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using modelbuilder to generate maps

03-12-2012 02:58 PM
Emerging Contributor
I am working on a project with the goal of producing a map for each floor of every building on a university campus. What would be the best way to proceed with this project using modelbuilder? I have two layers one of building footprints and the other containing each floor. I do not have much experience in using modelbuilder and do not know where to begin.
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4 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor
I'd forget about ModelBuilder. This is what Data Driven Pages are for (with ArcGIS 10). If you have 9.3, use DS MapBook.
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Emerging Contributor
Thank-you for the help. Although Data Driven Pages does not produce the results I want. Data Driven Pages creates a map book of each of the building (with all the floors overlapping) and not each floor of each building.

Does anyone know of a method to produce a map of each floor of each building without manually doing so?  There are over 500 floors, thus, an automated model would help me save a lot of time. As well, in the attribute table there is a building_Floor_ID which can be used to identify each floor.
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MVP Honored Contributor
That's what Page Definition Queries are for, using Data Driven Pages.
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Emerging Contributor

Thank-you so much for your help! I did not realize that function was available.
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