I've been using the Join Field tool to add two fields from a .dbf table that describe ownership groups (i.e. Weyerhaueser, etc) and group types (i.e. public, private, conservation, etc) to county-wide tax parcel features that are part of a personal geodatabase. This worked fine for six counties, but for some reason I can't get the final county I'm working with to join properly. The tool runs without any error messages, but the resulting table has NULL values in most (but not all) of its records. This is partially expected (as the join table doesn't have a matching record for every record of the input table), but there are many records which should have joined, but did not, and ended up with a NULL value. Neither the input nor the join tables had any records selected when I performed the join.
Any ideas on what could have caused this?
Avery Bowron
ArcGIS 10 ArcINFO student license
Windows 7