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Where is the Generate tool in ArcGIS 10?

05-14-2012 08:04 AM
Deactivated User
I have a text file that contains X,Y coordinates. I hope to create lines using these coordinates. I used to use Generate. Is that tool still available in ArcGIS 10? If not, what is the shorted route to accomplish that without much editing in the text file? Thank you.
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8 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Try XY To Line tool under Data Management Tools > Features.
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Deactivated User
Thanks for the reply. It seems that tool creates lines that have only two points (start and end). My lines have multiple points. Is there another option?
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Honored Contributor
Do your lines have a common ID that links each vertex to a particular line? You could try creating a point feature class with the make XY event layer tool and then using Points to Line.
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by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor
You can try the Create Features From Text File in this Samples toolbox:
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Frequent Contributor
Many thanks for posting this link Dan

I often rue the passing of GENERATE and UNGENERATE from ArcInfo Workstation and planned someday to write replacement Python scripts for them.

It's great to see that Jason did this already - I only wish that I had found them sooner.

I think Create Features from Text File and Write Features to Text File make great candidates for sharing via ArcGIS Online with tags that include "generate" and "ungenerate" respectively.

Or alternatively vote for this ArcGIS Idea to try and have them restored as OOTB functionality.

- Graeme
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by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor
You are welcome, Graeme!

Thanks for your comments and your post at the ArcGIS Ideas - good way to go!  In fact, based on the large number of downloads of these two sample tools, we are looking into the possibility for the return of these two tools to the toolbox in a future release. So, stay tuned.  🙂
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Deactivated User
I'd like to thank you all for helping me out. I got it to work. Generate and Ungenerate had been very handy to me in the past. I would certainly welcome them back to future ArcGIS releases.
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by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor
I hear all of you and will follow up.  Thanks for voicing your requests.
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