecordCountNoGeometry" : 32000, "tileMaxRecordCount" : 8000, "maxRecordCountFactor" : 1, "capabilities" : "Create,Delete,Query,Update,Editing,Sync", "exceedsLimitFactor" : 1 }, { "adminLayerInfo" : { "tableName" : "db_42239.user_42239.rrtestv5_RRTESTV5T2", "geometryField" : null, "xssTrustedFields" : "" }, "id" : 1, "enableUseOfScaleOutReplicasWhenEditable" : true, "name" : "rrtestv5t2", "type" : "Table", "displayField" : "", "description" : "", "copyrightText" : "", "defaultVisibility" : true, "editingInfo" : { "lastEditDate" : 1629314788379 }, "relationships" : [ { "id" : 1, "name" : "myRel", "relatedTableId" : 0, "cardinality" : "esriRelCardinalityOneToMany", "role" : "esriRelRoleDestination", "keyField" : "GUIDID", "composite" : true } ], "isDataVersioned" : false, "hasContingentValuesDefinition" : false, "supportsAppend" : true, "supportsCalculate" : true, "supportsASyncCalculate" : true, "supportsTruncate" : false, "supportsAttachmentsByUploadId" : true, "supportsAttachmentsResizing" : true, "supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter" : true, "supportsStatistics" : true, "supportsExceedsLimitStatistics" : true, "supportsAdvancedQueries" : true, "supportsValidateSql" : true, "supportsCoordinatesQuantization" : true, "supportsLayerOverrides " : true, "supportsTilesAndBasicQueriesMode" : true, "supportsFieldDescriptionProperty" : true, "supportsQuantizationEditMode" : true, "supportsApplyEditsWithGlobalIds" : true, "advancedQueryCapabilities" : { "supportsPagination" : true, "supportsPaginationOnAggregatedQueries" : true, "supportsQueryRelatedPagination" : true, "supportsQueryWithDistance" : true, "supportsReturningQueryExtent" : true, "supportsStatistics" : true, "supportsOrderBy" : true, "supportsDistinct" : true, "supportsQueryWithResultType" : true, "supportsSqlExpression" : true, "supportsAdvancedQueryRelated" : true, "supportsCountDistinct" : true, "supportsPercentileStatistics" : true, "supportsReturningGeometryCentroid" : false, "supportsQueryWithDatumTransformation" : true, "supportsHavingClause" : true, "supportsOutFieldSQLExpression" : true, "supportsMaxRecordCountFactor" : true, "supportsTopFeaturesQuery" : true, "supportsQueryWithCacheHint" : true, "supportsQueryAnalytic" : true }, "useStandardizedQueries" : true, "allowGeometryUpdates" : true, "hasAttachments" : false, "htmlPopupType" : "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone", "hasM" : false, "hasZ" : false, "globalIdField" : "globalid", "typeIdField" : "", "fields" : [ { "name" : "objectid", "type" : "esriFieldTypeOID", "alias" : "ObjectID", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "nullable" : false, "editable" : false, "visible" : true, "domain" : null, "defaultValue" : null }, { "name" : "globalid", "type" : "esriFieldTypeGlobalID", "alias" : "GlobalID", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeGUID", "length" : 38, "nullable" : false, "editable" : false, "visible" : true, "domain" : null, "defaultValue" : null }, { "name" : "FACILITYID", "type" : "esriFieldTypeString", "alias" : "Facility ID", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "length" : 50, "nullable" : true, "editable" : true, "visible" : true, "domain" : null, "defaultValue" : null }, { "name" : "DATE", "type" : "esriFieldTypeDate", "alias" : "Date", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "length" : 255, "nullable" : true, "editable" : true, "visible" : true, "domain" : null, "defaultValue" : null }, { "name" : "INSPECTOR", "type" : "esriFieldTypeString", "alias" : "Inspector", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "length" : 50, "nullable" : true, "editable" : true, "visible" : true, "domain" : null, "defaultValue" : null }, { "name" : "CONDITION", "type" : "esriFieldTypeString", "alias" : "Condition", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "length" : 50, "nullable" : true, "editable" : true, "visible" : true, "domain" : { "type" : "codedValue", "name" : "cvd_CONDITION", "codedValues" : [ { "name" : "Excellent", "code" : "Excellent" }, { "name" : "Very Good", "code" : "Very Good" }, { "name" : "Good", "code" : "Good" }, { "name" : "Fair", "code" : "Fair" }, { "name" : "Poor", "code" : "Poor" }, { "name" : "Very