Erich, With 3D (ArcScene, ArcGlobe), share your findings on �??Import�?? from Collada, especially, those from more complex 3D CAD plant models (oil/gas) and geomodels (geology). In fact, �??place�?? and �??replace�?? with COLLADA are also problematic. For the discussion, pls link to So far, ESRI 3D team still investigating and no official reply. ++++++ However, what we have done with �??import�?? from COLLADA is through CityEngine 2012.1, which is OK for ArcGIS 10.x, including full-level details and textures. But, another issue with COLLADA (from CAD 3D models) is coming up. It looks that in ArcGIS 10.x / CityEngine, there is no way to 'geocode coordinates into those multipatch models (from CAD 3D models)'. Pls link to the idea at Regards, ++++++ Worth to mention, the sizes of COLLADA from oil/gas and mining industries (3D plant models, 3D geomodels) are larger and complex, very commonly, 2~3 GB /DAE file. Honestly, it is challenging to handle properly. However, we believe that those issues in ArcGIS 3D have nothing to do with hardware in our practice, because the workstation used is one of the best business machines in the world, for example, 128~256 GB in memory, 2~4 processors /3.1~3.5 GHZ, 16~32 cores, latest /widely-used 3D graphic card and driver�?�
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08:47 PM
Team, Do you have any idea how to make this 3D built-in function available in ArcGIS Explorer? The question was posted at but, no replied from ESRI. Regards,
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04:20 AM
... WGS84 but it still didnt work. This is also doesnt solve my problem as I have over 100 jp2 files to do. ... v11.1 ecw plugin for ArcMap.... It seems that you are correct. On your description, an image with Geodetic /WGS 84 (lat/lon) is tested and exported into JP2 by ERDAS ER Mapper 2013. The output JP2 images from ER Mapper 2013 rotates and shifts within 10.0 SP 5, 10.1 SP1, and 10.2. Pls be realized with the following facts: [INDENT]*. JP2 with Geodetic/WGS 84 from ER Mapper 2013 is OK in ERDAS Imagine 2013; but has errors in ArcGIS 10.x and ENVI 5.0; *. JP2 with Geodetic/WGS84 from ER Mapper 2011 works in in ArcGIS 10.x and ENVI 5.0; *. JP2 with Geodetic/WGS84 from ERDAS Imagine 2013 works well in ArcGIS 10.x and ENVI 5.0; *. JP2 with UTM/WGS 84 or local datum from ER Mapper/ERDAS Imagine also works fine in ArcGIS 10.x and ENVI 5.0.[/INDENT] Generally, three things should be mentioned for consideration: First, it looks that ER Mapper 2013 could have bugs related to JP2, when it has Geodetic /wgs84 from ER Mapper 2013. Secondly, for the solution to massive JP2 generation in operation, it is good idea to use ERDAS Imagine (rather than ER Mapper). Also, advisable to test in other workstations, if ECW not accessable to ArcGIS in your machine. ++++++++++ By the way, not necessary to install the plug-in �??ECW for ArcGIS�?? to view ECW in ArcGIS (desktop). However, if loading ECW files into MD and then served as image services, it is good to install �??ECW for ArcGIS Server�??. Read the discussion at
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01:45 AM
For third-party oblique integration solution in ArcGIS, link to �??Pictometry Integrations for Esri�?? at
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12:05 AM
Hi, dear all, Have a question and look for advice. Our plant models mainly are 3D DGN CAD models in Intergraph PDS, which have the drawing origin (0,0,0), rather than UTM coordinates. Obviously, its origin (0,0,0) is required to transform into the real location with the new matrix (x,y,z), before converting into other 3D GIS models (like ESRI multipatch). Is there any way to cleanly transform those 3D DGN models by PDS into the real location with the new UTM matrix (x,y,z) via ArcGIS Interoperability toolbox (FME)? If so, what is the best way to get it done effectively? [INDENT]As reference, the real UTM matrix (x, y, z) should be like below, which will transform 3D DGN models: Map X (Easting): 799,933.67 Map Y (Northing): 3,020,540.87 Map Z (Elevation): 124.35[/INDENT] From, it looks that FME can define lat/lon for 2D DGN drawing files before converting into GIS, what about UTM matrix? With lat/lon approach, does it work for 3D DGN models? Thanks in advance!
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08:38 AM
Ron, Share your observations�?� On our practice, when ArcGIS (raster layer property setting) comes to handle raster images for color enhancement and color-balancing, users are facing many challenges in operation. For example, not to be able to use good & effective image processing methods to adjust histogram, and then save into Lookup table, or threshold specific values for simple classification (and then save as feature class). It looks to us that it is also true to MD model & Image Analysis, even though color-correction functions/some adjustment methods were introduced starting with 10.0. Anyhow, we have been looking forward to seeing its improvements for a while ... [INDENT]See two of the earlier posts on similar topic at and[/INDENT] Regards,
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08:41 PM
Team, When I try to replace a muiltipatch model in ArcScene with COLLADA (27 MB), it takes forever still not to finish. The model in DAE attatched for reference (Attachment #1 is the overview of the model; #2 is main part of the model)... Wondering if the function/ArcScene has the limitations on the size and coordinates/datum of the model? (In the documentation at, it looks not mentioned, but...) Regards
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04:34 AM
Hi, 1] What's the details which are lost ? I've stared at the CE/MP image for a minute, but am not sure what's missing.. Can you show the exact details ? Matt, Just investigate multipatch again and get the following findings: In CE, the model looks better, maybe in that �??Wireframe on Shaded/Textured�?? under �??Scene light�?? can be ON. Inversely, ArcScene has no similar capability (see the attachment and also compare with the previous). Obviousely, it indicates that CE has an advantage over ArcScene on its aspect. (So, it is Not a bug on exporting in CE)�?� ps. ... about 3d piping : post "CityEngine for Underground Infrastructure" can you read this and maybe send me a few more inputs on this via PM? Let me know. Thanks, Already put a vote with my comment! (Sorry, what is PM :confused:).
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08:44 PM