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I am trying to aggregate and summarize zip code date from excel file.

02-06-2018 11:47 AM
New Contributor

I am attempting to create a map that shows the frequency of evictions by zip code within a single county.  I have the data in an excel file. What would be the easiest way to import the data to the map. Is this something that is even possible to do?

Thanks in advance. 

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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

What software do you have? Desktop (ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro), ArcGIS Online?

There is a layer with Zip code points available: that you can use. Summarize the data in Excel to have the count per ZIP code and join them together to show the locations with the count.

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New Contributor

I am currently using ArcGIS online but I plan to download ArcGIS Pro later today on my macbook. Thanks for the info.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor
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