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02-05-2018 11:44 AM
Emerging Contributor


Have attributes from 1 point that display on map. Can't select it.

Map showing Attribute

Turn off all layers and Attribute text remains on screen. Turning of All Layers still displays attribute

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14 Replies
Emerging Contributor

Actually that did fixed it… It has not been selectable, but I tried one more time and it let me delete it!

Don’t know how it got there or why I couldn’t select it before…

User issue I’m sure!!

Thanks for the help!

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MVP Emeritus

That is strange, especially if you tried the moving layers to a new dataframe and they came with it

Emerging Contributor

Actually it just got fixed it… It has not been selectable, but I tried one more time and it let me delete it!

I realize that I was trying to select it in editor mode. However the Item was not in the the SDE I was editing!


Thanks for suggestions!

Every suggestion is a learning experience!

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MVP Emeritus

The missing bits... SDE and edit mode ...

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Emerging Contributor

Yeah, I never put the 2 together… But working through everbody’s suggestions got me there!!

Thanks for the help!

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