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Learn to Use Multidimensional Scientific Data with ArcGIS

03-24-2016 10:51 AM
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Attend a free, live training session on using Multidimensional Scientific Data with ArcGIS!

Esri LTS (Live Training Session)

March 24, 2016

9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 3:00 p.m. (PDT)

Scientific datasets produced by earth observation systems are widely used for monitoring and modeling physical, chemical, and biological phenomena at a global scale over ocean, atmosphere, or land.

These multivariate multidimensional raster datasets, often delivered in specialized formats such as netCDF, GRIB, and HDF, have traditionally been complex to manage. Esri ArcGIS software now provides scientists, analysts and researchers with new tools to easily organize, visualize, process, and share multidimensional raster datasets.  Join this live training session and learn the new ways ArcGIS can help you work with this datasets.