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UC 2017 Daily Updates Day Two (Tuesday/Monday)

07-12-2017 02:18 AM
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Esri Community Team
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Welcome to Day Two of our UC coverage here on GeoNet! Here's a roundup of what happened on Monday after the plenary and on Tuesday. It's been nothing short of amazing to see all the action unfolding this year and I've been inspired hearing all the stories of how you're all applying The Science of Where. 

This is a collection of what I experienced as well as a range of experiences, reflections and insights from our guest contributors from their posts on GeoNet and across social media. We hope you enjoy the coverage and we invite you to share your thoughts and questions in the comments below. 

Update: Check out each UC 2017 day recap: 


Day Two Sections (click to jump to section)

The Inspiring Wall of Map Dreams and Big Projects

By Christopher Catania

Every time I walked by the "What do you love to Map?" What is your next project?" Wall on Monday and throughout Tuesday it became more and more covered with beautiful collage of creative expressions of big GIS projects and heartfelt hopes of how users want, or are currently, applying the Science of Where in their daily work and personal lives. I was pointing at building the GeoNet community (of course). I highly encourage you to stop by the Wall and look closely at all the contributions and make your contribution. It'll bring a big satisfying smile to your face. I know it did for me. 

Making Our Mark on the Emoji Map

On Monday in the Map Gallery I took my initial stroll through the wonderful display of user maps and I spent time contributing to the Emoji map, by Warren Vick from Europa Technologies (Map Gallery, panel F-15-01), which was an interactive map where you could place a sticker on the world map that had a special meaning for you. I placed three stickers on the map. I placed a plane emoji in Catania, Sicily, my family's hometown where I hope to travel some day; one heart emoji in Chicago where I grew up and recently moved from when I joined Esri last year; and one Mountain emoji in Southern California where I spend time running trails in the San Gorgonio mountains.

I really enjoyed the crowdsourced emotional experience of this map. It made me reflect of the ways we could continue to use maps to share and map our emotions in relation to meaningful locations, and by doing so, we can discover how our emotional experiences are connected geographically.

Then there was a very, very detailed map made up of a mosiac of emoji (wide and close up pics below). I love the detail of the mosiac map and how it was designed to make you think of the big picture and small micro emotions of a cityscape. At least that's what it made me think about. 

Both of these maps were some of my favorite because I felt like they encouraged me to think about three important elements: 1) my emotions, 2) where and why I felt those emotions and 3) how the location and feeling of my emotions is related to the same location and experiences as other people across the world. Ah, the combined power of maps and the Science of Where! Great stuff! 

Warren was also a winner of the Map Awards on Friday. Congrats, Warren! 

Did you stop by the Map Gallery? What emoji stickers did you stick on the map and why? What were some of your favorite maps in the gallery? 

 GeoNet Member citing in the Map Gallery!

I had another fantastic GeoNet Community Member citing in the Map Gallery as Alexander Nohe‌ stopped by to say hello and introduce me to Dave Watson who has a very impressive collection of UC button and lanyard tags. I had the chance to have great chat with Dave about the GIS work he does for the Boulder County Transportation. I also found out that Dave hadn't joined GeoNet yet, so we invite him in and to the Tuesday Meet-up and our community grew by one more on Monday! Welcome Dave!  

GeoDev Lightning Strikes!

By Amy Niessen‌ from the Geo Developers‌ team

At UC last night we hosted the Lightning Talks, and it was even better than ever! Even our new location didn’t thwart the interest that came into Ballroom 20A on Monday evening. With 19 presentations ranging from 3D to open data, users came from Brazil, New Zealand, Mexico, and even Africa to share some of the work they’ve been doing with Esri’s software in five minutes or less. With over 300 people in attendance, the speakers got a great sense of community and camaraderie  as they engaged and laughed along with the fun ideas and imagery that the presenters creatively played within their 300 seconds of glory. Read more from Amy's recap

GeoNet Community SIG/Meet-up

By Chris Catania

We hosted the first GeoNet Meet-up on Monday and shared the top GeoNet moments and wins since our last UC 2016  meet-up, as well as stories from Adrian Welsh and the Survey123 and ArcGIS Online teams.  

GeoNet Milestone Moments

To kickoff the SIG/Meet-up I shared a collection of highlights as we celebrated and took a look back on the big GeoNet moments and progress we've made over the last 365 days, which included. (Look for the full meet-up deck with GeoNet stats and road map later in the week.)

Adrian's story: How to use GeoNet "Like a 5-year-old"

During the meet-up GeoNet MVP Adrian Welsh shared the value he gets from the community. "I come to GeoNet to get help with my daily GIS workflow. GeoNet is especially valuable for those times in which you are doing something a little above and beyond your normal GIS duties and do not necessarily know how to do it.”

"If you come across a problem that you cannot solve using GIS, likely someone else has had the same problem and has been helped on GeoNet. This is where I find many of my answers to hard problems involving GIS."

If you haven't yet, be sure to check out Adrian's excellent series of "Explaining GIS to a 5-year-old" blog posts. He also is sharing his experiences at UC through the same  "5 year-old" point of view as he shares what he's learning about secret taco trucks and how to lie with maps and I'm looking forward to following along as the week continues. 


Reflecting on the Science Symposium

From Dawn Wright

Esri's Chief Scientist, Dawn Wright‌, spoke at the 2017 Esri UC Science Symposium and invited UC attendees to continue the conversation about making the world better with science communication.

Video: "Did You Know?" Business Analyst Tips for Local Government

By Rachel Weeden‌ and Adam Carnow

At this year's UC, I'm working at the Local Government/Community Development area, where we are highlighting solutions for Urban and Regional Planning and Economic Development. One thing we are highlighting is how local governments can use the ArcGIS Business Analyst ( Business Analyst)  web app to better understand the characteristics of their communities, to support more informed decision-making.  I was excited to see Juan Carlos share some of what's new in ArcGIS Business Analyst at Monday's plenary session, because I find a lot of people aren't aware of the data and capabilities it has to offer them. But don't let the name fool you - local governments can see a lot of benefit from using ArcGIS Business Analyst, specifically in the areas of economic development, planning and policy development. Adam Carnow and I hope you can find a few minutes to spend with us to learn more!

Video: Why Does GIS Give Our Student a Brighter Future? 

By Joseph Kerski from the Education team 

Like he did last year during UC, Joseph shared his insights about the impact of GIS on education. This time he shares an excellent and inspiring short video from the UC Expo floor about the 4 reasons why GIS gives students a brighter future and why that impacts all of us in a meaningful way. Enjoy! 

That's it for now! Be sure to check back on this post and the other daily posts as we continue to add more throughout the week. What have been your highlights this UC week? Share your thoughts below! 

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About the Author
I lead the Esri Community Team and oversee the Esri Community strategy. Thank you for being here with us and I look forward to serving and connecting with you here in the community!