I observe a small problem with the arcpy.SummarizeWithin_analysis in ArcGIS Pro 2.9.3. Somehow the Summarized area is bigger than the destination area of the polygon? 100,07 %? Not that much but ugly in the attribute table 🙂
What can be the reason? Both polygon feature classes have the same coord. system and both have no overlays as far as I can say?
Is it a normal inaccuracy? Or is there something wrong with the geometries?
GE_Kulisse = "Projektkulisse_2018"
polys = "A18_Moorkulisse_2022"
poly = GE_Kulisse
outFeatureClass = "A19_Moorkulisse_2022"
keepAll = 'KEEP_ALL'
sumFields = ""
addShapeSum = 'ADD_SHAPE_SUM'
groupField = ''
addMinMaj = ''
addPercents = ''
outTable = ''
arcpy.SummarizeWithin_analysis(polys, poly, outFeatureClass, keepAll,
sumFields, addShapeSum, 'METERS', groupField,
addMinMaj, addPercents, outTable)