Poor", "code" : "Very Poor" }, { "name" : "Unknown", "code" : "Unknown" } ] }, "defaultValue" : null }, { "name" : "COMMENTS", "type" : "esriFieldTypeString", "alias" : "Comments", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "length" : 1000, "nullable" : true, "editable" : true, "visible" : true, "domain" : null, "defaultValue" : null }, { "name" : "GUIDID", "type" : "esriFieldTypeGUID", "alias" : "GUID", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "length" : 38, "nullable" : true, "editable" : true, "visible" : true, "domain" : null, "defaultValue" : null }, { "name" : "CreationDate", "type" : "esriFieldTypeDate", "alias" : "CreationDate", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "length" : 8, "nullable" : true, "editable" : false, "visible" : true, "domain" : null, "defaultValue" : null }, { "name" : "Creator", "type" : "esriFieldTypeString", "alias" : "Creator", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "length" : 128, "nullable" : true, "editable" : false, "visible" : true, "domain" : null, "defaultValue" : null }, { "name" : "EditDate", "type" : "esriFieldTypeDate", "alias" : "EditDate", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "length" : 8, "nullable" : true, "editable" : false, "visible" : true, "domain" : null, "defaultValue" : null }, { "name" : "Editor", "type" : "esriFieldTypeString", "alias" : "Editor", "sqlType" : "sqlTypeOther", "length" : 128, "nullable" : true, "editable" : false, "visible" : true, "domain" : null, "defaultValue" : null } ], "indexes" : [ { "name" : "UK_rrtestv5_RRTESTV5T2_globalid", "fields" : "globalid", "isAscending" : true, "isUnique" : true, "description" : "nonclustered, unique" }, { "name" : "PK__rrtestv5__5242E6323C0B1297", "fields" : "objectid", "isAscending" : true, "isUnique" : true, "description" : "clustered, unique, primary key" } ], "dateFieldsTimeReference" : { "timeZone" : "UTC", "respectsDaylightSaving" : false }, "preferredTimeReference" : null, "types" : [], "templates" : [], "supportedQueryFormats" : "JSON, geoJSON, PBF", "supportedAppendFormats" : "sqlite,gpkg,shapefile,filegdb,featureCollection,geojson,csv,excel", "supportedExportFormats" : "csv,shapefile,sqlite,gpkg,filegdb,featureCollection,geojson,excel", "supportedContingentValuesFormats" : "JSON, PBF", "hasStaticData" : false, "maxRecordCount" : 2000, "standardMaxRecordCount" : 32000, "tileMaxRecordCount" : 8000, "maxRecordCountFactor" : 1, "capabilities" : "Create,Delete,Query,Update,Editing,Sync", "exceedsLimitFactor" : 1 } ] }
... View more
06:21 AM
@KhaledHassen - I have a successfully created the table and relationship, however nothing pushes and/or errors out in Fieldmaps/Collector/Web map. Cannot see or push to the related table. Here is the hosted service: I get a service error code 1000 Unable to submit. Thoughts?
... View more
12:33 PM
Try this again - Workflow is similar to my original solution - This time it is do an end around the versioning issue with a Survey123 table (backend in SDE). To my understanding based on this article Survey123 based feature services (tables) in SDE cannot be versioned-,before%20enabling%20attachments%20on%20either. Let's say I have a related table to versioned sanitary lines, the related table has to be versioned as well. Since Survey123 cannot handle versioned data, I cannot push to that table directly. I think I need one table to service the Survey123 form, and the the other to fulfill the relationship. My thinking was compare the two tables and move the new records from Survey123 to the related table, based on globalIDs. Here is what I have come up with thus far. Not sure if I have to do an edit session (I think I do since one of them is versioned). I also get this error: Message File Name Line Position Traceback <module> C:\Users\Dbuehler\Desktop\scripts\ 74 RuntimeError: Underlying DBMS error [[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error] [COMGIS3.GIS.SanCleanings_Test] Any help will be much appreciated, import arcpy
import sys
import os
print "Looping through and adding and deleting"
#Looping through each feature class and building a list of comparsions. Then adds or deletes them to the SDE feature class.
