iFrame to embed a MS Sway document. How would I find the Sway ID src="https://sway.office.com/s/INSERT YOUR SWAY ID HERE, if I use an academic institution's MS account? thanks
Hi Fred - I have a bunch of Sways online and have embedded iframes from ArcGIS Online and apps such as story maps - here is an example - Why Geography Matters Does this help you at all?
--Joseph Kerski
Extremely, I'm building my syllabus for my MPH class Health Communication and Data Visualization course (MPH 526 course - YouTube ) and was thinking of building my instruction with story map and embedding SWAY into story map but I am not sure if possible since I borrow our university's MS account. By using side cars in story map I can provide step-by-step instruction with showing how to build the finished product. However, seeing how you started first with SWAY and then Story Map embedded, I like your approach better. Actually this may be a better approach to class presentation (especially online) than traditional power point.