I want to use the numbered parts of this script in the screenshot below as variables. Any suggestions?
Solved! Go to Solution.
If the filename format is consistent, you could use a couple of splits:
filename = 'Bermuda Rd MP 0_26 102017_TestTable.xlsx'
f = filename.split(' MP ')
address = f[0]
mile = f[1].split(' ')[0]
print address
# Bermuda Rd
print mile
# 0_26
# and if the underscore in mile represents a decimal point
print '.'.join(mile.split('_'))
# 0.26
# or
mile = '.'.join(f[1].split(' ')[0].split('_'))
And using listdir to get filenames in directory:
import os
path = r"C:\Users\anthonyv\Downloads\Upload"
files = os.listdir(path)
for filename in files:
f = filename.split(' MP ')
address = f[0]
# mile = f[1].split(' ')[0] # keep underscore
mile = '.'.join(f[1].split(' ')[0].split('_')) # convert underscore to period
print address, mile
Can you post another shot without your boxing/highlighting? I am trying to look closer at the structure of your list, but I think there are some important quotes being covered up.
which was I was pointing out, you made a string of your list. Did you try removing your str(x) line to get your actual file names? and do you filenames actually contain spaces?
Yes, my filenames contain spaces in them. I tried removing the str(x) line but get the following error...
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'split'
Can you paste the text into GeoNet? Whenever I try to copy what I see on the screenshot, the Python interpreter keeps giving invalid syntax errors.
I figured out how to call one part of the file name from the first file. I'm needing to throw this in some sort of loop that will grab the same value for each file no matter how many there are at the time. For this test there are only 2 files I'm trying to grab the variable FullNm from.
import os, sys
path = r"C:\Users\anthonyv\Downloads\Upload"
x = (os.listdir(path))
xx = str(x)
words = (xx)
words2 = words.split(" ")
RdNm,RdTyp,Mp,MpNm,Dt = words2[0],words2[1],words2[2],words2[3],words2[4]
OFullNm = "{} {}".format(RdNm,RdTyp)
FullNm = OFullNm.replace("['","")
print (FullNm)
I am not sure why you want to make a string of a list. I suspect you want filenames from a folder.
#---- get the list and slice the first two as an example
pth = r"c:\Temp"
words = (os.listdir(pth))
['aust_temperature_demo.py', 'aust_temperature_demo.py.zip']
# ---- now see what happens when you 'str' it
words = str(os.listdir(pth))
"['" # ---- ??????
words # it is now a string
"['aust_temperature_demo.py', 'aust_temperature_demo.py.zip' ... snip ... '__pycache__']"
# ---- get files of a certain type ... one method
py_files = [f for f in os.listdir(pth) if f[-3:] == ".py"]
['aust_temperature_demo.py', ... snip ... 'script1.py', 'script2.py']
Then split up your filenames
you don't split the list... you want to split what is in the list
a = ['a file with spaces.py', 'another one for some reason.py']
b = [i.split(' ') for i in a] # ---- now split on the spaces
[['a', 'file', 'with', 'spaces.py'],
['another', 'one', 'for', 'some', 'reason.py']]
a = ['Bermuda Rd first.py', 'Bermuda Rd first.py']
b = [i.split(' ') for i in a] # ---- now split on the spaces
c = [i[:2] for i in b]
[['Bermuda', 'Rd'], ['Bermuda', 'Rd']]