def createMatchingFieldList(fc1, fc2):
lst1 = [ for fld in arcpy.ListFields(fc1)]
lst2 = [ for fld in arcpy.ListFields(fc2)]
return list(set(lst1) & set(lst2))
def createWhereClause(fc, fld_name, value):
if len(arcpy.ListFields(fc, fld_name)) == 1:
fld = arcpy.ListFields(fc, fld_name)[0]
if fld.type == "String":
where = "{0} = '{1}'".format(arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(fc, fld_name), value)
where = "{0} = {1}".format(arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(fc, fld_name), value)
return where
def getPrimaryFieldValues(fc, field):
return [r[0] for r in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, [field])]
def getSelectCursor(fc, flds, whereClause):
return arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, flds, whereClause)
def diff(a, b):
return list(set(a) - set(b))
#source = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
#destination = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
#fieldName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2)
source = 'Database Connections/GIS Editor to COMGIS3.sde/COMGIS3.GIS.SanCleanings_Test'
destination = 'Database Connections/GIS Editor to COMGIS3.sde/COMGIS3.GIS.SanCleanings_Test2'
fieldName = "globalid"
# Start an edit session. Must provide the workspace.
edit = arcpy.da.Editor(r'C:\Users\Dbuehler\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.7\ArcCatalog\GIS Editor to COMGIS3.sde')
# Edit session is started without an undo/redo stack for versioned data
# (for second argument, use False for unversioned data)
# Start an edit operation
# create a list of field names which are in both featureclasses
flds = createMatchingFieldList(source, destination)
sourceValues = getPrimaryFieldValues(source, fieldName)
destinationValues = getPrimaryFieldValues(destination, fieldName)
additions = diff(sourceValues, destinationValues)
#deletions = diff(destinationValues, sourceValues)
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(destination, flds) as insertCursor:
for a in additions:
where = createWhereClause(source, fieldName, a)
insertRows = getSelectCursor(source, flds, where)
for r in insertRows:
#for d in deletions:
# where = createWhereClause(destination, fieldName, d)
# with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(destination, flds, where) as deleteCursor:
# for d in deleteCursor:
# deleteCursor.deleteRow()
# Stop the edit operation.
# Stop the edit session and save the changes
print "Success"
... View more
09:28 AM
Back in 2014, I had help figuring comparing two lists. It would add records from Table A that were not in Table B, and delete records from Table B that were not in Table A. See: My new use for this is based on a Survey123 limitation. As I understand it based on (,before%20enabling%20attachments%20on%20either.), when using a feature layer/table to base the survey on and push back to, the data cannot be versioned. My goal is to have a related table on versioned data, which causes the related table to be versioned, that stores the records collected from the Survey123 form. To end around the versioned issue, what I think the best solution is, is to have a separate table that meets the Survey123 criteria to push to, then push the new records to versioned table so the relationship will work. I think comparing globalids should be the field to compare on, and really all I need to do is push adds only. I am not sure if I need an edit session or not, and I do get this error: Underlying DBMS error [[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error] Any suggestions, help, insight will be greatly appreciated. Below is what I have: import arcpy
import sys
import os
print "Looping through and adding and deleting"
#Looping through each feature class and building a list of comparsions. Then adds or deletes them to the SDE feature class.
def createMatchingFieldList(fc1, fc2):
lst1 = [ for fld in arcpy.ListFields(fc1)]
lst2 = [ for fld in arcpy.ListFields(fc2)]
return list(set(lst1) & set(lst2))
def createWhereClause(fc, fld_name, value):
if len(arcpy.ListFields(fc, fld_name)) == 1:
fld = arcpy.ListFields(fc, fld_name)[0]
if fld.type == "String":
where = "{0} = '{1}'".format(arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(fc, fld_name), value)
where = "{0} = {1}".format(arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(fc, fld_name), value)
return where
def getPrimaryFieldValues(fc, field):
return [r[0] for r in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, [field])]
def getSelectCursor(fc, flds, whereClause):
return arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, flds, whereClause)
def diff(a, b):
return list(set(a) - set(b))
#source = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
#destination = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
#fieldName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2)
source = 'Database Connections/GIS Editor to COMGIS3.sde/COMGIS3.GIS.SanCleanings_Test'
destination = 'Database Connections/GIS Editor to COMGIS3.sde/COMGIS3.GIS.SanCleanings_Test2'
fieldName = "globalid"
# Start an edit session. Must provide the workspace.
edit = arcpy.da.Editor(r'C:\Users\XXXXXXXXX\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.7\ArcCatalog\GIS Editor to COMGIS3.sde')
# Edit session is started without an undo/redo stack for versioned data
# (for second argument, use False for unversioned data)
# Start an edit operation
# create a list of field names which are in both featureclasses
flds = createMatchingFieldList(source, destination)
sourceValues = getPrimaryFieldValues(source, fieldName)
destinationValues = getPrimaryFieldValues(destination, fieldName)
additions = diff(sourceValues, destinationValues)
#deletions = diff(destinationValues, sourceValues)
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(destination, flds) as insertCursor:
for a in additions:
where = createWhereClause(source, fieldName, a)
insertRows = getSelectCursor(source, flds, where)
for r in insertRows:
#for d in deletions:
# where = createWhereClause(destination, fieldName, d)
# with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(destination, flds, where) as deleteCursor:
# for d in deleteCursor:
# deleteCursor.deleteRow()
# Stop the edit operation.
# Stop the edit session and save the changes
print "Success"
... View more
07:24 AM
Thanks Jim, I appreciate the assist. I have tested it out and tied it in with some modifications.
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12:25 PM
I am trying to mimic a rating system call PACP for sewer rating. Grading happens on a series of potential of 12 issues. Each issue is individually rated 1 through 5, with 5 being the worst if recorded. I am looking to specifically create these three calculations based on the following scenario. The following observations were made - Grease- severity 4 Rags – severity 2 Brick/Masonry – severity 3 Pipe – severity 5 Sewage – severity 4 Calculation 1: Quick Maintenance Rating: Example 5142 1st digit is the highest severity grade 2nd digit is the total number of occurrences of the highest severity grade 3rd digit is the second highest severity grade 4th digit is the total number of occurrences of the second highest severity grade Calculation 2: Maintenance Pipe Rating: Solution from Calculation 1 is basis for this rating: (highest severity grade x number of occurrences) + (next highest severity grade x number of occurences) Example: 5142 - (5x1)+(4x2)= 13 Calculation 3: Maintenance Pipe Rating divided by the total number of maintenance pipe defects Example: Maintenance Pipe Rating = 13 Total number of pipe defects = 5 Solution = 2.6 I can get some of these to make sense such as using max to find which was the max severity rating. I can get a "total" of a rating by simple addition by using a if statement, and division of the sum by the rating number itself. After which I just cannot wrap my head around it. What I need is a way to actually tie the max number and the second highest number to counts for each. One way I though was using the Large function like in Excel, but that does not exist in Survey123. Can I actually pull these three calculations off? Attached is my survey thus far.
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02:08 PM
Hi Tim, I did work this out with ESRI tech support. Projection tool is the way to go. I did find a bug with using the project tool with feature dataset not carrying over the attachments. However, manual recreation of relationships is the way to go. I simply reprojected all my data, and am setting this back up.
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11:40 AM
Thanks Tim, I am fine reprojecting from A to B, the only issue I have is related tables do not come with. It blows those relationships away. Is there a away of keeping those relationships during a reproject? I know it keeps attachments, but attachments are a different kind of relationship.
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01:38 PM
What is the best way in a production environment to reproject feature datasets and feature classes and retain their relationships to stand-alone tables, and not have to republish web services, update mxds and pro projects?
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12:06 PM
I know for a while if a web map layer was to contain the link to open and push over information to a Survey123 form the questions in the Survey123 form had to be not a in a group. Is that still true? If not how do I get the web map layer to push information to a grouped question and/or a page in Survey123?
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10:17 AM
I am using Pro. I have tried Mosaic to New Raster, Mosaic, and I have tried importing two rasters into a raster data set and a mosaic data set. I cannot seem to "lose" the extent of the one of the images. When merged or mosaiced it consistently blocks out the extent as no values or does not port over the overlap. What am I doing wrong? What it looks like when I import or try to make it: What I would like after (image shows with symbology with mask on):
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08:52 AM
Hi Michael, I would be running the script from a server machine. Windows 2012r2. The script does fire. I think it has something do with the which user has permissions.
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06:53 AM
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